Tulsi Gabbard

What do you think of her, Anons?

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she is a worthless tranny retard


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not qualified for debates) irrelevant, all your lapring is useless since you not registered as a democrat and wouldn't vote for he

She's done. Not enough supporters and polling to make it to the next debate.

extremely redpilled but not completely. Definitely distrustful of (((them))) but seems to not care about ethnic issues

Of course, politicians like to talk a lot and do little

Pretty worthless fake candidate. Literally all her views were just created in the last two years for this campaign. Obama 2.0
Retarded shill

she probably has acne scars on her ass

She's got my vote.

Tulsi>Trump>Anyone else

So Jow Forums now stands for Democrats?

Just another pitty face.

Since when was Jow Forums a GOP hangout? I want him to lose so it can be comfy here again.

I'll probably end up writing her in instead of Trump, I'm in a red state anyways so it won't matter

Yang> Tulsi> Trump > shit > anyone else

>women in politics
o i am laffin

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she cute

>~ T U L S I W A V E ~

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Good intentions, unfortunately Dems don't respect veterans.

Have you already forgotten all he's done for you? Have faith. Trust the plan.

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>What do you think of her, Anons?
Fucking useless. The cunt doesn't even have the Clinton death squads.

The least retarded of the dems. Probably the only one of them that could challenge trump. Good job that the left hate her.

Every vote matters don't be a nigger.

>Every vote matters don't be a nigger
which is why I'll probably drive down to NY to vote for Trump, it's not like they will check my ID

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Dat Ass

You have to be gay to think that women should be allowed to vote, much less run for office. And if you ever call a woman who isn’t your mother “mommy” then you are a huge fucking faggot


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Nah, Trunps a total zioboomer

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She has a pretty mouth and feet, good fap material

Otherwise she's your typical mental midget lefty.

Kys you fucking kike

>shit tier astroturfing shill thread #6,000,000,000
why are leftists such sad sacks of shit?

She's a good mommy and I cant wait to vote for her.

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kikes and/ or boomer goys

Eat shit and die fag