The Female Question

Why the fuck do women wear jewellery?

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More to take off when you get them naked...

Because then men want to give them gold to fuck them, Op.

It's funny because when men touch that wedding ring.. It's like, "Aww fuck good game." Bitches be like, "Take that shit off!"

to show status among other women.

women are ugly creatures who spend mot of their time trying to look attractive...They all have low self esteem cause in their hearts they know they are nothing.

Why do incels sit in front of their computer all day playing games and browsing Jow Forums

jewrey is worn to show status, expensive crap worn across the neck means you're rich.

To flaunt their superiority over other women.


because satisfaction is an idea of an amoeba.

They think we care

To hide flaws.
Just like OP's post is to hide Epstein.

Display of wealth and status. Women are obsessed with that.
It's fun.

Going out for a night costs at minimum $15. If I have a friend to go with I will. But going alone I would rather just play a game online.

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Material ego supremacy in the social contest where the only participants are other women

Because women are Jews.

Made myself laugh with this one haha

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ugly women wear jewelry. Attractive ones don't need it.

I love having my Christian Latina wife do her make up and hair when I make her gag my 7 inch cock and shoot my hot cum down her throat.

There's just something about Jewellery on a naked woman who you call your own.
She's my precious jewel, we lost our virginity to one another.
Praise Jesus.

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So they can attract someone who will fuck them.

Women are very simple; they want an alpha male to impregnate them and a beta to raise their children.

9 out of 10 women are evil cunts who just want to make sure they have someone who will feed their fat fucking asses.

Lol. So true. Fucking browncels.

Vikings wore jewellery. Wearing jewellery is white as long as its natural and not thick nigger chains and giant rings

Because all women, no matter how good they look are basically insecure.

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>claims to be Christians
>brags about sodomy in same breath
