Wear a kippah

>wear a kippah
>tip nothing
This is how we win

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I will never wear that canaanite sun disk pagan garbage.

get outta my way you filthy goy or ill report you for anti-Semitism

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whoa, your onto something. we can all dress like Jews and be total assholes to everyone, until they hate jews. and have a lot of fun doing it. its not even illegal! and it'll piss off jews too.

Fags like you are a liability if you don't put it on when CNN shows up.

brilliant. I can't do it though because I am too Aryan.

>wear a kippa
>start being racist af
>use the "6 gorillions" card everytime someone says something
>make jewish people looking bad



Funny Shite


>>wear a kippah
>>tip nothing
>This is how we win

you are a strategic genius. if you were leading the Reich we would have won.

>brilliant. I can't do it though because I am too Aryan.

get a nose implant and a set of clip-on shekel-detectors. Pic related: jewish shekel detectors.

Attached: elderly-orthodox-jew-at-the-western-wall-israel-jerusalem-ebwx49.jpg (346x540, 56K)

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>claim jewish heritage
>wear kippah
>go full turbo zionist
>create zionist globohomo manifesto
>go on mass shootings

>wear a kippah
>behave like a j*W
this is how we win

First thing I saw.

Popes, cardinals, bishops, and priest wear yamakas. Christians always become increasingly and uncontrollably obsessed with Jews when they pretend in their Jew-derived religion. Christians actually become more obsessed with Jews than the Jews are about themselves. They become exhausted having to think about Jews all the time. They become desperate to win the attention and approval of the national god of the Jews. They eventually come to resent and hate Jews, jealous of the Jewish relationship with their Yahweh god.

>literally become a Jew
How about no

your post reminds me of that user's book that is mostly compromised of the word nigger. Just with the word jew.

Wear yaemuckle. Only eat in the ghetto among blacks.

Never tip.

Wear a yormickle under a red MAGA hat walk around in the ghetto and liberal areas.

Sue anyone who touches you


>Wear yaemuckle. Only eat in the ghetto among blacks.
>Never tip.
>Wear a yormickle under a red MAGA hat walk around in the ghetto and liberal areas.
>Sue anyone who touches you

high iq post

>get outta my way you filthy goy or ill report you for anti-Semitism

higher iq post
>we can all dress like Jews and be total assholes to everyone

inter-dimensional high iq post

Based. Fuck goys.

Convert to Judaism and get circumcised and all conspire to control the world the banks and the media and then expose ourselves and validate fas right wing rhetoric

>why should I have to tip? My grandparents were slaughtered by hitler while america did nothing
the dane cook method for dealing with angry people

Did Dane cook use the fact he is a jew to get out of the fact he stole other peoples work? Hahaha Einstein

Not realising that this is precisely what judaism is already

i like this
jews subvert by pretending to be white and then spouting their propaganda, so we can do the same

>tipping anything over change amount
lmaoing at you burgers


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I unironically start mentioning how I am jewish everytime I deal with the police, Im not, but I always get off easier for some reason

Not a bad plan
Unironically not a bad plan

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He's asking some user to bite the bullet for all of us. He should do it himself.


If i wear a kippa in Germany I get slaughtered by the new guys

also tell homeless people you're jewish and walk away if they ask for money
word spreads fast

LOL he cute

This is genuinely a good idea.
Make a mockery of something sacred to them. Like they do to the gentiles.


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Wew... This is going to be a fun experiment

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>wear a kippah
The kippah is just a table cloth, not a hat!

>tip nothing
Picture related.

>This is how we win

Attached: no-need-to-pay-me-nh-work-on-tips-mohel-769654.png (500x566, 156K)


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Bump for good plan. Put on your your saturn hats everyone.

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Why hasn't anyone thought of this sooner?

Is this the only way you guys can make Jews seem like bad people? Pathetic

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>tfw blond with blue eyes
I can't into special anti-kike ops

yeah okay Muhammad

Why the fuck would you do this? Why do you hate us so mcuh?

For example, because the Jewish owned media is constantly trashing white people.

What media that trashes white people is owned by Jews? And do you have any proof of that?

Kike wold when?

>that this is precisely what judaism is already
But are they larping?

Here in California we have MANY blonde, blue-eyed Jews.

The goy cries out in pain as he wears your yarmulke.

>Not having the appropriate nose
This idea is dead in the water.

>Berate homeless people, especially the ones asking for money

im jewish and you will never catch me wearing that stupid shit, fuck living like whatever rabbis say, they're retarded old men with a narrow view of life

>>tip nothing
>This is how we win
This is how you get cum in your food

Didn't know there were oy veys in Chad. What's it like being an African j*w?

terrible plan

false flags only work with the brute force of existing narrative domination to back them up. this will just end up 'exposed' and thereby excusing all real cases of jews being casually shitty.

Its Saturn worship not sun worship you filthy kike fuck.Your attempt to conflate the 2 is amusing.

So we double win


Bless you user

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You are correct.

I have never tipped people in my entire besides from giving spare change I'm in a hurry or something.
Not a Kike

Oh man, you are new here aren't you?

I'm ashamed to be born on the same clay as you, you kike puppet.

I found Werner Goldberg

>I have never tipped people in my entire besides from giving spare change I'm in a hurry or something.
Wear a kippah, please.

I’m too blatantly Aryan for that. I’d need a solid prosthetic hook nose to pull off the look. Just another muscular blonde kike collecting coins from the mall fountain and sneering at the jealous goyim.

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In our country, people get paid to their job

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I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

he cracked the code

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I don't know who is jewing who anymore, the post.

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holy shit you're right

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>Russian rape baby
>Too Aryan


I say im Jewish all the time, i love watching people shit their pants ebin bread OP gonna try the yarmulke and berate blacks and goyims i mean cattle


Got robbed but it would have been wasted..

Things that make you go hmmmm

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Why do they worship Saturn?

This is genius on the level of kikery.
>Don't tip
>cut people off in traffic and tailgate
>be a dick to store associates and cashiers
>Don't do simple courteous things like holding the door for people or saying "thank you" and "you're welcome"
The false flag possibilities are endless!

No clue. I'm sure Satan is involved somehow.

oy vey


Half of us should wear this
The other half should wear the Muslim hats
Fake fight each other
Profit $$$???

>this fucking thread

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In astrology, Saturn is associated with death.

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*clear throat
Hello fellow chosen people. (But they do shitty things themselves like that twitter.com/cursedsalad/status/1129909437798309888?lang=en)

Buying an emergency kippah was the best purchase I ever made, no joke. I've escaped more than a few potentially career ending situations by whipping it out and mumbling in yiddish.

*clears throat
Hello, my fellow chosen people. (but they do crazy shit themselves twitter.com/cursedsalad/status/1129909437798309888?lang=en)