Why do race realists so stupid?
They literally believe that the Irish are "niggers" who are apparently literally of African origin. We are all from Africa but racialists are probably not intelligent enough to realize that.
Why do race realists so stupid?
>We are all from Africa
speak for yourself 56%
Who's behind that post?
Also I'm afraid I can't tell you why "do race realists so stupid"
To be fair the irish-iberian picture looks kinda like Mark Wahlberg.
nah mah nigga
dat shit from a parody cahtoon
yah kno, from like dat old Eng ish nespapers
stay straighyt mah nigga
The people here act like "smart" racists. No such thing. A racist is a racist. Idk how white is superior when we're fucking up the world and taking everyone with us.
Maybe we'd be better dancing and taking Ayahuasca. That sounds like we'd probably not kill each other because of the color of our skin. Superior my ass..
>The people here act like "smart" racists. No such thing. A racist is a racist. Idk how white is superior when we're fucking up the world and taking everyone with us.
Maybe we'd be better dancing and taking Ayahuasca. That sounds like we'd probably not kill each other because of the color of our skin. Superior my ass..
Laugh all you want you fucking pleb.
You guys are against drugs yet probably stuff your disgusting teeth with tobacco and alcohol.
Drink yourself to death you dickhead.
>They literally believe that the Irish are "niggers" who are apparently literally of African origin.
No they don’t. The cartoon you posted is from a satirical magazine, the Irish were considered white under US race laws.
>literally all of African origin
Debatable but irrelevant even if true. Different subspecies may all be descended from common ancestors but that doesn’t eliminate the differences between them. Populations of human beings were still separated from each other in different continents for at least 40,000 years and in that period evolution took place. There is nothing unscientific about the concept of race whatsoever.
Just English anglo saxon BS propaganda against celts in colonial times, same thing went on against Spain.
I honestly can’t even tell if this is a parody or an actual bugman who lost his way
Nigger we did not come out of Africa. The oldest fossils come from the Mediterranean area you fucking pleb
Based and notanargumentpilled
>why do race realists so stupid?
>white people bad
>crime statistics
pick one
How does one stuff their teeth, nigger?
Are you fucking retarded ? you do know about evolution don't you ? I mean come on why stop at Africa, why not the Ocean or outer-space?
The fact is the first people in Europe weren't the same type of people alive today.
Reminder for newfags, this picture is literally from an old ass satire comic.
The Anglo fears the mick. That's why they've been trying to genocide them for all of history. The Irish carry the Atlantean DNA in their red hair.
we are all stardust mannnn only saying this half ironically because REAL racism is dumb af, real racism is looking at a baby and deciding how that child is going to grow up, i cant be a racist because i cant hate a child for what it is, i can hate an adult for what they are, MLK style judge a man for his content
The Irish are niggers.
Most Blacks have Irish names, that's because only an Irishman is stupid enough to fuck a negro.
>We are all from Africa
Imagine being this far behind in anthropology. Read up on a few recent studies nigger
me in the middle
No. The Irish are Jews/Phoenicians. The origin legend is literally about ships sailing in, and there's a genetic connection, and there's the red headed mummy found in the area. The Irish are probably more white than you, mutt.