Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - I don't wanna choose a name Edition

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>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


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In the first years we'll just test stuff in space. The machinery in isolation and whole systems tests. The biggest issues so far are detection, identification, then mining, processing, manufacturing (in fact the whole ISRU stuff), perhaps return (if needed on Earth). Every single steps needs to be tested.

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>ITT: faggots and queers

Read an article about it yesterday, article wasn't interesting but the invention itself is interesting. Heavy surpessed like always.

>china would test properly

I think the testing won't be a problem if the presidents do handpicking. We already have the tech for it and even the undestroyable paint is already invented.

>I would be VERY interested in that if feasable.
It depends on your time horizon and how fast you could contribute to prototypes. Political issues apply, of course, need to stay very Western.

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>if the presidents do handpicking.

I'd help him for the Kek and the prestige for free :D

Handpick the idiots who will be in charge of this programm. I don't see that we managed to stop the corruption from capitalism and corruption would slow down the process hard.

Politicians will have only limited say in this. We'd have to somehow please them, of course, that's what containment organizations are set up for. In return they make regulations that are useful. Classic deal-making.

Never work for free (long term).

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>please them
The problem is, all I can see from them (in germany) is, be gud goy but do this yourself to get big. Well this and that they want to know where the money went that we all spend.
Das Merz ist mittelschicht is für sich selbst sagt schon sehr viel aus.

I'd help him not be his bitch.

>being dependent on tax-payer money
>being dependent on politicians

>I'd help him not be his bitch.
How could you help?

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I'm good in throwing peanuts around and I know what is state of the art (for the public). Also I'm Chemietechniker.

Probably not a mistake. Know something about the processes needed for space mining?

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> AfD

Yes and no.
I know specific parts in the spacemining process. About the logistic, IT, adminitration, laws I know only what to do not how to do. If I know how, good lord I'd be on the same level like da vinci and einstein.

About the whole processing part, well thats something I'm into and I know a lot about it.

I assume you have a EU member state citizenship.

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Born and raised in germany.

How much money would you need to start a really basic space mining company? 1 billion? 10 billion or even more?

We don't have the lift, I can't give you an answer.

Great. Let's continue that at a later time. Need to set up my adequate email first.

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Is a space elevator necessary?

Let this board die...

We can do it with rockets and won't be able to leave this planet for a couple of thousands years.

Difficult to estimate. Depends on the business model and the funding sources. "Planetary Resources" and "Deep Space Industries" are toast, things took too long and they had no intermediate business case to bridge the long investment phase. "Offworld" aims to use their mining bots on Earth as well and hopes to receive revenue that way.
For below $100M you could build and deliver initial small mining bots (includes launch costs on a rideshare) to the Moon (and hope they soft land). That allows you to test things under space conditions. But that as such is no business case. Need to have a revenue model from there. But $100M is your base to get anything technically meaningful done.

SE on Earth not possible currently and the near future (tether not strong enough). On the Moon though it's possible with current tech.
Various launch and reentry vehicles exist or are under development. Think SpaceX, Blue Origin, various others.

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Only Stalinism can lead us to victory!!

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>Not possible
Its a discussion worth.

Would it be feasible to start a new company at this point? Competing against Musk and Bezos seems almost impossible, they have already well established companies/infrastructure and almost unlimited funds.

blabla jews blabla israel blabla notruescottsman

I followed SE development until 2010 or so. I haven't seen significant progress in tether development since then. Should be Carbon Nanotubes and the progress suddenly flatlined.

A company that uses their launch services, yes. Competing against them as launch providers, especially from European soil, is probably unsuccessful. There are some (really innovative) newcomers, aiming for the small satellite market (at least in the beginning). But that's not what we need.

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I have a bad migrain so I won't argue today.

That's okay, get well.

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I'm already drinking shit ton of water in the hope its just a symptom of dehydration.

Could be a cause. Do you experience that often?

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No, I don't. Its a rare occurrence.

Yeah, I'd stick with the water too.
Will leave for the bed now. Have a good night, user.

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