Losing hope

How do you guys deal with how shit the world is currently? Everything good in the world is slowly dying/is dead. Countries universally seem to march towards collectivism and totalitarianism. Idiocracy is becoming a documentary instead of just a movie. Is just waiting it out until the collapse the only way we are gonna get out of this mess?

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It all over user, we lost
But doesn't mean we can't go down with out a bang

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Why take it seriously? Our legislators don't. Pick a side, prepare as best you can, and let the games begin.

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I know that victory is an historical inevitability.
Must suck being a nazi/liberal

Get out of the cities.
Doesn't matter where, just somewhere very fucking far. Far enough where the new 2025 KGB-like country side deputies will have a hard time bringing you down if you decide to hold up there. In minecraft tho.

You're no different to the nazis that wait around for hitler's reincarnation. Your revolution will never come, just a slow slide into a materialistic welfare state that treats human life as an inconvenience.

Yeah it's like maybe if we didn't have to fear that we'll all get killed on a random day by some backed up Incel Manlet, maybe we could all rest a little easier and enjoy life or something.

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It all just saps you dry.
And the fact our hands are tied with no way to fight out of the muck makes it even worse.
If things were like the old days where you could fight the fucks who give you shit or slap a hoe when they cross the line things would be better. But nope. Niggers give you shit you have to bite your lip and random broads think they can run rough shot on you.
If a race war is on the way I hope it hurries up and comes.

Embrass the clown world meme. We leave in a comedy.

Git gud. Fight back. There's never another answer.

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>Pick a side, prepare as best you can, and let the games begin.
This is the right answer.

Study Buddhism.

>demoralization shilling

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By studying, hopefully contributing to science one day, and believing in future space travel and diagnostics and cures and other things we can’t even imagine. And sometimes by comparing the present with the past with all the genocide and slavery and torture and diseases that used to be so common.

Read history. Especially with regard to the mid 1920s - mid 1940s and the mid 1950s - late 1960s.

We are in a cycle. We'll get through it.

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Unplug and focus on what you can control. I am so much happier now that I quit all social media, rarely follow the news, and only swing by Jow Forums foe the occasional shitpost on a Friday night. Life is short, I am busy, and I’m much more valuable to everyone focusing on my family and my own health. Work out, develop healthy hobbies, read old books, garden, get your shit in order. Make babies, raise your kids to understand right from wrong, stay away from the coasts. People are a lot different and a hell of a lot better in small/medium sized cities in the south and heartland. Quit looking for perfection, we live in a fucked up horrible world, so find somewhere, something good to hold on to.

I spent the last 19 years building a business and this year I bought a house. The best revenge is living well. Most of the successful businesses aren't run by losers on the left, that's why they are always bleeting for handouts...

This is correct. I forgot to add to my other post:

The likelihood of defeat is not an excuse to roll over. Giving up because something looks impossible is for faggots. Never stop.

>Work out,
I'm going to do this, right now, I'm just procrastinating...

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The two tranny lovers gztting along.

I can honestly say that fear never crossed my mind

Fuck, just enjoy it!

"When you're born in this world you're given a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America you get a front row seat!" --Geo. Carlin


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America is most certainly dying, but Hope itself is not. Don't give up. There's still good in the world that's worth fighting for. And we still have many allies.

It's not like we have a choice, unless you have the balls to kys

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Goddamn, when I see girls like this I wish I had a /rRealBigDickProblems-sized cock. I would seriously go on a strict-diet and religiously workout just so I can fucking womb-wreck meek-looking cuties like this at least once every week. Make it my all-time favorite hobby: would staight-up blow-off Stacys just to cervix-crush these Beckys.

