This is the face of white despair in Canada. This poor old woman has the misfortune of living in welfare housing and is at her absolute end. I feel so sorry for her. How the fuck did we ever let this happen?


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>wakunda place apartment projects

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Toronto is a shithole

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thats because toronto is run by people like this looking to diversify the place up

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Canadians look like Americans

Is that her mulato boy in the back?

But isn't Canada a gun-free zone?

>Is that her mulato boy in the back?
its probably the shooters making sure she doesn't say any names on camera

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Why are there niggers in Canada? At least burgers have an excuse with (((slavery))).

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No joke, I legitimately thought that was Bret Hart for a second.

Jesus, there's five zoomalis there.

>Andre Riquelme
Fucking argies making the list.


Beat me to it.

.... are you serious.

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Can somebody please fucking meme this to turn her into a football coach like she's yelling at her team?

Everyone in that video is a subhuman.

that bitch has no teeth, I can barely understand a word she is saying and her eyes are looking in two directions

>Why are there niggers in Canada?
So we can put them on our money.

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honk honk

We wuz Wakanada

ay look out behind you mam!

damn the queen of england looks like THAT?

>niggermutts milling about in the background

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I did a double take when I saw the name of the place.

Canada is decaffeinated America.

pure pottery

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Ahhh...the sweet smell of diversity, the joy it brings to all who experience it, the wonderful selection of international food...

Part and parcel, I guess...

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nigger lovers, the lot of em..
fucking scum..

Can we make this a nigger hate thread for this poor old woman?

Stupid bitches hiking through north Africa alone....natural selection in action

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the high yellow on the right behind her is probably her grandson

I live 10 minutes away. The place is slightly better than a ghetto.


Those two were on meth.

Fffff I see it now kek

That was before she ate those 10 Indian kids

I'm i the only one who noticed the hard nipples?

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that bitch is whiter than Obama and was upper class, she can suck a dick

Oh fuck off. There's wh*te trash in every """wh*te""" country

Two dumb bitches just desperate for attention. They don't give a single fuck about the shooting. Cameras showed up so they got to be actresses for a couple minutes.