Murdoch Murdoch?

Is this show actually based and redpilled or just kike subversion? I heard these faggots started shilling for Yang? Thoughts on the show and what episodes are best?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off PLEASE this is cancer and you are fuckin aids so please just kill yourself and let some more oxygens for africans

>or just kike subversion?
Jesus christ just watch a random episode

Get fucked you JIDF shill.

Writer needs a fresh project. Like how red panels moved to stonetoss.

They're making fun of you in every video.

Kike subversion?
No. Not in any way.

I watched one episode with a campfire and PJ Watson and decided it was weak sauce whatever the fuck it was.

It is tragic comedy.

So most definite kikery and failure then?

>weak sauce
Damn you must be an old fag lol

It frankly got much better, I can't stand the first episodes but the writing improved a lot

MM is the south park of Jow Forums. However, like south park it eventually got boring and lost its edge.

>getting this triggered over legit criticism

Guess a new episode is about to come out so you fags are prepping the bull and getting Jow Forums ready for another 20+ hour revolving meta thread about his new episode.


i wannan fuk hers

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Grifters on Jow Forums buttblasted that mm called them out on their bullshit in a recent video

Guilty, I guess I expect the old fashioned delivery where you make the end the best part

>yeah the show was pretty bad at first but the writing got better with time

Are you mentally challenged?

What's the best episode and why is it Nice Guy National Socialism?

Have you ever considered that perhaps Yang is the best candidate available right now? I wanted Trump to build the wall, but so far he hasn't done it. He's going to lose votes for that broken promise.

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Yeah, oldfag here wants to give it another chance

Murdoch Murdoch is the most based cartoon ever created. Watch them all on cheekyvideos or the telegram archive @MurdochArchive

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Also daily reminder that IT'S THE KIKES!

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What? I wouldn't worry about it so much. Mm recently said he's done making the show. You guys can relax and move on to hating the other pro white content that's out there.

What the fuck is this cringy limp wrist shit

Watch one of the recent ones, like Face the Strange
Unless you love trump, then you'll probably shit on it forever

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You deserve to be mocked

Yang will never win. It is laurel canyon tier subversion to steer young white men.

Vote for yang! Afterall a vote for yang is a vote for harris/biden/insertfagdemocrathere

Yeah surely the communist gook mother fucker will lead the white race to victory with guns and gun control!!!!



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>muh guns

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Yeah. Cringy. As in it’s embarrassing and I find myself physically repulsed.

Nah it is very clever, whoever writes it is well read, but it is manipulative and there is an agenda behind it.

Also there is no astroturfed criticism by shills. Usually just anons bitching about issues they have with it. What are the responses? “kike” “boomer” “miga” blah blah blah the SAME FUCKING SHILL BUZZWORDS

don’t trust that shit one bit

Lol oh yeah? Damn, you should probably stay in this thread for as long as possible and try to convince others not to watch it then.

>there is an agenda behind it.
I bet they want white people to go extinct.

there is always at least one leaf attacking MM at the start of every thread I've ever seen on Jow Forums

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They promote drug use
they are just a very clever JIDF OP
Only dumb Niggers and JIDF will defend this show.

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Why because I’m not shilling for kike e-celeb grifters? Get fucked schlomo!

>but it is manipulative and there is an agenda behind it
I mean, he describes himself as a propagandist
And the first episodes are literally just neonazi propaganda, before they started with the whole sitcom timeline thing

>jidf op
>esoteric references to savitri devi, evola, heidegger, spengler, etc.
yeah ok buddy

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You should think for yourself and actually read Spengler and other often neglected writers.

But here is another thing I don’t like. Their countercultural love affair with evola tier nazi esotericism. Most of the fucks involved in that shit are former satanists and thelemite chaotes.

Fucking freaks


It’s clever as fuck. All the boxes are checked. It’s like it was purpose made for fags here on Jow Forums. All the way down to pop culture references, the metaphysics, etc... it just freaks me out

>actually read Spengler
I have, new friend. But spengler was wrong. Read "race or mongrel". Also spengler apears in the episode "the wanderers choice". I'm enjoying the fact your spending time in this thread. I hope we both become more enlightened :)

it was made by oldfags, of course it's going to appeal to people who browse Jow Forums

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in Man and Technics, Spengler fears that we will be destroyed by the 'coloured races' once they appropriate our weapons technology. Turns out he really didn't have to worry about that aspect.

Damn the fact that you're spending so much time in this thread shows how much you hate this stupid show. You're really convincing me never to watch any more of it.

Cool thanks. I'll have to read that.