Can you imagine? You're invited back to her place and in her cutesy little room. It still has like a girlish-charm to it: stuff animals all around, pearl-white bed-frame with bright bed-linen, photos of family and close friends, and all kinds of girl-shit a full-grown woman should get rid of already. In the middle of all that, you're in her bed on top of her in the mating-press position just fucking her raw and red while she begs you to stop because she needs to rest from that previous big O you just gave her and she's not ready for the next one about to cum next. Just no-question she's nothing but fuck meat right now to dump loads into: legs pulled back behind shoulders, almost your entire weight on her, arms wrapped around her (legs and all) gripping at her nape and opposite shoulder. Just fucking slamming into her from tip to root for what seems like hours gone-by but it's only been a couple of minutes. Then when you're all done breeding her (cause condoms hurt) and she's just quivering in that puddle of sweat and copious cum you've both made fading in-and-out of blissful consciousness. You can just clearly see through her gaping that her cervix looks swollen as fuck from being relentless. Right then and there, you fucking know - you're fucking certain: "No way she can ever be a bride after me." Shit, the only thing you're uncertain of is if she really can just rest it off for a few days or might need to go to the ER for a check-up.

Ah, but I was only born with a slightly-above average dick (could use more girth imo). Shame, only have a great time with me: not that sweet objectifying destruction I'd love to enjoy.

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It was always chaotic. A sound world can only be achieved through an effort to keep your shit together.

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But they'll make you feel like shit after a while too, I almost don't interact with anyone of my drug friends anymore; I want to feel alive again, even if life sucks from time to time

This is all MEANT too happen, End Times and all that, Keep praying, Also for the enemy! We need everybody aboard on our way to Christ his Kingdom!

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

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>You're invited back to her place and in her cutesy little room. It still has like a girlish-charm to it: stuff animals all around, pearl-white bed-frame with bright bed-linen, photos of family and close friends, and all kinds of girl-shit
What makes this post great is that you are right on the mark with all of that.

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This is what I wish I could tell 'LOL CHRISTKEKS UR SKYDADDY RELIGION IS DYING LOLL' people. Simply put, one of the requirements or checkmarks for the Rapture and Salvation of any believer is the greater downfall of Christianity and its demonization by the rest of the world, in order to, in a sense, ensure that only the truest of Christians are allowed into the Kingdom.

>Everything good in the world is slowly dying/is dead.

is that really the issue? or is it because you're an incel that could never fuck the girl in your OP?

Excuse me for taking your grievances with a grain of salt. An increasing amount of people like you are only mad because they can't score.

I am post-tribulation Christian, I am most likely going to get rekt in a beheading for Him, The fact that i have always seen wrong in society before i formally reconverted last year October and how it perfectly describes what "IS" wrong has soothend my pain and anxiety/depression completely

The image is also in no way a diss too anyone or anything ,Everything you see is "needed" for this too happen, I do sincerely pray and hope daily that alot of people will turn their back against Lucifer before it is too late.

And i never expected how The Bible and the stories within were not only "praise skydaddeh!" but were full of pre-flood information, Fallen Angels being the "gods" like vishnu, odin, etc pagans around the world worship was a GIGANTIC redpill, almost the final one haha.

I also replaced my cusswords, i sound stereotypical now replacing words like "fuck" with fup, And "shit" with ship.

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balls of cocaine and marathon masturbation sessions

i quit posting on this board and moved to Jow Forums two years ago and we collectively have enough money to fund the fourth reich...... i know this sounds like a fucking meme but Jow Forums started meming and memed our shitcoin into the best performing asset on Earth in the last year

the next decade will be very interesting

Goddamn. I just wanna ruin that chipmunk-smile with a satisfied sweaty lustful whore's face.

Borderline given up.

Any chance of getting a not-whore wife and raising good children is gone.
I just want to stay at home and play classic wow when it finally comes out, nothing else really interest me.

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>Jow Forums
>having money
Funny joke.
Please stop talking that way about my wife.

