Jow Forums User Arrested For Planning Terrorist Attack

So this is what happens when Ate-chan is taken offline?
The terrorist racist sexist bigots immediately come out of the woodwork to attack?
Do you think this means they should have left the site up as a release valve, or that it was better to be taken down so these people could be arrested?

Attached: terrorist.png (580x500, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The alleged terrorist is pictured here

Attached: EBkHw41XoAU6sKW.jpg (1189x704, 128K)

fake and gay until proven otherwise

this will play right into their, "we need to police and investigate all of those Jow Forums users."
another bullshit story

> What is a three letter agency honey pot?


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this looks like the type of guy who gets roped right in by FBI
>oh man my new discord friends are so cool

>Implyng he's not Sam hyde

>unregistered firearm




>Court documents say Climo communicated by encrypted internet chat with people identified as white supremacists, and told an FBI informant recently that he was scouting places to attack.

Attached: 4chan detective.jpg (499x344, 30K)

that goy is glowing af

>Unregistered firearm
Fucking morons.

Why can't the feds into satire?

He looks like a Jow Forums newfag

fake news

The State of Nevada does not have a long gun registry.
Clark County (Las Vegas) used to have a handgun registry until SB175 (June 2, 2015) was signed into law, removing the registry.

So, Tom Winter is either 1) a retard, 2) a liar, 3) both

If true, good. Fuck him.

Anyone that attacks low value high profile targets like synagogues and gaybars, instead of antifa meetings at anarchist bookshops and the home addresses of journalists and activists is a glow in the dark faggot.

Imagine a far right militant that has the opportunity to open fire into a group of protesters outside of a detention center and REALLY sending a message, but decides instead that attacking a random fucking gaybar makes sense! Do you see how ridiculous that is?

Right-wing militancy is a joke. It doesn't exist outside of controlled opposition groups whose only purpose is to tank optics without making any actual gains.

First day with kiked blue states?

This appchan sucks , can I post though ?

I wonder if it had a giggle switch, but it's not likely. "Bomb making materials" could be anything like smokeless powder or tannerite.
It'll be interesting to hear more.

Fuckin Jow Forums x update wont let me post .

Working fine here.

>Why can't the feds into satire?
They can. After shooting a family dog they laugh. Problem?

I bet by "bomb making materials" they mean a bag of fertilizer or something. And by "drew attacks of a gay bar" they mean "made some memes that he put up on the chans". did he know what the inside of the gay bar looked like?

You guise to get organised and get your shit in order, ive had it for a couple of weeks now and itw not going away and i hate saying shit like this but i feel like youre in danger and irs sneake almost right upto you witnout being noticed.
Media compqnies such as CNN & MSNBC push a hoax for 3 years apparently to remove Trump as president, all thier lies and fake accusations ,,pushing for a civil war. Etc , have they been held accountable or apologised ? Nothing , absiolutely nothing has happended to them
Two mentally challenged bafoons decide to go on a shooting spree, killing just over 30 people and you are under threat having your guns taken
I find it strange Trump has done absolutly nothing to MSM, they carry on as if never happened, yet he is all over gun contro and attempting to take gun away from the people that supported him and voted him in to office, go figure.

Where did all the former users migrate to? Not the 08 honeypot, must be another. Used to stop in for a few good threads and miss some of the obscure boards.

>FBI entraps retard


There is no federal weapon registration

>Attacking a synagogue
Glowie detected

Wasn't he the kid from Tosh.0

>Do you think this means they should have left the site up as a release valve, or that it was better to be taken down so these people could be arrested?
I guess we'll find out.

Attached: 1549074994660.jpg (299x299, 26K)

You guse have bemome far too effectiive in raising awaremess of them and you inflictiing serious damage on them and their angenda.
Be warned they want you out of the picture ASAP..
They are ramping it up getting ready to make a move to silence you, its coming and perhaps sooner than you think, i hope you are prepared.


Attached: IMG_1994.jpg (3079x2263, 1.21M)

Is that a good or bad thing ? Not come across that before.

I bet this guy was just a patsy and never planned shit

tfw when Jow Forums means 'police' and not 'politics

Attached: 1560908217650.jpg (446x485, 23K)

unregistered firearm? you have to register firearms burgers what the fuck? please explain


It's lies, we don't
You can build them in your garage and tell noone and it's legal

well well how did these go unchecked at the top

>enforcing NYC gun registration
This seems like fake news, "possession of an unregistered firearm" isn't an interstate offence.

Without knowing more, it may be that he had an unregistered short barrel rifle or short barrel shotgun. Nevada no longer has any state registration on firearms, so the only registration violation would have to be federal for a firearm covered under the NFA.

You ever think that cliques of local governments and/or media/political fronts may just make shit up to fan the flames? Also, everyone has the complete ability to make BANG BANG BOOMS out of shit just laying around the house. If simply suggesting that YOU could do it qualifies as intent, than we are lost. Unregistered firearms in the desert? OH NO!

