Immigration to Poland

Our country is cucked in 1001 ways and more, it's a true nightmare. I can't deal with Russia, it feels like a foreign land and I'm isolated in my own nation. There's MAYBE 50 000 000 ethnic Russians still alive. We’re a minority in our own country now. And I exclude churkas and other mixed subhumans from Russians, even if they have citizenship. Some major cities like Moscow, SPb, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, etc are no longer white. All ethnic Russians will be replaced by shitskins and chinks by 2040 and I don't know what to do. Even in the rural area that I live there are already a bunch of mixed race kids and couples (Russian girls and native mongoloids) and more and more churkas. I'm done fighting for Russians, a nation that wants to die. It's time to leave.

Poland is beautiful, 100% white, pure European and Slavic, no faggotry, no SJWs, no feminism, no coalburning, no multiculti, just happy white families and right-wing people.

Can I move?

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How about Kaliningrad? Quite isolated and yet close to Europe.

lol i have a polish friend who is moving to canada because poland is a fucking nightmare shithole.

Your whole post is bullshit. Why are Jewish shills so afraid of Russia?

get a load of this liberashka

fucking great, filipinos, vietnamese, hohols, niggers and now russians. Holy fuck, fuck off already.

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>everything i know about this country i know from Jow Forums
>this is enough information to want to move there

There's like over 100,000 south asians in Poland today, and over 100,000 international students in Poland, and over 25,000 pajeets, and more to come. I don't really give a flying fuck about canada, so you can save the leafposting antics

really makes you think don't it

I know a Russian guy who moved to Texas dont know why Texas of all places but he got a job offer and is pretty happy living here


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Bad news, everyone. Trump wants to send all the niggers from the US army stationed in Germany to Poland instead.

oh right I forgot about uber eats pajeets. Jesus fucking Christ, joining EU was the worst choice this country ever made

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Poland has many shitskins. Breed more

Stop sperging out and don't be a cunt. I don't have a problem with immigrants as long as they're white, young and willing to assimilate. We're not a hi-tech nation, we can't exactly disregard our shitty demography like Japan.

breed what? I would rather fuck a dog than a polish whore. Our women are lowest of the scum and main reason for the downfall of this nation

Thats not even 1% of the population.

Most are contract workers anyway.

who fucking cares about demography now in 20 years most of the low skilled workers will be replaced by robots. We aren't in 19th century anymore we can afford population decline without importing thousands of shitskins

The time has come to find an empty patch of land for WHITE euros only.

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Love you too Ruski

20 years ago, we also did think that we'd have general intelligence servitor robots, and we still don't have them.
But at least we have smartphones now.

You fool, WE became the robots

Precisely. The main problem is when your country gets too rich. Nothing will stop the inflow of migrants, then.

there is no place left to hide desu. Poland is decent in some ways yes, but its part of the (((EU))) and it and (((PiS))) will ensure poles are replaced too- its already begun. The only solution to marxism now is accelerationism to piss off as many remaining whites as possible into action.

Kinda makes sense.


you best be kidding

Wassup g*rman cuck

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we don't need general ai to replace workers, nearly all the warehouse, cashier and production workers can be replaced with our current technology. You know why we can't do this because we are focusing on helping fucking niggers and other towelheads instead of furthering our technological progress, because our states don't represent wills of our nations.
Europe for whites and robots.

can confirm polish women are just as dumb as Canadian women. women literally do whatever the tv jew tells them - even if its against their interests

yes but (((they))) can't

Poland and Hungary are the only ones left who refuse to be cucked

We're going to suffer a catastrophic economic collapse in 2020/2021, or at the end of the next cycle if westerners somehow manage to stop the bleeding by printing money and introducing negative interest rates. If you think we're going to have robot workers in 2040, you're in for a big fucking surprise. The way things are going, I'll be quite happy if we have running water and electricity.

We've had 30 years to prepare so we could laugh it off with robots now, but we pissed that away because dumbass bureaucrats needed their useless jobs. We have an opportunity to utilize white flight to keep our country running throughout the crisis and turn our country into regional power, but I have a feeling Polish plebs will fuck it up too.

Oh look another russia hate thread.

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that nig is famous soccer player

canada is not white anymore - its ridiculously non white. I literally,I mean literally, play a game of find a white person when I go to the grocery store with my gf. Around here (GTA) there are a lot of places where you can't find a white person and very few places where whites are a majority - and it all happened so fast.15 years ago it was almost all whites, how many fucking shitskins did they bring in? It seems like they fly planeloads into every airport every 5 minutes for a decade. Whoever did this is a traitor and must pay

Average weekend in Warsaw Poland

>We're going to suffer a catastrophic economic collapse in 2020/2021
because of what?

ahahahahah what an idiot lmao

Because of all the nigger troops that Trump is gonna send to Poland after withdrawing from Germany, because Germany refuses to uphold their bargain for investing 2% of their GDP into buying a bunch of worthless F 35s and not supporting the US in attacking Iran.