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Infinity games don't end until the player dies or you stop playing. Game on. SMILE


Take the Christpill user

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I eat chicken & lift heavy things so one day someone will love me

Listen to me. There will be war over this. A giant war. Spread out all over the major European countries and the USA. It will happen, it is absolutely inevitable. I'm guessing it will truly kick off 5 years from now. Get prepared. This is your checklist:
>start lifting, get in shape
>keep diet in check, lots of protein (chicken breast, whey, everything meat), carbs from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, drink milk (organic without kike hormones), vegetables and some fruits (bananas are #1)
>take vitamin D3, magnesium and zinc, ashwaghanda for extra test boost
>prepare by gearing up, you're in America, you can easily get all the gear you need, watch some prepper videos
>fix your shit haircut, be more confident and find a nice white woman to have children with

And of course don't give up. Man the fuck up and become the man you need to be in these dark, dark times. It will get worse before it gets better, but when shit finally truly kicks off, you won't want to miss this. Become part of history.

How will there be a war when most of Europe thinks multicult is good and nationalism is bad? We will just have to watch it burn.

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Stay away from it by any means, refuse the mark of the beast, be brave, be strong.

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Yes because I'm part of a german workers movement 70 something years ago.

capitalism will stop functioning once one entity has accumulated all wealth

Embrace destruction.
I'm coasting 'til things go to shit, then I'm joining the first horde of post-civilized techno-cannibals that washes over the region.


Not all Europeans are like that. I notice more and more Germans getting pissed off and taking the beginning redpills. I will enjoy watching them get more and more redpilled and angry over the course of the next few years. I give them 3 years until they have strong opinions, opposing to those they want us to have. And two more for them to get into war mindset. It takes a lot, but their patience isn't unlimited. I have hope for my people and you should too. And remember what the opposition looks like, weak little leftist bitches full of estrogen.

Easy. The Japs have our back.


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>Read history. Especially with regard to the mid 1920s - mid 1940s and the mid 1950s - late 1960s.

>We are in a cycle. We'll get through it.

The difference this time around is jews controlled only part of the US government whereas in the 1930s whites controlled the majority of the US government and whites were still an overwhelming demographic majority in the military and state legislatures. Mass immigration wasn’t an issue. Mass surveillance didn’t exist. Hate speech laws didn’t exist.

We’re not going through a “cycle” - jews are simply in the process of consolidating power in the US, with ZOGnald Trump at the helm

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It’s hard. Faith helps a little. Love I’m sure helps. Drugs. However, this website telling me to kill myself everyday does not help

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take your incel emo shit to r9k
clean your room, go for a run.

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blame the jews

I go outside. Far away from "normal" human beings. I do this every weekend now. Exploring the earth and sleeping under the stars. Or the rain. Whatever. I find ways to learn about places. Places that most people don't know about. Beautiful places uncorrupted by (((them))). The work week in NPC land is just a wasted gap in time now between my real world on the weekends when I leave it. It is becoming less and less important to me. Soon I will leave it and retreat into nature forever.

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Take up spiritual life. The whole purpose of material existence and the suffering which is constantly upon us, is to inspire us to leave and return to our own true spiritual nature, to reach enlightenment and liberation.

We are not experiencing something new. The material world is always filled with conflict and suffering. In America, we have it pretty good. Imagine being born in the caucus mountains and living amidst tribal warfare and chechin muslim murderers everywhere. Imagine being born in Roman times, and experiencing your entire family and village being massacred before you are sold into slavery, then you die of a fever.

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>Countries universally seem to march towards collectivism and totalitarianism
this is a good thing, read SIEGE and get into accelerationism you peabrain monky

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Control how? With finance and media?

You enjoy what you've been given. Jerk off to what you want when you want. Earn your keep and enjoy what you've earned. I assume you have two each of functioning arms and legs, so use them and improve them. Socrates said "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." He's fucking right.

I'd rather not waste my time with that tripe.
Read a real book, like Democracy: The God That Failed.

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Truth is we are all stuck in the past and afraid of the future. The world will go on without the ideology of this board. We will all eventually die. Worth nothing more than a footnote in a history book, with our backwards ideals.

