This is the face of white despair in Canada. This poor old woman has the misfortune of living in welfare housing and is at her absolute end. I feel so sorry for her. How the fuck did we ever let this happen?
>wakunda place apartment projects
Toronto is a shithole
thats because toronto is run by people like this looking to diversify the place up
Canadians look like Americans
Is that her mulato boy in the back?
But isn't Canada a gun-free zone?
>Is that her mulato boy in the back?
its probably the shooters making sure she doesn't say any names on camera
Why are there niggers in Canada? At least burgers have an excuse with (((slavery))).
No joke, I legitimately thought that was Bret Hart for a second.
Jesus, there's five zoomalis there.
>Andre Riquelme
Fucking argies making the list.
Beat me to it.
.... are you serious.
Can somebody please fucking meme this to turn her into a football coach like she's yelling at her team?
Everyone in that video is a subhuman.
that bitch has no teeth, I can barely understand a word she is saying and her eyes are looking in two directions
>Why are there niggers in Canada?
So we can put them on our money.
honk honk
We wuz Wakanada
ay look out behind you mam!
damn the queen of england looks like THAT?
>niggermutts milling about in the background
I did a double take when I saw the name of the place.
Canada is decaffeinated America.
pure pottery
Ahhh...the sweet smell of diversity, the joy it brings to all who experience it, the wonderful selection of international food...
Part and parcel, I guess...
nigger lovers, the lot of em..
fucking scum..
Can we make this a nigger hate thread for this poor old woman?
Stupid bitches hiking through north Africa alone....natural selection in action
the high yellow on the right behind her is probably her grandson
I live 10 minutes away. The place is slightly better than a ghetto.
Those two were on meth.
Fffff I see it now kek
That was before she ate those 10 Indian kids
I'm i the only one who noticed the hard nipples?
that bitch is whiter than Obama and was upper class, she can suck a dick
Oh fuck off. There's wh*te trash in every """wh*te""" country
Two dumb bitches just desperate for attention. They don't give a single fuck about the shooting. Cameras showed up so they got to be actresses for a couple minutes.