They could say the shit under your sink is bomb making materials and charge a ham sandwich for murder, its not like the charges will stick.

The article mentioned he had gasoline stored in his truck

Why do these unhinged retards talk to people about their plans?? This seems like a critical error. I mean how stupid can you be to make threats and not expect someone to report you???

,imnot smart,,,butican smell.,,,stinkshard!,

Attached: IMG_2619.jpg (2974x2626, 1.17M)

Then we go to BlockChan
-Hosted on Ripple and can't be taken down
-Post are immutable and can never be tampered with
-No Mods/No Jannies
-Just needs an internet connection and works even if DNS is down.
-The only way to stop it is to take down Ripple which is a 15 Billion dollar company
-You don't have to be a node operator like on Zero net

>calls out zionist jews
I understand

Attached: very cool thanks.png (500x692, 154K)

Wait. I have gasoline in my truck too. Will I get red flagged?

Expect more happenings to slide the Epstein case. Something big might be coming.

>not taking down feds before getting arrested
Fucking Christ. If you can't fight back when they are literally coming to imprison you anyways then we have no hope.

PEBKAC, my dude.

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there is no registry in Nevada though
and they're trying to call the "bomb" a firearm from the articles I read.
>A Las Vegas security guard who discussed attacks on a synagogue and gay bar has been arrested after authorities found bomb-making materials inside his home, federal prosecutors announced Friday.
>Conor Climo, 23, was charged with one count of possession of an unregistered firearm, which federal prosecutors described as “the component parts of a destructive device.”

Social Conditioning

False flag to help the two big mafias in their propaganda. They forgot the third horseman of apocalypse. A feminist headquarter

it's not hard.
it hit all corners conveniently.
>going to attack jews, blacks, and gays.
>discussed it on Jow Forums
it does glow

wouldn't a completed 80% be considered an "unregistered" firearm?

fbi is on the way to your house right now you terrorist scumbag
better hope they don't find bleach and ammonia under your sink

dale gribble ass bitch

Attached: dale_gribble_decartoonified_by_chewymonkey.jpg (552x640, 152K)


this is exactly why youre seeing "Nevada" and "Nevada's gunlaws" popping up more and more.

We kinda call this regularly, the chans are containment

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>admitting it online
jesus you newfags are the worst
you're supposed to say in minecraft at the end dummy

Jesus Christ, could you glow any harder? Jow Forums is a board of peace.

>After shooting a family and their dog they laugh. Problem?


Everybody with gun saying something anti-Jewish will soon be terrorist in USA thx to your retarded buffoon in chief.

Attached: Trump's anti-semitic law 2017 Zionism banned to question Jews.png (955x902, 210K)

>this will play right into their, "we need to police and investigate all of those Jow Forums users."

What the fuck did you expect when each and every tread is about jews?

This has snowballed. There's no stopping it anymore. You burgers are getting false flags every day now, your 2a is doomed. They are going for you full throttle.

>look see? we are persecuted! more needs to be done to protect jews from hate speech and gun violence! enact more laws that stop anyone from criticising jews or israel!

i know the slope possibilities and the likelihood but the bill is about channeling European offenders back to their government. Not policing American's calling them out.... YET.
I wish they would try to hurry up and try it here so that famous Voltaire quote can really make the rounds.
>What the fuck did you expect when each and every tread is about jews?
truth only seems hateful to those that hate the truth.

that reminds me does anyone have the article pic where the dems threaten more mass shootings?
its kinda hard to find right now


it was a tweet iirc

all I remember is it was Diane fianstein who said it

Reminder that we had 0 (zero) mass killings when the government was shut down. Makes you think!

States can do whatever they want, by and large. The "gunshot loophole" was closed in a few. They just want it federal.

>No words from officials about Jow Forums or any chans
>OP is the biggest faggot on earth
>OP should do a flip

Seems legit.

Attached: 1560203065268.png (536x593, 130K)

lmao get a look at this glownigger.

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Where does it say /po/ user?

Do they like that he got caught before he could hurt anyone, or are they just salivating at the idea of more fake white terrorism to use as a cudgel against normal people?

Attached: 1559426111452.jpg (550x512, 40K)

the FBI has a mental illness problem

Attached: 1565315793022m.jpg (744x1024, 90K)

Germany, France, UK, SPain Poland, Italy, Canada, USA and so on...

Attached: 1554089016009.png (450x450, 175K)

I posted in wrong thread.....

mulatto af

Lol, they did a Nazi here in the UK for Terrorism cause he had matches. True story.

Attached: ak-shart.jpg (1000x667, 431K)

Reminder that this qualifies as "white" in the United States

Are you jealous yet Europeons?

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Learn to write dipshits, if you're planning anything.

Why is there a huge spate of Terrorism and Mass-shootings whenever the US election cycle starts up?

>Unregistered firearm