Because the global financial system is a sad joke at this point and because most western countries are crumbling under the weight of the parasites they invited and raised.

If only we were lucky enough to fall into anarchy

I'm not going to lie, I've been on Jow Forums since at least 2012. Since that time, I have heard every single negative thing there is to hear about Sweden and I still believe it all to be true.

With that being said, I'm in talks with a company and in hopes with getting a job there. I actually visited in 2015 and I was shocked how it was orderly and safe it all was. For reference I've live in Houston and Dallas and they both fucking shitholes compared to Stockholm. I'm willing to give up a few of my freedoms for some security. And I'm the type of person that loves guns.

I guess my point is, if you want to move to a different country, I hope you're willing to sacrifice a part of yourself to assimilate to your new country the way I am.

That's actually a stabilizing factor. German economy collapsing will fuck the entire continent over though. When it happens, you can forget about technological progress for a decade or two, at least as far as the plebs are concerned. Oh, and all those welfare systems the west has in place? They're going to turn into unrest generators.

>German economy collapsing will fuck the entire continent over though
Good - as long as Poland is not rich, it will deter shitskins until we can get social marxism out of the minds of white people

average russian couple in 2019, lol

No beautiful black man should ever be forced to be with a vapid rushkie hoe that uses more makeup than she has clothes on like that female in the picture.

hi churka

Everything turns to shit once your country becomes rich. "money is the root of all evil" one of the most truest statements ever made.

Should have stayed with communism. At least it was white.

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The premier white nationalist blog:

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tell that to Gorbachev

>Should have stayed with communism
>At least it was white.
>According to data from the 1989 Soviet census, the population of the Soviet Union was 70% East Slavs, 12% Turkic peoples, and all other ethnic groups below 10%. Alongside the atheist majority of 60% there were sizable minorities of Russian Orthodox Christians (approx. 20%) and Muslims (approx. 15%)
Congrats faggot, you earned this.

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So many jew shills, it fears the Russian BVLL

>the Soviet Union was 70% East Slavs
Not bad.

>Not bad
Not good either, just 3.6 roentgens

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

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You do realise everything east from Moscow used to be Mongol Empire, Turkic warlords, fuck knows how many Mongol Khagnates

Don't come. Crimea proved that russians are basically biological weapon to take over soil.

>You do realise everything east from Moscow used to be Mongol Empire
Yeah, hence the stats. Have you ever toured Siberia? I took a 30 day winter dogsled hike around the Great Baikal Trail. Besides being as cold as it is here in Cuckistan there was nothing but slant eyes to run into. Quite a bit more friendly than the injuns here though.

There is no escape, Ivan. You have to deal with Russia for the rest of your life. Nobody else will take you.

>Can I move?
Just learn Polish and you'll be fine

>100% white
>no faggotry
>no SJWs
> no feminism
>no coalburning
>no multiculti
> just happy white families and right-wing people.
not really
It'll be like any western european "country" in 40 years time

Kill yourself jude

>40 years
Thats what I thought as well 5 yers ago.

Yes and these contract workers will leave - just like the pajeets that came to Br*tain in the 70s left.
Oh, wait...

nope, we actually have niggers. not as many as the west but still you'll see some in cities.

Are you talking about your country or mine?

I have a dual citizenship including Poland and USA visiting throughout the year. People always talking about immigrating to Poland don't know anything and are just spewing shit out of their ass about what they read on here.

The life everyone is always talking about does not exist in the major cities of Poland, and you wont survive if you move to the mountains or forests.

And the Poles are even paying for the fort.


>money is the root of all evil
jews are the root of all evil user, that is a fact of this world

to brzmi bardzo latwy, ale juz wiesz ze jest trudny, przyjaciel lol

fake and gay. all russians i ever know never wanted to live in weak country like poland. they would rather die.
you must be teenage libtard russian or Larping proxy.

Why doesn't everyone just move to the mountains of Romania or somewhere and just farm and not pay taxes or tell the government you're up there?

It's quite easy for Slavs to learn another Slavic language, though

tak, ale jest z kanadii :D on jest prawdopodobnie muttem

auto translate cuck,
Saying that sentence in polish would make you sound like an idiot.