>World will finally be rid of America and Canada
>Europe will be a snowy wild west
>Niggers, arabs, etc die in the cold
>After 5 years the world will bloom with all new kinds of flowers
>I can finally live out my Mad Max fantasies

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tfw SFL

>>Niggers, arabs, etc die in the cold
not while white europeans can be taxed to provide heating assistance. How do you think the somalis get by in minnesota?

Europeans would have to live in bunkers because it would be too cold. Basically, the law could go fuck itself as any means of communication would go unmaintained and break

Israel would survive and you would come out of your bunker in 5 years to find the world speaking yid

fucking dumbass everyone would die from freezing to death

>die from cold
fags, we all die choking on microscopic pieces of molten glass.


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the world will be chinese or indian

im in Vegas
will we be ok?

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>giving a fuck about anything the penal colony has to say

Would the temperature drop from the ash counteract the effects of climate change?

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Not too cold crops can't grow for 30 years bridges earthquakes

Wanna meet up for some good ol fashioned fuckin’ n suckin’?

>thinking you'll live

OP is a faggot

What, they don't have coats in your shitty ghetto part of the country?

The best thing about this is that the ash would ground every single airliner in the world, reducing the aerosol effect of jet turbine exhaust and eliminating global warming altogether.

Not a chance.

China and India would probably lose most of their populations to starvation due to global cooling and the effects of glaciation brought on by the effects of the blast.

North America would eventually become abundant in soil tilled by volcanic ash and rich farmland, but the great powers of Eurasia would be no more.

As usual, the Great Aussie Shitposter would survive almost unscathed.

Actually the best thing would be cucks like you keeling over from ash inhalation you toothpaste nigger.

It is theoretically possible to build a machine that generates waves at the resonance frequency of the earth and use it to cause an earthquake. Rumor has it that Nikola Tesla modified an alarm clock to generate waves at the resonance freq of iron, and then tested it on a iron structure currently under construction near his lab. He details this in his autobiography.

yellowstone is the only choice we have to preserve the snowy comfiness in the world that must be protected at all times

unironically ameribro, it could really happen? Or it just one time in a million year

3-10fag reporting in. Can't wait!

Yes, as long as you aren't in America

isn't yellostone like 2,000 years past due for eruption?

Will erupt before 2030

Is there anything humans can do to quicken the process? Like what if I throw a hand grenade into the opening?

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go down into the fault line and cause more friction

Would this be the moment China and Russia finally enact their secret alliance and attack us?

Based ex-con

Based and redpilled


id be welling to go fuck the fault line for the good of this planet

All the while you have to hide your family in a dank cave next to a peat bog so that the marauding bands of head choppers and child rapists dont find you...
Yeah, real mad max badassery right there.

Kek, have a reroll

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what are you, some kind of stupid? I just told you how it might be possible for mankind to speed this up.

Yellowstone eruption will be boring and will take 100 years to complete while a 2 km thick new land mass slowly seeps out and fills the midwest.

Yes, but because of the aerosol



>believing in climate psyop

Yes. And I can’t wait for God to decide it’s time.


And Vesuvio when???????

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>World would finally be rid of the last two free and decent countries on the planet, allowing all of civilization to descend into religious fundamentalism, Communist totalitarianism, or African nigger kingdoms
Yeah that'd be great wouldn't it you inbred alcoholic degenerate piece of socialist dog shit?

everyone in the northern hemisphere who doesn't have a bunker with filtered air (and systems that wont fail due to the ash) decades of supplies will die

if t.rips, then all of you faggots will have to endure our society to its "natural" conclusion, and no act of nature will accelerate it. Strong men must be made from this hard times.

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that pic looks comfy fren!

All those imported non-whites would turn cannibal (again) and eat every fucking europoor.

If i live in bc will i be killed by the blast? Also where is safe in canada if it blows?
