Woman dies after 5 hours of sex

Woman dies after 5 hours of sex


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would fuck her to death

tsch. some people have no stamina

too late

>american news

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Better then dying of gay sex I guess

Thats really hot

best way to die

You think its hot that she died?

Fucking tweakers

Where’s the video?

That's going to be an awkward funeral.

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> take drugs

> die


>An investigation is underway after officials said they believe the woman had taken drugs to prolong sex with her partner

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>still didn't cum

>An investigation is underway after officials said they believe the woman had taken drugs to prolong sex with her partner.

she died from cocaine and a likely an underlying heart condition combined with overexertion, not sex lol

america. how is it that everytime something realy stupid is in the news its either american citizen or european politicians?

On the plus side, some real freaks'll be lining up to jump on his doodle when they hear he literally shagged some bird to death.

You can't buy that sort of infamy.

Id fuck her to death in a heartbeat

proof that women can never be satisfied, even if they are fucked to death

>does drugs
>"lol sex killed her XD"
i love american media

I too politically feel this way

>hes never fucked a bitch to death
do you even fornicate m8y?

She was on drugs. Probably speed.

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You can still fuck a dead body, which is also kinda hot desu

>after 5 hours of sex
Those are rookie numbers!

If she dies she dies

>after 5 hours of sex
more like degenerate ODs after years of abusing her body

Wow, impressed by the stamina of the man!

> reads article


I'm jerking off to her pic now. I don't care if she's dead now.

It was five hours of sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
Bitch died of boredom.

i fucked my gf all night and all I did was finally wear her out

>brainlets: wanting to have sex for hours
>pros: reaching a successful orgasm within a reasonable time

Here's one who died after 12 hours
>Our esteemed British newspaper, The Sun, is reporting that a 28-year-old Russian man died after taking a bottle of Viagra pills for an apparent non-stop sex romp.
Two women told Moscow police that they bet Tuganov $US4300 that he wouldn't be able to satisfy them both fully during a non-stop half a day sex marathon.
>The mechanic died of a heart attack minutes after winning the wager, Moscow police said with pride.
>"We called emergency services but it was too late, there was nothing they could do," said one of the [sore] female participants, who chose only to be identified as, "Alina".
>Medics said he most likely died from the quantity of Viagra he had ingested. There are 30 pills in an average 100mg bottle of Viagra.
Roasties BTFO again! They can't even beat men at dying. HAHAHA. And you know this bitch was a fuckin dead fish well before she died. The fucker probably couldn't tell she had a heart attack–probably why he thinks she lasted 5 hours.

Too late but I guess she can be served to you cold as a best known dish that starts with R.

Fuck up jdif.

Degenerates will all get the rope.

Makes sense. That constant inadequate perfusion directed to other areas of the body when the heart is demanding it from a long-period of constant cardio would probably cause a lethal dysrhythmia.

or it was the drugs

>died after winning the bet

Because the news hurries anything to do with terrorists Muslims and refugee rapes or you'd be in the news 24/7

Whats with niggers and gold

After reading story- “woman dies from drug use”

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The Legend of the Ruski Mechanic will live on.

2 minutes of living victory was all he needed before passing onto the after life.
May eternal Keks be with him.

>Woman dies after 5 hours of sex

Heard earlier that evening:

"Would it kill you to give me a blowjob?"

That girl who had her throat slit recently probably had five hours of sex after she died.

Someone photoshop her photo. Or tribute it.

Yeah, Viagra is also a drug. Why do you think they tell you to seek medical care after 4 hours of constant hard-on? Your heart is not being properly fed after a long period: you're risking potential cardiac problems.