So when it fails to get sufficient votes in the House, as it obviously will in the Senate, what's the new (((narrative))) going to be?
>zognald hurt our feelings by defeating KWEEN KLINTON
based and coup-pilled.
ir's over for blumpft
>Russia hacked the inquiry!
sage, another big nothin
even if this is unsuccessful Trump still wont win 2020, he fucking lost the Gen Z vote after going full retard with the dual shootings.
lol i hope they impeach him
i literally hate everyone in the government
So they don't actually have anything to impeach him with, but since they've said since 2016 that they were going to impeach him, now is the time to just launch a dead on arrival attempt to do it.
Why do we let these people run our country?
impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. they can impeach whoever they want whenever they want
fuck zion don
Wow 4 times in less than a month
Surely the 4th time is the charm.
It's almost like they WANT to lose in 2020
Let the Civil War begin fuckers
Even from a purely political perspective they have nothing. Senate will never vote to remove trump from office.
This. Wasn't dubya filed with impeachment like 30 times
If it passes the House, and gets blocked by the Repulican Senate, the message will be that Republicans are partisan hacks who stood by Trump in spite of extensive evidence of misconduct.
Shill harder
even if, nothing would change. democrats and republicans are two sides of the same (((coin))).
What about Pence
Drumph is finished now
then it has no legal force and means nothing
much like everything else the Ds have been trying
they know that
now you understand, this also applies to everything the R's do, just so we're clear
Nice but I fear it will just replace him with a more reliable ZOG puppet
Trump is racist!
This is the end of Drumpf.
On literally what grounds?
Sage this garbage thread.
shit. get ready for a Christian Dictatorship if Pence takes over.
this is the one
Unless you can actually have the half the country that voted him believe he did something that should disqualify him from office, via evidence, and a trial, you'll only have civil war if Democrats don't lose legitimacy.
CNN has taken our side and is now reporting on the corruption surrounding shalom rubashkin’s commutation. Serves you right for dealing with Jews you orange faggot. It’s actually over now. Fuck you all.
What the fuck is an Impeachment "Inquiry"?
Hey there! It’s cool to see someone who just posted their first comment ever on Jow Forums! Unfortunately, you have to be 18. Come back in 4 years.
>extensive evidence
You mean the nothingburger Mueller report and congressional testimony? That extensive evidence? LOL. Cry moar
It's over.
This. Then when asked what in particular was mosconduct they will quote the “potential” evidence of obstruction in muellers disgraced report. They will try to use impeache,ent to fundraise for the next election.
No its not, it happened last month exactly the same time over the "racist tweets" and it got canceled under 48 hours because even all the democrats voted against it
This. Most based post in the thread.
Incoming God Emperor Pence
accelerationism is the only way to free yourselves from the shackles of zionist oppresion
A nothing burger.
>of extensive evidence of misconduct.
You're all going to camps, drumpfkins
Noone cares, keep your miGA! ShiT off this board.
Is this thing supposed to pass the Senate too?
And Senate is controlled by Reps lmao
Its literally nothing
The witch hunt passed the torch to Nadler who'll do a supremely piss poor job.. worse than Mueller
If they want to waste their time on theatrics that’s their choice
This little 5'3" manlet Jew is about to BTFO 6'3" Trump
They're thinking about asking something, then they'll put it up to a vote to see if they should talk about it.
your tax dollars at work
>i literally hate everyone in the government
fair enough
wait, why would you want it to fail?
this could be the best thing ever.
we'd get pence as president for a little bit, we'd get a primary, and we'd get a chance at a more 2A friendly president.
Tick tock Blumf it’s her time now
Go to the gym twink
if theres civil war 2: trump boogaloo what are you all going to do ? i guess ill have to flee to canada with my parents.
>Zlurmpf cucks his fanbase because the MSM is crying
>Still hated
Can Zion Don get ANYTHING right??
Larper. SAGE NOW.
>2020 has just been CONFIRMED for President Donald J. Trump!
Kill yourself Leaf.
If it's not because of red flag laws then fuck him.
Kek they are so afraid that they are now using the impeachment to try and memory hole the epstein case.
Don't let them slide the pedophile rings.
Stop being autistic faggots and get in here! This is bigger than some shitty impeachment attempt.!
>lock hurr up
Ironic if she throws him in jail
LUL slow boil with trump and let the white numbers continue to shrink along with their chance of success or giga-accelerate and shock the normies awake while we still have the upper hand
He’s not a shill, you stupid faggot, he’s Gen Z and so am I. And he’s not wrong
carrot on a stick for democrat voters. they need something to keep them engaged.
Pence time!
at this point I'm willing to support it, I hope Pence is less of a ZOGbot antigunner than Trump is
well obviously The Senate is gonna block it, the chaos ensuing from it will be amazing however
>russia was a bunch of bullshit
>still want to arrest/impeach president because reasons
It will barely pass the House and die in the Senate and only be seen as a waste of time.
Don't call him don, call him what he is... A migger.
>If it passes the House
It won't, they already tried this months ago and it didn't have the votes
>in spite of extensive evidence of misconduct
You mean the (((Mueller report))) that recommended no criminal prosecution?
Make it happen so you get your fucking civil war
Ignore the flag
I would be embarrassed to leave the house if I was that tiny
>every time you say impeachment MY POWER GROWS
>and we'd get a chance at a more 2A friendly president
Name one candidate with the potential to capture Trump's voter base and I'll listen
>I hate everyone!
Wow what a thoughtful 12 year old remark
I just want to see Jow Forums's """emperor""" become a prison bitch
Oh shit am I laffin. You only have to look at the guy to know exactly why I am laffin
Under what fucking charges? Demonrats are like little nigger children, can’t give you something you ruin the entire thing to get what you want. Maybe we would be better fucking off if the soviets won, atleast traitors would be imprisoned or even executed.
Impeachment requires wrongdoing.
If this is really the Democrats plan then theyre are far more idiotic than I had previously thought.
Can you retards stop taking this stupid twitter account seriously
Pence is a heretical Zionist
He will win effortlessly.
Yup. report the Demonrat lefty larper invaders.