Stop Playing Video Games

Well boys, it's been fun. I've really enjoyed playing games in my lifetime. But as it turns out, video games are making me violent. It's weird. I had no idea I was being radicalized all this time. I thought I was just "playing games" and "making friends" but it turns out I was being groomed to become a killing machine.

I'm gonna deactivate my Steam account tonight and join a book club. I don't want to become a mass shooter.

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jokes on them, fortnite is free

>blumpf losing all his millenial support

Welp. Guess its Biden's time. Just hope he picks someone like Gabbard as VP.

This is walmarts decision retard

Old school videogames are mellow as fuck. Mario and shit. Games nowadays are just trying to get your money

They've done "clinical research" on this and didn't find any correlation between violent video games and people's disposition to actual violence in real life. The only thing they found were that losing and dying a lot in games increased irritability in people that sucked at them. For people who like to use "scientific facts" as a basis for their beliefs, it's weird they haven't actually looked at what the data says on this one.

Mario? The game where a white man beats the shit out of minorities to kidnap and rape the princess after she runs away with Bowser? Bowser, by the way, shares the same colors as the Jamaican flag. Coincidence? No.

>gaming on a console and not a pc
What a nigger

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Nigger science is just the new "X holy book says so" fuck 99% of people, they just need someone to tell them what to think.

Funny how boomers hate vidya but idolized violent 80s movies like Scarface & Robocop

>what is Doom, GTA, Carmageddon, Mortal Kombat, blah blah blah
Games today are sanitary as fuck. In most cases people don't even bleed.

>trump said what?...
>retard irony

>but muh violent movies
Typical zoomer talk. Were there mass murders in America before video games? No. Correlation is the causation here.

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>Were there mass murders in America before video games?

>removes from displays
So they're behind the counter now?

Mario is literally about cuckoldry, the Princess being captured is a metophar for a white woman cheating on her husband with a black guy. If you like Super Mario, then you’re a cuck. There’s no other way to describe it.

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right and the early vidya games had the best death noises. Aghhh Ahh Oooohhaa

Yeah. It's a total fucking cop-out. They should get rid of the games entirely but capitalist greed won't let them. This is why we need to overthrow capitalism and forcefully implement real changes in our society.

I feel like I've read this exact post before.

>Were there mass murders in America before video games?
There weren’t any mass murders because America was still white back then. Video Games have actually made crime less common because it helps control the anger of individuals. Pixels aren’t real people.

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>I thought I was just "playing games" and "making friends"
>"Making friends"
That's bullshit and you know it... Or maybe you don't.
You don't play videogames with your friends, they play different ones to you.
You'll make 'online friends' to socialise with, who replace the social interaction with your actual friends, and you don't keep them when you change games.

It's taken decades, but I'm finally getting sick of videogames. Nobody plays the old titles I still enjoy, and I find less joy in the new releases.

I will still play, no doubt. But I'm going to start reading instead.

Maybe it's time to put the controller down for me and time to hit the books.

I stopped playing video games because they made me unproductive. Now I browse Jow Forums and post memes

That’s barley an improvement

>buying a video game from walmart

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Imagine being this paranoid.

Yeah, but small steps are important for me; I get cold wheat pretty easily. My mom used to put me in time oat a lot and that pretty much ruined me

Was their any link at all between these shootings and vidya? Like at all?!

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Actually, Super Mario Bros, is about a group of inter-dimensional reptilians who use their black magic to commit mass hypnosis over the entire population of mushroom people (terrence mckenna stoned ape)

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>buying a video game from retail in 2019

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There’s a connection between every shooting and vidya. There’s hundreds of studies on it, all of them are “outed” as bs by the fucking video game industry and unqualified rabid fans of the video games industry.

Got cold wheats that your mom makes you eat? Bitch can't even microwave your cold wheats. That's child abuse.

Correlation between women entering the work force and wages being stagnant. Yet you still see them working at Walmart.

This is some bullshit.

Who gives a fuc
>Dey coming for our games!!!!

Good the games suck. All you do is get banned, pay a lot of money, and have to endure bullshit design they never looked into

And no retro games weren't much better. I could write a whole book about Earthbound being terrible

>Walmart finds politically expedient way to remove expensive demo stations for next gen games from every store

Companies make decisions based on bottom line only. Any decision they say is supposedly for social good is actually to save money.

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>This game is super violent, don't tell your mom teeheehee. You're such a rebel for contributing to capitalism and consuming another shit product we release

Fuck everything. I hate video games, I hate gamers

good god i hope she's drinking cum

I need to stop playing audioshield and instead do situps while listening to fashwave on my iPod
Thx user