The alt lite were feds all along
Other urls found in this thread:
NATO advisor Jeff Giesea was pushing a manual on how to covertly fund the alt right and is shutting it down hard after being exposed
Well, they did say that everything they told us was a lie.
Based Nicker not a fed
Bump for interest, why would a NATO advisor want to find WN groups?
theyre all feds. spencer, enoch, nick, duke... all spooks.
US is kiked. EU is kiked. UN is kiked. You think NATO isn't kiked?
It is known
This is a reverse shill
Everything archived already? If not, I hope one of you nerds now how to, cause I'm a literal retard
He thought they could infiltrate the alt right and use them for information warfare and probably dump them as patsies when they were no longer useful
Best examples of Fed forced memes (FFMs)?
Clown world, NPC, MAGAhat kid with Injun, Tarrant...I'm blanking oh yeah the OK sign
PS this nigger is in the CIA
>You think NATO isn't kiked?
No, obviously NATO is kiked. Why would they want to fund far-right groups anonymously?
thanks user
Maybe "forced Fed memes" sounds better
This is just an effort to attack someone actually helping, playing on the schizo paranoia rampant on here. It's an attempt to spread the word and discredit those orgs. On fed or should I say Jew here is OP and you all dance on command
You think people like Cernovith and Pissondick are helping?
Nice try, dumbass.
>"schizo" scripted response
fbi pls go
Operation Gladio for the 21st century?
Oh no not Am-Ren and Milennial Woes we better not fund Red Ice Radio goyim.
But having hundreds of patreon anifa accounts calling for violence is ok. Go KYS yourself.
Armed revolt when. Hi NSA i know youve been watching my activities. Im not afraid of organizing IRL and poor people are the easiest to reach and to anger.
It's common knowledge that the Alt Right was created and propagated by the government right? Sorry, government agencies
Maybe a modern strategy of tension when you consider how infiltrated by IC the far left must be at this point
Didn't Red Ice have some girl working for them who was intelligence?
Who the fuck use the name alt-right excluding the media and people that believe their bullshit.
At 2016 people did their research/job using a method called human flesh search engine (exceptions are, alex jones, seth rich, veritas project and few others)
The name alt-right was a way to call people that are using human flesh research engine a group, and be able to namecall them and etc.....
Thats the entire point of alt-right name and everyone using it is stupid.
Call yourself what you are, minarchist, ancap, libertarial, christian,classical liberal, agorist, conservative or whateaver
No shit Sherlock all of this stuff has been promulgated by feds.
They want autistic incel speds doing mass shootings so they can turn the internet as we know it off and take the guns.
Yes it really is that simple no trump is not going to stop it he's a kike.
woaaahh alt right nazis were CIA niggers? wooaaahhh
In 2013, America's anti-propaganda law (Smith–Mundt Act) is repealed. Just 3 years later we have all of these pied piper ecelebs, movements, groups, podcasts, YouTube stars all flooding Jow Forums. They came onto the scene with actor skills and well financed. These people are all FEDs who do not have your best interest in mind. They are Bolsheviks creating chaos so the Enemy may swoop in and pretend to restore order.
>They want autistic incel speds doing mass shootings
The mass shootings are false flag operations.
The texas one had two gunners as someone that works with ballistics said, sandy hook was false flag as fuck, this goes on and on. I heard there is even someone that is a family member of sandy hook actors that participated at columbine
Using the label alt right let governments co opt the human flesh research engine, use it for whatever they wanted and then have a good way to get rid of it in the future
Can't tell whose Jewing who anymore
Wow it's not like people here have been telling you that since the media first used this label...
Everyone with a brain already knows the NeoNazis and Antifa are just useful idiots lead by the CIA.
Checked Satan. But we all know you are the biggest lier
And literally no one is surprised
Found an archive of the original pastebin
> leaks your donor info
Look at this. Its true. Red ice is controlled op.
No. Spergs claim Lana, who fronts red ice, was cia. She's rebutted that very satisfactorily already, find it on the red ice channel if you're interested.
It all started over her sick fucking cat for fucks sakes
Didn't Obama write some EO before he left? Something about "anti-propaganda" funding
Sounds like a good thing, then. Woes is definitely one of our guys.
yeah it was directed at foreign or outside propaganda tho
Shut up you non-stop cacaphony.
I'm not even a footfag and I would fuck those feet and cum on them
Cernovich on fucking suicide watch, a fed and a pedophile protector
No, it's not. They've done nothing but shut it down or say that it should be.
"Our guys" huh?
Outside...directed inward, right? Wouldn't that give them free reign to basically Patriot Act ordinary citizens under the guise of "rooting out potential subverters"?
It should be common knowledge. Only ecelebs starting propagating the term Alt Right. It was forced and inorganic and managed by federal agents pretending to be Media Personalities
Yeah. I believe that's the ultimate goal - a police state or 1984 scenario. Both Dems. and Repubs. seem to be working together on this.
