Sup Jow Forums. Can any American explain to me point of this political cartoon? It mentions Stalinism so I'm interested. Though it's humour is kinda hard and I failed to understand it.
Sup Jow Forums. Can any American explain to me point of this political cartoon? It mentions Stalinism so I'm interested...
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It's beyond retarded.
Leftist comics aren't made with any shred of humor in mind; you're fine.
Are you sure? It is an editorial cartoon, not some le funny picture from Facebook meme page.
Why is he trying to drink coffee with a straw?
The basedboy author does and therefore assumes it's a common thing which is why he knows that starbucks gives you one if you ask for it.
>drinking coffee with a straw
Jesus H Christ
Was it made by a woman?
No. It is Matt Bors, he/him.
The point is that the author believes that the right is as hypocritical as they are and as likely to downplay a great tragedy while freaking out about a minor inconvenience as if it's a kind of tyranny. It's funny if you're on the far left because it confirms your projected assumptions about your opponents and that makes you feel good. If you're not that far left it's just confusing.
>racist evil conservatards would drink at my coffee shop or any coffee shop
>they would have this conversation right in the open
>I AM SILLY punchline
I know the author is a mentally-ill tranny but seeing them be so out of touch with the thing they obsess over all their waking life, politics, makes me feel a new kind of pity that borderlines despair. Like when you see a retard not understand why their life is a waking hellscape from nightmares they can't even dream due to lack of comprehension.
The fact that if not but for the grace of god there would go I is what drives me towards that desperate feeling. The fact such massive knots and tangling of logic could erupt in our society shows just how truly fucked our entire species is. This is what we'll always return to when we build up our cities and societies after every fall.
This comic fits the definition of "trying to hard and fails miserably at being funny"
Honestly I'm not even sure if it's trying to be funny
This. Only soiboys drink coffee through straws.
I just want to know at least one example where this happened.
I can give an example of where the opposite happened, the left sperging out over something simple.
>racist evil conservatards would drink at my coffee shop or any coffee shop
It isn't a rare plot as I see.
In comic makers mind
Trump supporters are literally Nazis down playing their crimes against humanity. A minor inconvenience to them however is the worst thing ever. So basically it's supposed to convey the idea that they are hypocrites but that simple message gets lost under a mountain of needless words.
Whats more is it's always garbage heaps like Starbucks where literally no human being with salvageable intelligence would get coffee at unless they had a fetish for drinking liquefied rat shit straight from the tap.
That comic is completely accurate.
Left retards and right retards are the exact same people.
What a ridiculous strawman argument.
THE LEFT CANNOT MEME tovarish, its that simple
It does makes sense then. Just another example of the horseshoe theory
evil MAGA people are literally nazis because they do actual nazi things, but peaceful normal starbucks lefties are perceived by the literal nazis to be stalinists because the nazis are too dumb to ask for a straw
this is a high quality post
Why does the left always project their hyperemotionality and persecution complex onto others
But then whose the horse?
imagine the mental gymnastics necessary to create such an image
Also the easiest way to tell if a cartoonist is a hack or a basic bitch is if their comic can be reduced to "those fuckers, our shit!"
>unfunny commie strawman
what else is new?
The left can't meme
Burgers are retarded, especially boomers
this. leave the straws for beer. damn
I agree, but we weren't talking about Ben Garrison.
Allright... This comic made my mind go into defcon 5.
First of all. The cups drawn dont need a straw. They have a hole in the cap to help you drink them without spilling the drink.
Second of all... I dont get the "humor" the "artist" "tries" to tell to the audience. The comic is stupid and way to long.
And last... Why does the left portray his enemies as sentimental idiots when they are the first to resort to sentimentalism extortion... I just fucking hate them so much.
Jesus wept bors is so shit.
Does he actually talk to anyone who isn't a liberal npc and he just bases his characterisations of people who aren't liberal npc's on these boogermen invented by the jew media?
You can't do that, you'll burn your tongue.
>uni-fucking-ronically linking to rationalwiki
What is your argument?
Why does Mexico have Voter ID, do they hate children?
Both literal and figurative straw man "arguments", that's almost impressive.
The comic was a called "straw man argument" itself
It's a word salad of poorly expressed anti-white memes
>all that text
That’s a yikes from me
>projected assumptions
That's the key with bors, he doesn't talk to anyone to the right of Marx so he makes up these cardboard cutout characters and fills them out with all of the left's fantasies of how the evil right behave.
Bors is a fucking faggot and all his 5oy swilling fans are too.
The point is the artist works at starbucks and is upset that boomers get upset he doesn't put straws in the bag every time like boomers are used to.
>$6 for a single muffin
nuke all cities
That you are a massive spaz.
rational wiki is a smug garbage site that pretends to be centrist but is really ran by leftist bugmen.
If he can't explain his point with any arguments I think that he is the actual spaz.
You clearly haven't checked their "Stalinism apologism" or "Moonbat" pages.
>right wing pepole going to starbucks
But the whole core of leftist ideology is them imagining that other peoples' wealth somehow belongs to them.
I ain't clicking on their shit site. I knew a guy who used to send me their smug as fuck articles. Hur dur atheism.
Gradually I began to hate them.
>Gradually I began to hate them.
Did they hurt your fee-fees?
it is some le funnny picture from Facebook meme page tho
This guy doesn't even try to make a coherent point. Horsey is much better faggot lefty cartoonist. Pics are better too.
Hence those rich republican fuckers have our shit. Bernie 2020!
Stan Kelly is the beast IMO
Don't even try, its the incomprehensible product of a mind completely detached from reality.
The worst part is that the overpriced muffins they sell at coffee shops are not even fresh or good.
>7 million
Oy vey are they are downplaying the 8 million Jews that the Nazis killed? My grandma was among those 9 million!
I can’t believe they’re comparing these to the 10 million that Jews killed!
Pic related is a summary of the comic
It's sad, this is a really good artist
The Joke is that is shithole Stalinist Russia, everyone is too fucking poor to afford straws.
Tapac ты?
Read their gamergate page
did he just try to call himself chad?
i bet this dude looks likes aids and a slow gust would cut him in half
i mean the way he portrays himself is probably a glorified version of himself and the comic him looks likes a 14 year old that would wash dishes at a dine in Pizza Hut or some shit
It's not a comic him. Jarhead lad is a racist nazi.
>basic composition and perspective makes you a "really good" artist
You can find thousands of equally/better artist on twitter in a matter of minutes.
So... this is fake right?
Horsey is undercover redpilled