What the fuck?

what the fuck?

Attached: FB_IMG_1565391387889.jpg (960x830, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They probably white-washed him in that first pic.

its not even close bro

Old pic to the left, mugshot to the right. He is older, has more hair and gained weight. Same eyes and lips.

La creatura

>Totally different persons
It's just the focal length of the lens, goy

>Left: Fake Jewish Crusenberg
>Right: True Roman Crussius

Why are you posting this pic with no citation? Prove that this was on their actual website you propaganda spreading NPC

nose looks vastly smaller.

Will the real Patrick Crusius please stand up.

obviously not the same lips at all

if you look at other pictures of the guy they are clearly both him.

Attached: 1565008396038.jpg (1280x660, 117K)

Conspiracy’s for 6 billion Alex.
The battle goes deep:


Spics shooting spics. Truly clown world

the eyes are different. right pic has sanpaku


Attached: IMG_20190805_191000.jpg (1918x1087, 369K)

stop saying this guy is mexican when hes white...

Nose-to-lip distance is drastically different

The other pic is clearly darkened

remember the "this person doesn't exist" website?

(((they))) used a more advanced software to create this guy's face

Attached: IMG_20190805_190808.jpg (576x1024, 65K)

The rats are finally starting to consume their own.

Attached: Yid With a Plan.jpg (518x439, 70K)

This is the most retarted pic I have witnessed today. Did you even see the "Edit for free" button in the top right picture or the "African American" Ethnicity?

>all Muslims should be killed
>someone kills a shitload of sandniggers and films it
>this fuckin invasion on our borders!
>someone goes and makes taco meat out of a shitload of spics



>the friends and family say he was radicalized overseas
>one of the countries he visited, Israel, raises the redpilled eyebrow
>the leader of the mosque thinks he was connected to Mossad
>he became wealthy through a ponzi scheme, and Israel is well known for financial fraud (the Nigerian scam, money laundering, binary options, etc.)
>parts of his manifesto were written using American spelling conventions, while we are supposed to believe he worked alone
>Western governments have a history of covering up Israeli terrorism (9/11, USS Liberty, etc.), especially when it happens to their own.
>Witnesses chased multiple shooters from the second Mosque while describing Tarrant's car color and model
>Multiple arrests were made
>16,000 word manifesto, Jews mentioned once, and with apology

Camera focal length plus the glasses making his eyes looks smaller.

Attached: 97d6cb27f73a449d93865a8f3837c12c.jpg (2324x1728, 396K)



Attached: 1559845073077.png (429x410, 181K)

>another episode of literal autists with severely impaired face-recognition abilitiy

you cant gain weight on our skull. look at the fucking head shapes

>before and after Jow Forums

the Alt Right is a latino movement. this has been known for a long time

Attached: untitled-1-4 (1).jpg (770x433, 45K)

If anybody still thinks the shooting is real after watching this, you're hopeless.


Attached: 1554562246049.jpg (1500x904, 277K)

i've seen her in porn

Skull is not the same shape

That is unironically the same person except he got older and gained weight.


so amazing that the garlic shooting everyone already forgot about happened 666 days after the vegas event.
thank the lord this brave woman was able to escape from BOTH events
she looks so happy to be alive. and lets not forget these 2 brave women here, both taking multiple gunshots just DAYS before giving this interview.
look at the bravery there. that blonde girl even has a bullet still lodged in her liver and shes STILL out there powering through it all to give these interviews. so brave. so powerful

Attached: 666day.png (1185x539, 52K)

Hello CIAnigger, looking especially glowing today

This explains why I look like completely different people in the pictures I have of my self

Oh wait no I don't you are just full of shit

i remember people thinking adam lanza was a real person

Attached: garlicmart.png (720x482, 386K)

And started plucking his eyebrows? dont think so

that's a FOV difference, see


WHAT IS AGING??????????

They were white incel losers who couldn’t outdo Brevik. Sad.

Death to incels!!

Attached: 4F920C66-174F-45E5-BCA5-B5B704935DB9.jpg (523x193, 20K)

Attached: adam-lanza-41.jpg (640x360, 23K)

Not. Even. The. Same. Person.



