Average US man = 69 inches tall 69*6.5 = 448.5 inches = 37 feet >Possibly higher as they're on a crane, not ground level >average Mexican man: 64 inches
>Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
>The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves “Elite,” but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order....to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!
EXCLUSIVE: TRUMP SET TO DEVASTATE BIG TECH TYRANTS WITH POWERFUL EXECUTIVE ORDER >Alex Jones has been working closely with key Trump advisors and can exclusively reveal what is being discussed in final drafts
So bizarre: Republicans literally CAN'T STOP SAYING WEIRD NAZI AND/OR RUSSIAN STUFF. "Cosmopolitan" (кocмoпoлит) was THE dogwhistle word that Stalin used to denigrate Jews and call them unpatriotic. It's like the GOP is *possessed* by fascism.
imagine what world we would have if we disarmed, singled out, imprisoned, and executed EVERY LAST FUCKING SHITSKIN who even showed a trace of racial antipathy towards whites and west/US. What a world we will live in. julian castro will not be alive, to be sure.
He deeply deeply failed his Google project like his photo project so I don't know if they are keeping him in a closet after the whole thing shut down but I should go investigate.
>Thinking in English is Alpha tier. It’s a real sign you’re fluent in a language. I have never been able to accomplish this feat yet but I should think in German. I was tested in my childhood and my linguistic IQ was at ~104 but my logical IQ was at 127. Its so hard for me to write a mail in german... Its annoying. Don't know exactly why but I prefer english.
I shitposted on his twatter with white genocide rhetoric and was welcomed with open arms. The second I called them all fucking hypocrites, I got suspended. Fuck him, and fuck his retarded Doxxing brother.
Andrew Bell
We should have a sense of loyalty and honour, unless some filthy newnigger was here after he left.
Aaron Stewart
Bergen County Man Admits Distribution And Possession Of Child Pornography
>A Bergen County, New Jersey, man today admitted distributing and possessing videos and images of child sexual abuse, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.
>Malcolm Salamanca, 29, of Ridgefield, New Jersey, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Esther Salas in Newark federal court to an information charging him with one count of distribution of child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography.
>According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court: Salamanca used a peer-to-peer file-sharing program to download and share videos and images of child sexual abuse. In November 2016, undercover law enforcement agents downloaded some of those images and videos from Salamanca’s computer. After executing a search warrant at Salamanca’s home in November 2017, agents located more videos of child sexual abuse on Salamanca’s computers.
>The distribution of child pornography charge to which Salamanca pleaded guilty carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison, a maximum potential penalty of 20 years in prison, and a $250,000 fine. The possession of child pornography charge carries a maximum potential penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Salamanca will be required to register as a sex offender. Sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 2, 2019.
mostly young adults but since they added some barbed wire at the top they don't bother to attempt the climb
Evan Perez
I was excited about this movie until they revealed this. Fuck Joe Murray for jumping on the SocJus bandwagon. I don't need fucking Rock preaching PC bullshit to me.
>the only candidates that have a chance in hell of beating Trump are the exact people a portion of the Democrat base would refuse to vote for
Whites are done in the Democratic Party. Either they nominate a minority and lose because of the unifying white middle class, or they elect a white person and kill a lot of the minority fervor within their own party thanks to identity politics
Angel Baker
He's not a gun owner so he needs it explained properly to him, his logic is on these red flag laws are >if you have a mental health history, or a history with crime, no gun for you
>In 1998 Neuborne won a $1.25 billion settlement for Jewish Holocaust survivors in a lawsuit against Swiss banks who helped the Nazis steal money from Jewish victims.[4] After undertaking the initial litigation pro bono, Neuborne gave notice that he intended to be paid for his work on the settlement. He applied for $4.1 million in fees for "8,000 hours over the past seven years" of work he did in the settlement against the banks.
>Some Holocaust survivor organizations in the United States filed an objection to Neuborne's claim. The editorial board of The New York Times admonished Neuborne, stating, "The dollar amounts are troubling and so are the slipshod hourly records that Mr. Neuborne submitted," and criticizing his $700 hourly rate as "unseemly" and more suited to corporate clients.
Landon Mitchell
>*Don't know exactly why I prefer english *typo, but the positive side is that I can post anudda cat :)
Man, Mootles is just hiding out I guess. He just kind of abandoned his twitter 3 years ago and he's not making any headlines, just mentions explaining to normalniggers what this place is so they can flood it with garbage.
Jayden Campbell
>Sandy Hook elementary school That was "demolished" because nobody was even attending in the first place. It literally didn't exist.
Jose Hughes
his campaign is already over. Everything concerning his candidacy since the second debate is moot. No other democrat is going to back him on anything at this point because it'll only sink them.
Lincoln Hill
Well that's your loss user. There's nothing to argue about. If you want to know what it says then read it.
He's probably alright. Probably still regularly posting on any given thread.
Oliver Davis
Will Pepe become the international symbol of national populism?
Josiah Anderson
They only possess the power you give them.
I recall an amusing interview with Ville Valo, ex lead singer of HIM, who was asked if he thinks in Finnish or English, to which he replied "probably a mix of both; Finnglish".