Doesn't seem like it. It does seem that the 'alt-lite' is weird, though. Tons of Jews and people that sprung up out of nowhere involved in it.
Well they did get rid of cripplekike's site
>Both Dems. and Repubs. seem to be working together on this.
Under a guidance of a common friend
Woes is lost to degeneracy. There's a thread on kiwi farms about it. When was the last time he produced a video? Not that I don't sympathize - living alone, forever, has to be hella demotivating. Still, he's kind of gone imo.
Here's his unofficial channel:
Moarpheus and other anti-whites did, yeah. They want to scare people aware from white advocacy.
Is this actually "news" to anyone? Giesea, Cernovich, Posobiec, Cantwell, and a few others have been known as feds for several years now. That was actually a meme on Jow Forums itself back in 2016/2017, especially with Posobiec, who always seemed to be posing in photos with military/police guys.
this. it's so disgusting how far our politicians and IC have fallen.
This place is so filled with controlled conversations. I wouldn't be surprised if OP and 60% of the thread were part of some Group.
It's anti-white to call out feds?
This country was killed long ago, what you live in now is merely the reanimated corpse with a kike doctor Stein calling all shots. Corpse, or golem
You're a footfag in denial. It is ok, you will learn to accept yourself eventually.
Giesa = Jū S A?
I do it for free
>Maybe "forced Fed memes" sounds better
This is actually pretty good
heh, you're right.
wtf was romeisburning
You glow. Ânons on Jow Forums have been warning about that shit since the very first day the msm started pushing the alt-right label.
I bet you are also a Read Siege poster.
What's the deal with George Webb? I thought I remember reading on here that he fucked with the Seth Rich investigation somehow
Alt lite vs. alt-right is a false dialectic. The new right as a whole is controlled opposition.
OP is probably some Anti-Globalist crowdfunded group and Cernovich is 100* mossad network.
Lee is an old boomer but he’s right lately
Oy vey watch your anti-semitism
>"Our guys" huh?
Yes, psycho, as in a chan user with mental issues, probably few, if any, friends, and too much free time. If you knew anything about the guy, you'd agree. I think he was mostly on 8/pol/.
Because people wanted in on the internet trend and needed a name to call it. I fully understand this, so why don't you? Are there that many schizophrenics here or are you, yet again, a prog trying to sow distrust and division?
Both sides are controlled to erode our freebums and have us constantly at each other's throats
>fed uses public pastebin
>I think he was mostly on 8/pol/.
He should have stayed there, then. Like the other feds. You know you can be controlled opposition without being aware of it, right?
>I would fuck those feet and cum on them
Yeah you aren't do you really think thats what footfags fantasize about?
Only you, you are safe and authentic, in your bed with the covers over your head. Sleep cozy, user.
in jan 2016 nobody knew what the alt right was and normies were all using it literally as a new “alternative right”
These are all controlled assets
I like this
He is Five Eyes and was Navy Intel Psyops like Bannon
He's a typical channer, really. Or what I imagine many are like. I can certainly relate to the guy.
>It's anti-white to call out feds?
It is anti-white or anti-productive to call everyone that ever fights for your cause a hidden enemy that can never be trusted and that they're everywhere and that you shouldn't ever do anything because the feds will get you. There's usually never any real proof for the claims and it is ALWAYS one man, that used to call himself 'Moapheus' on these boards, spreading the lies.
This guy knows
What a pretentious post, you known what he means, shill.
Can we assume most people propped up by Infowars (even Joe Rogan) to be government assets? Kind of like how Hollywood will use "indie" directors to give their nepotistic actors street cred?
It's not about the feds "getting you" it's about them controlling your direction and allow figureheads to speak for you. And lump you in with people who are not genuine. The source is poisoned
listening to the fake news, it is going to set off something you evil cunts
What do you mean?
Something I'm not clear on is why the message would be bad even if some are controlled opposition? The message is what's important, who cares if the opposition so fucking stupid that they throw money at a cause for some kike reverse psychology plot? If we are as smart as we think we are, we can filter our own content and judge the validity of any presented arguments. Those calling "controlled op!" Seem as glownigger as those calling for violence. It's like they are trying to block the message by inserting doubt. My 2 cents
You are telling me that the blonde butter maker from Red Ice is a Federal agent?
Because their message is Bolshevism and Zionism.
Bruh, if you didn’t realize rogan is one of them years ago I don’t know if anything posted here can help you.
i should have linked this to you too
Tommy "Mossad" Robinson popped into my mind reading that
I did, I just like talking about it. Don't get all elitist on me
Here's Bill Smith's take on it. The one that got removed from YT. He seemed to have a similar opinion.
Google miles Mathis what I’ve come to understand.
Infowars is a paradox.
Alex Jones isn’t controlled but all of his employees and most people he interviews are.
>He thought they could infiltrate the alt right and use them for information warfare and probably dump them as patsies when they were no longer useful
That's exactly what they have been doing.