5G internet

Are 5G internet towers etc. actually dangerous? Heard some, scary shit about it. You ca call me a dense fagget, but Im actually interested on if its real. If it is, whats the point of it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=is 5g dangerous&s=a&t=w

yes. wifi, bluetooth, 4g 3g etc. are also dangerous but 5g is taking up to a whole new level

The most dangerous thing about them is that most of them are based on Chinese equipment.

sorry for typos

israel hasnt upgraded past 3g

nobody knows.. and that is exactly the problem.
there was zero research into the safety of those before implementing them.

is 5g even live anywhere yet? Like does anyone here have 1gb/sec internet speeds on their phone.

>If it is, whats the point of it?
you must be new here
the point is to kill us or at least sterlisze us and give us cancer
satan is real

Here faggot. lmgtfy.com/?q=is 5g dangerous&s=a&t=w

they are testing it in various cities

Get a home phone line
And use a pc no router

Whether or not it's dangerous, it will completely useless. You will never have a 5g connection and your internet won't run any faster even when you do.
I know people are retarded, but they aren't dumb enough to fail to notice when 5g makes absolutely no difference to their phone. There is literally no reason to buy a new phone now other than to get a new battery, and this bullshit is going to backfire massively. If there are any kike oem retards reading this, expect normies to buy new phones at the lowest rates ever. And they will never trust you again.

>zero research
you are a fagget extraordinaire, literally less than minute to check some kind of research

Well lucky for me I'm in the country and they will never rollout 5g here as it's require having thousands of repeaters just to hit a couple farmers.

Hope you city folk enjoy getting sterilized for 4k porn on your phone.

Guess Im gonna bump, thanks for replies anons, would also like more material.

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whos lee garret, why are people following him?
one day for no reason at all...

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People who aren't even around 5G yet should be keeping their cellphones on airplane mode as often as possible.
Treat it as a portable house phone

They are testing it in the woods near Fredericksburg VA. Can confirm that it is insanely fast.

Radio frequencies are what you use in your microwave oven to boil liquids’, (actually agitate water molecules causing friction and heat) that’s why it’s advised to use headphones instead of putting your smartphone on your hear when you pick up the phone
Your body is mainly made of water, regardless of scientific data available it’s easy to understand why being constantly hit by various frequencies of radio waves is unhealthy

5G towers are basically the murkoff corporation towers in outlast, enjoy your phantom pregnancies and crazy cultists and finding yourself in your school when you open a random door

based and redpilled

Also we actually know it fuck with bio organisms
The only discussion is how much

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Radio waves pollution will probably become a trendy topic in the years to come after being endlessly delayed by lobbies from the tech industry
Radio free places or equipment to isolate your home from them like the one currently used by tinfoils rednecks will probably become a thing
Probably a good time too invest in that kind of things, selling stuff like farfadet cage painting with added metal for kids room, or radio waves killing pouch or drawer coating to temporarily store devices and create a radio free zone

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