Wow. Lots of 14 year olds on here today. Summer needs to be over.

Roastie detected.

Attached: ho.jpg (400x300, 68K)

What if Tarrant did hated Muslims and the Jews noticed this and used his hatred of Muslims to their benefit? What if the film is real and the people we saw get killed were real? What if Tarrant was used as an excuse to take away New Zealanders' guns and make tougher hate speech laws?

Guys I think I figured it out.

Fuck you shill you know it’s real and you know they changed it on all the articles. Go shove your ‘prove a negative’ fallacies down some sleepers throat.

Attached: A81E379D-A2E1-4992-BDFE-1133E0B91A82.jpg (1024x487, 81K)

Glow niggers could use thispersondoesnotexist.com/ for any false flaga really

If you take 4 pictures of the same person, and change the focal length each time, they will look like different people.

Attached: focal-length-comparison.jpg (1354x1508, 395K)

smiggles is a silly

Attached: 1555454855474.jpg (1024x768, 151K)

What these people don't seem to get is that Tarrant pulled his little stunt in a country with no death penalty. If you are going to do that shit in the US you better hope the cops have good enough aim to hit your head or the courage to off yourself. The death penalty in the US is really shitty and a lot of prisoners go nuts waiting for it to finally occur. Better to just take yourself out and leave this earth with what little dignity you have left than to be paraded around like a fool before getting put down like a rabid dog.

Lol nice try

Literally La Creatura.

Attached: 0we920390293.jpg (1920x830, 207K)

im guessing twitter is banning this image?

>tfw when your kid gets domed

Attached: parker.gif (320x180, 1.53M)

I know you're trying to make that sound outlandish and ridiculous, but that's exactly what happened.

>losing weight makes your face more attractive
>these two pics show exact opposite relationship between weight and appearance

You shills are above and beyond, hold on while I access my folder of 50 different focal length test images that nearly everyone has laying around. For an event that is obvious to anyone with half a brain knows totally happened, you are trying extremely hard to convince a few retards.

Attached: 7DBC901F-6250-4F58-96B5-7A5B350F6F8C.gif (248x221, 2.55M)

The focal lengths of a cell phone cameras are 30-50 mm.
The focal lengths of a mugshot cameras is 50-80 mm.
Now discard the photos outside 30-70 mm and try again.

It's obviously the same person. Even if you're mildly face blind, you can still compare all of features one by one. Same ears, same nose, same lips, even the same slanted hairline, although the left picture appears to be mirrored so it's slanted in the opposite direction.


Attached: powerful-interview-on-cnn-goes-viral-online-after-dog-casually-drives-a-truck-through-the-background (710x370, 59K)

>that's exactly what happened.
Yep. Playing 2D chess: Black loses a few dozen kebabs, white loses 4 million gun rights.

The distortion cause by focal length isn't a set thing solely dependant on the focal length itself. You also have to take into account the distance of the subject from them camera. Without knowing how those photos might have been cropped, there's no way to know exactly to what degree you should expect the faces to be distorted.

It was a staged shooting and none of this shit matters just like the 4 shooters that I know for a fact you’ll demand a source for. It’s all to muddy the waters.

Attached: A3332BC1-3E42-4A88-83DE-4D367AFC3215.jpg (485x1024, 100K)

I'm glad some people are historically literate enough to see this, and then notice the exact similarities between this and the JFK assassination (which was another botched commie plot to end the second amendment).

And you finally show your true lying colors, probably didn’t think I’d seen that video before. The duping delight gif I posted takes place minutes before the truck with the dog drives by so have fun drowning on Hogg’s semen kike.

Attached: 74853ACC-16EE-4154-8062-D1C69600761B.jpg (446x400, 45K)

One is a selfie. You can't take a selfie from farther than a couple feet, so if it's cropped, it and by much.
One is a standard mugshot, taken from a standard distance of a few feet.
Now look at the distances in the pic in Do you honestly believe that the selfie or the mugshot was taken at such extreme differences?