Read your Bible, user. I hate to use the phrase because cringe, but it is the ultimate redpill. It describes the world so perfectly, too perfectly. You begin to see why things are the way they are, and it gives you clarity. You begin to see how the pieces are laid out and it gives you peace, because Christ is Lord.

Nobody is stupid enough to believe your shilling, christcuck


Honestly, looking at history books and the state of the world, im holding on to see the inevitable collapse of the world around us and how batshit crazy the future is going to be. Also, to hopefully raise my two boys to be able to handle the shit thats coming our way sooner than most are wanting to realize.

This. Jews will lose in the end, like the literal end times, but until then their power is basically unstoppable.

Remember this post when you start seeing Jow Forums billionaires in the news.

Right on time and right on script. Fuck off kike, everyone sees you for what you are.

shut up you fucking liberal
read siege and youll find your answer

Assuming your premise is correct, then what is the source of the power?

I’m not a stupid fool like you. I face reality. Kikes suck. Christcucks suck. Muslims suck. If you can sleep at night knowing you’re truly alone, you’re pathetic. Faggot

you have to embrace struggle
I sleep like a baby user

Can you explain this image to me? I feel like I'm misunderstanding it.

Cringe, there are no sides. Get a life

Kys faggot

Who is she?

its hard when you know 3/4ths of white europe will be bred out in 15 years

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All we need is chaos user, and we don't have to wait much longer.

Laugh. There's nothing else you can do. So laugh.

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I dont care. I want to eat pop corn. Peanuts. Natural peanut butter and homemade fig jam on 100% whole wheat bread. Masturbate jerk off at least once a day. Watching movies and smelling my grut. No vegetables. Enjoying the sensation of anal. Being a disgusting sensualist. Listening to people drone on about the jews and such. But not caring. You should see if I care about your stupid shit. I didnt even read it, I can tell that its not even real. Steaks, a nice steak. Going to rehab for too much drink because the food is nice in rehab, and then drinking again because drinking is nice. Taking my meds to feel better. Shitposting too. I want to buy a womans shit in a jar. Maybe a shit cupcake, a cupcake with shit in the center. Poop. Enemas so that there is no poop when you do your anal sensation, sometimes you want it but if its your own its plain nasty. I like to eat choco pretzels, pretzels with peanut butter in them, and mall pretzels brown sugar and cinnamon. Watching gore vids, keeping up with best gore. Going out in drag. I dont give a shit OP about anything. It doesnt matter. Nothing matters.

I have no attachment or hope for worldly things.

Death is as certain as the setting sun, user.

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Reconquista when?

take the breadpill

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The world gets worse everyday and I have lost hope in it. But at the same time my life has gotten better over time and I have more faith in myself.

By reading Evola, Aurelius, Seneca.

By finding peace within myself and things to enjoy.

Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O divine master grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born to eternal life

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>Is just waiting it out until the collapse the only way we are gonna get out of this mess?
yes. war is coming, OP. dont doubt it for a second. so long as there are men, there will be wars

>read some books

Good work user, why dont you come to the whitehouse?

A girl wont care about your dick size, if shes already dtf. If you're that worried just get good at eating pussy. and no more porn

I don't believe the turning point is within most of our live times. I just don't see it happening, judging by the way things have been going for the last few decades. It will take an extraordinary event that trusts a large amount of people into a very dire situation before anybody is willing to do what is necessary. The war is ultimately won in the minds of the future generations. So your goal should be to prepare the future generations for that. The battle of ideas must continue.

solid advice

>How do you guys deal with how shit the world is currently?
I have a dog that gets a lot of attention, and lots of guns that I play with, at night I shitpost here. In the morning I will probably watch the MSM news feeds over a few pints before I get into some serious drinking, because it's the weekend. If this was a Sunday night I'd probably go all out and down a 60 of vodka just to make sure I was just as pissed off in the morning as my co-workers when I show up an hour late. Seems to work for me.

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