Here are two buttons

Here are two buttons.
The red button will wipe all jews out of existence.
The blue button will wipe out all nonwhites on the planet except jews.
You may only press one, attempting to press both will kill you instantly.
Which do you choose?

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and then I press both at the same time

Blue because whites and Jews will form a super race


They already have

>pull wires from back of both buttons
>strip insulation from ends of wires
>connect wires together to set off both devices
>don't press either button

Wipe out Jews. Period

any choice that kills less people.

I guess blue would be the easy choice here. We could all live happily ever after.

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Germany pls

Both because instant death sounds comforting

this but reversed

Der gaskammer is down the hall, Hans.

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The answer is obviously the blue button. We eliminate 85% of the earths population in one go, then we all unite together against our final boss. A few gas parties later we got the whole planet to ourselves and an entire galaxy to conquer.

As much as I hate the Jews I would push the blue button simply because that is guaranteed to take out all of the Jews lap dogs there are way more shit skins whites could very easily finish off the rats themselves when all the other shit skins are gone with a simple button press. In contrast we would face a lot more casualties if we went red and then tried to finish the shit skins off. It is a tough decision tho.

Unimaginably based

If I push both and die, will the results of both be achieved? If so that I will slap those buttons with the force of a thousand exploding stars.

Found the nigger

Mi negro

This. Without shitskins fucking everything up people will be more ready to see who the true oppressors are. And then we can start removing the Irish, followed by the Italians or Slavs (if they somehow didn't perish with the rest of the non-whites). The Anglos will then be ready to impose global hegemony and turn our gaze toward the stars.

You can't have your kike and negro too.

wipe out all jews. once the jews are gone the world will have peace again. non whites will return to their homelands, niggers will be wiped our or become slaves and whites will rule the world again.

I don't want any kikes or negros, if my sacrifice secures the future of the white race, I'll happily die.

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Red buttons sounds good, as long as it gets them all, the orthodox, the reform, the christians, the muslims, the mormons, all the sects of judaism.

The jews did the slavery ditty in the first place. just send the blackies backies to wakanda or africa. Besides, if you don't leave any tech there, what are the chances of them building stuff like planes or sanitation?

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Hard choice, I'd stay with red.

Red. Once the Jews are dead, then we kill off everyone else. If we just killed all the non-whites, the Jews would make more and just subvert us there. No more subversion.

Blue button and then just shoot all the Jews.

Blue. The amount of real estate the frees up will be staggering. Plus the Jews loose 99% over their army, leaving only their programmed leftists and neocons on TV.

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both. i died so that you may live




Red no doubt.

Jews don't mix, you'll just be their bitch


fuck my creativity swastika


Red. Then press blue in hopes the electrician fucked up.

Blue. The whites brute force murder the jews when we have no other wars to fight.

I will sacrifice myself for the greater good and press both

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If you push the red button then no one will stop you from doing what the blue button does.

Learn triforcing first

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I'm gonna go blue. the surface level awfulness of nonwhites is worse than the deep awfulness of the jews. I feel like we can handle their manipulation just fine. it only is a problem because there are inferior races for them to use against us