>Why because I’m not shilling for kike e-celeb grifters?
You made this thread rabbi

It’s not my fault if you choose to poison your mind with le epic drugs anime and waifu propaganda.

Yes user, JIDF will defend this show.

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so Dumb Nigger or JIDF?
which is it faggot

Its purity spiraling.

You seem pretty desperate to defend it... my suspicions of it being a JIDF OP are being confirmed ever more

I just wish they would address the leaf question

kek I wish
in an early episode they gas Dr. William Luther Pierce for shooting up an anime convention
Each of the characters represents different aspects of white identity and they discuss purity spiraling quite a bit
your thread is terrible, typical leaf

are the controlled opposition?
>pic related

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Anti-semitism isn't purity spiraling

Lol are you a hapa?

It's a poorly animated show with subpar writing and no original ideas
And if you ever say anything bad about it, you're a JIDF shill ect.
I guess it can be okay if you're still in high school

they were really good till after 2017. Now most of their stuff i s meh. They dont have episodes parodying political issues anymore and just use their OC donut steeles for funny reddit tier memes. I'll be lying if i say I dont watch them anymore. It's still funny but it's just kinda stale

this is the greatest thing ever made

Murdoch Murdoch = MM = master mason. It uses 4/8ch Jow Forums memes just like how Steins:Gate with SERN uses 2ch memes.

But they didn't make that website now did they? They have been scrubbed off YouTube and only upload to cheekyvideos.

to the slow retards
the fact that you can JEWGLE them and they're the first result should tell you everything you need to know if they're controlled opposition or not

Yang is better than Trump.

I agree fellow user. They use to be good now they are bad. So listen up anyone watching this thread. If you ever enjoyed something they made, that's fine, but stop watching it because now it's bad.

>Is this show actually based and redpilled or just kike subversion?

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>They dont have episodes parodying political issues anymore
they do this in every episode

>[After kidnapping a negro he just mortally shot]:
>so, uh...
>y-you ever, uh...
>you rea...uh...
>you ever read any Hitler?
>he, uh...
>he was actually the good guy

Better MM threads than the same bot threads with the same bot replies that fill 90% of this board.

The funniest and most politically interesting cartoon since south park

I just pray that scummy kikes like you and the Murdoch’s stop trying to profit off this board.

it's not their main focus though. We will never have episodes like return of the swede anymore

compare it to the most garbage episode like race jam

btw im not even white and i find their shit extremely hilarious

they're great, nu/pol/ won't get it

Are you a divide and conquer kike...
Don’t even bother answering we all know the truth

>most garbage episod
Rhodesian light infantry shorts!? Why you hate that episode, new friend? Honestly one of my favorites. Did it hurt your feelings when they made fun of your step father Jordan Peterson?

Never say never. You can't tell what they're going to do next. The Rabbit Hole was a great, unique episode for instance. And Face the Strange was excellent

>insulting the episode that gave us cheerleader murdoch-chan

truly unforgivable

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This sort of sick perverted Jew shit is exactly why it’s a kike scam go get laid or even jerk off to cuckolding it’s less pathetic than tuggin it to le epic 2D Nazi waif is

you what

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Murdoch Murdoch doesn't like red flag laws? How about lethal injections for saying nigger?

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no it was just literal garbage and poorly written

I mean really when are they going to make a video about canada and the awful people that live there?
>Never won a war
>Milk in bags
All of your celebrities are jew lesbos like ellen page, seth rogan, drake and justin beiber.
>tim hortens is owned by wendys
>99% of your "Country is a frozen wasteland
>French fries with gravy is just lazy.
PS. Your whisky sucks.
Knock it off meme country

You heard me faggot... you waifu lovers are below even the cucks.

>shill post disguised as a neutral question
go back to discord

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leave us in peace

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A disgruntled Jewish shill on quitting dumped a bunch of their encrypted orders. This was included in the bunch.

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I'm glad you pointed this out. I spergishly responded. Remember a few weeks back when for liek a month the entire first and second page was just ridiculous baity questions? Like legit they were just running off a script, and it was a few guys in the US flat lining the entire site because we autists had to answer the stupid question.

hilarious but fake

It really is the kikes...

We're just gonna gas em

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listen to their AMAs. they’re real.

They don't claim to speak from any authority so I don't think they're like shills. Also 99% of their videos mock Jews pretty explicitly.

My favorite video of theirs is the wanderers choice.

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I love how clueless they make this guy

Like a naive fawn

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apparently wheat fields just aren't that appealing to nigger loving kike faggots

I like to jerk off to murdock chan