931 days 5 hours and 28 minutes in office

>still no wall

defend this

Attached: trumpf.jpg (400x400, 19K)

When the shills are NO WALL posting it is a clear signal that we are winning

Op is a faggot and should do a suicide

Kike shill
Digits prove you're a massive faggot

ok but why isn't there a wall?

Ok but why won’t you show geoflag?

No wall and soon no gunz.

Why isnt there a wall you fucking idiot?

i will if you answer

Israel needed that money more than we did

Lmaoooo kill yourself you fucking homo

He rescued that jewish nigger from Sweden and convinced rural retards that more gun control is needed. Bretty based, bros

There is plenty of wall being built and you are a nonwhite homosexual shill and you need to kill yourself now instead of waiting for trumps reelection to do it.

Okay you kike faggot. I will. But first tell me why there is no wall.

what are you winning? NIGGERS

>T-the wall isn't real. I-it's a hologram!

Attached: Trump wall imposing 2.jpg (5893x3929, 1.28M)

but i voted for a big beautiful wall and mexico was going to pay for it?

him showing his flag won't change the fact that there's still no wall

>build miles and miles of wall
>shills still try to claim no wall
Update the script you fucking retards

Red flag laws. They are more important then the wall. Besides, we need more immigration. Not less. So the proper course is to make hate speech illegal, since we want to make these migrants feel welcome, and enact red flag laws, so some obviously deranged white man can't target these brave souls. God bless you president trump. I can finally go bed without having to lock my doors.

>tear down old
>put up new fence in its place
>zero miles of fence in new

Its 5D chess.
It takes time to get things done

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who paid for it? are they going to do the whole border? are fences walls?

Kid, politics doesnt work this way. He was voted in to be president not emperor. Most of the machinery of government has been fighting him all along. Investigations, blocking funds, and much more we arent privy to. He will Be way more free to act on his 2nd term. The alternative is dog shit anyway so just roll the dice. Ultimately politics comes down to big groups of people steering the ship not a few people making commands

The wall has been built. It's in Israel.

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he could've executive ordered it or diverted funds from defense budget but instead he did this

If I got just 1 lousy dollar every time a MIGA cultist tried and failed to defend the failed orange clown, I dare say I'd already own every physical dollar on Earth!

What Is miga? Like the Mexican dish with the eggs?

He could have declared a military state of emergency on the southern border, invoked the infamous USA PATRIOT Act, deployed the US Army, directed the Army Corps of Engineers to begin construction of a WALL, not a FENCE, spanning the full length of the at border, in the very first hour of the very first day of his presidency.

Cope harder.


Based and Kosher Pilled

People who believe that Trump will build the wall are like people who believe in Santa Claus. Except it is a lot easier to explain to people that there is no Santa Claus.

promised truth about 9/11

the dems block all funding of the wall in the house. he only recently got cleared to divert funds from military for the wall.

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Lol nice flag, too bad your country is a faggot country and you would go to jail for saying nigger online lmaoooo

he doesn't need their approval

He waited TWO years to try to use DoD funds. HALF of his term. Knowing there would be a federal injunction and stay order holding up actual implementation for months or years (exactly what happened).
Try again, retard.

Can't wait for the day when santa slaps and bends you over

fuck off memeflag

Trump can build wall ready on his second term unless the drmocrats promises to build bigger wall and faster.

>willfully ignores the obstructionist democrats and rinos
why are there so many kikes spamming Jow Forums today? daily reminder to report and sage spam threads

>if it doesn't happen all at once, then it's not happening

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Stop cringeposting. He’s going to win again.