USAians will defend this

USAians will defend this

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Yes, they will

kill yourself immediately

poorfag detected

Post the in-store prices

if they didn't hire an architect so what? its just a house. my eyes would slide right over this if i saw it irl, there is way uglier shit around.

i kinda like american architecture because of how dumb it is. like they wanted to make a castle and gave up halfway through and then added greek-looking pillars to spice things up at the end. it's playful.

cope more faggot, hows the cost of bacon when you use your coupons?

look yeah it looks shit but its a product of a country that got to start everything brand new what do you expect. America to me is the greatest european social experiment.

Nobody needs 3 inches of roof. Sensible roof control now!


mcmansions are mediocre, tasteless homages to unbridled capitalism and wagecuckery, we know.


If you're gonna start this thread you need to dump all of these because they're fucking funny.

That isn't America—it's Persia.


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The people who make these threads live in apartments that stink like cat boxes. This thread is shit and OP is a mentally faggot. It went in options, retard.

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Beaner detected. Those large lawns are tiresome Pedro?

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what a limp-wristed faggy thing to care so much about
go watch HGTV gaymo

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Imagine being so butthurt by someone who worked hard for something that you post this thread. LOL faggot.

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The columns being upside down is the only complaint that isn't right. Corinthian style columns only have ornamentation at the top. They're still out of place and ugly there though.

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It was a quick build in survival mode. Pretty impressive Redstone contraptions inside.

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When did pol become House Hunters?

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>american architechture

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The website you took this from is created by a jew.

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fuck these houses are so big bros...
why is there so much space and so nice???

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>he said, while crying over his five-figure utility bill that came from the central AC cooling his absurdly high ceilings made worse by massive west-facing windows

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Are they what you call McMansions?

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...I like the turrets with windows everywhere...

all the mcmansions in this thread
or one windy boi

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this is ok
this is not ok
got a point about random windows tho (shapes/placement/etc) - McMansion Dwellers, why ?

This one is probably the best yet, seems standard compared to what we have here in Cucknadistan

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America is richer than your country

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Jews rape kids.

Don't forget to bump Epstein threads.

it's also shittier, and you're still poor

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Yeah but... I like the pringles can of shame. My dream house will have one.

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I hate this type of shoddy architecture as much as the next guy, but this just seems like bitching that you don't have enough money to afford a home and you call your 800 sq ft apartment 'minimalist' but in actuality it's so barren because you can't afford anything except the knock off wanna be bauhouse shit from Amazon.

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I like it, would buy, very nice actually, modern

those are chink made houses
similar to their homeland realty complex bullshits

only idiots buy them (90% of merica)

all these houses are better than where i live. you guys are so lucky you can laugh at this instead of thinking: god i wish i lived there.

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I like this thread. Do my house now.

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The point of it is to mock the professional class for their horrid taste in architecture and wanting to one up their friends

no, this is more like "these people have all this money, why would they spend it on something this horrible"

They do wish they lived there. Why do you think they make fun of it? They're channeling their jealousy into hatred to make themselves feel superior when they don't know shit about architecture or design and couldn't build a house to save their life any better than these.

I never liked american toothpick shitter shacks
Makes it easier to tear down and build something less fugly I guess

Money doesn't buy taste. And the people who buy these houses don't even have that much money. All the shit these images are making fun of is facade crap. It's a ready-made Sears home LARPing as something stylish.

Ah, so these are a poor man's idea of what a rich man's house looks like, sold to suckers.


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Cope harder salty europoor

>a challenger appears

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Exactly. But hey, they're houses. And at least you get some kind of flair. I mean, if you're in upper management at a fortune 1000 company and don't care as long as it impresses the cocaine addled hookers you bring around when the wives visiting her sister in Long Island then whatever, man.

That’s not a McMansion

Also people with more land than house laugh at them too. The stupid, ugly shit people slave away their whole life has more comedic value than any Hollywood movie.

its ugly
but the no-taste dipshit who paid for it, could afford it...

looks like a fkn nightmare. how is it to live there? i think there must be a ton of wasted space.

This is the consequence of treating homes as purely firnancial assets, without any spiritual worth

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That is an incredibly imposing house...

At least it's not a fucking flat

checked and come and take them!

Living in the woods is >>>>>> living in a mcmansion

Muh McMansions bad
Even though thats what the market wants

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Land is the most valuable and comfy thing about property. What's the point of a big house if it's not a out in the country?

brilliant. the columns are a bit too big. but its all good

Places with bigass houses like that dont have neighbors as close as one would think. I install cable in shit like this all the time.