Something nuclear blew up in russia and they are covering it up. Iodine tablets sold out, radiation spikes in a city 18mi from a "hypersonic missile test", ambulances covered in plastic transporting
>people with severe radiation poisoning
They will lie and cover it up.
Something is not right.
Checked and seems like they are definitely up to some fuckery. Just like when the radiation levels in Europe went WAY up a couple years ago and they traced it back to mother Russia. They never play by the rules.
>"Radiation levels are said to have temporarily soared 20 times above the normal level in Severodvinsk, a city 18 miles away, sparking 'panic' and 'hysteria' and a rush to buy iodine from pharmacies."
well see the posîtive side its not an reactor like in japan which is still leaking into the pacific ocean
>hbo releases CHERNOBYL mini series
>russia blows shit up a few months later
very interesting to say the least
>mother Russia. They never play by the rules.
t. Hillary
airborne particles are worse than ocean borne ones like way worse
Sure, but it is travelling in the air that we breath. Also, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they arent supposed to be testing nukes
How are Eurocucks not up in arms about this
Putin no doubt personally caused the problem because he's still trying to take back Alaska.
where du u think we get our food and water ?
Oh goddamn, please let him try
All over the place.
water has a cycle liquid soild and gas no matter where the particles are u get them sooner or later
I'm just here for the lulz
what kind of magic is radioactivity?
Alchemy, specifically transmutation.
I understand this. My point is, radiation is radiation whether it comes from the ocean or the air. All of it is a part of the water cycle
It is what happens when you fuck with shit that you shouldn't
Especially those naturally occurring meltdowns when ground water manages to come into contact with sufficiently pure uranium deposit and it starts spontaneously fissioning.
>page 11
so Motehr Russia is actually falling into (radioactive) pieces and none of you cares?! wtf
Ocean water evaporates, but the radioactive leakage will settle in the ocean harmlessly ;)
Learn to science
>you must be 18 to post here
For a while after Fukushima blew, you could line up a map of radiation detectors in the US with where the jet stream was. Pretty good correlation of elevated readings where the jet stream took a hard turn and the weather front mashup resulted in rain.
Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?
>Radioactive leakage will settle harmlessly
Fuck. Off.
Are you spreading alarmist rhetoric comrade?
Pray for Arkhangelsk
You should just give him Canada instead
I’d rather Putin than Trudeau. At least he’d get rid of the tranny predators and kick out the chinks also he’d probably be less corrupt
>The BBC, in its reporting of the incident, wrote, “A woman in Severodvinsk named only Alina told Russian news site 'I work in the hospital where they're bringing the injured. They advise everyone to close their windows and drink iodine, 44 drops per glass of water.'"
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it not a big deal because water absorbs radiation extremely well while air doesn’t at all. I remember reading somewhere that radiation during space travel could be reduced to negligible levels by having a shell of water encasing the ship, because water does such a good job of absorbing ionizing radiation.
Water is good at blocking the radiation itself. The danger is the contaminated material that may be floating around after an accident.
Best thread today
>Oh goddamn, please let him try
oh, look another best goy white amerimutt hasn't fucking learned his lesson yet and is ready to serve his jewish masters at the drop of a hat! How surprising! You're the same sort of retard that thought it was a great idea to destroy Germany and Japan in WW2. Idiot.
I'd rather have Putin, Xi, or Kim Jong-Un as president than that fucking top-goyim (((donald trump))) any day of the week.
Your image text is misleading. That Act prevented the gov from spewing prop. Are you wondering who those mainstream sites are funded by?
> take back Alaska
Why would anyone want it?
It's chock full of valuable natural resources and it's strategically located as a port, both maritime and air. But it would just be asking for trouble these days to have Russia right on the doorstep like that. Better to have a buffer state and the separation of an ocean.
>millions are dead according to RT
And nuclear power is delayed another 50 years thanks to the Russians again. I'm thinking dishonorary nonwhite status.
It has resources? Oh well, it was sold fair and square.
>But it would just be asking for trouble these days
Image if we had semi-direct border during the Cold War. Fuck I wish I could read some history books form that timeline!
Why do Russians keep fucking with radioactive shit when they clearly don't have the IQ to handle it? Fucking niggers.
Wouldn't surprise me.
ok am scered
that makes you sounds like a retarded boomer.
>How are Eurocucks not up in arms about this
Mostly Russians, Ukrainians and other slav degenerates that are getting fucked by this.
Not my fucking problem bro.
Yeah, you know that could be a pretty interesting plot for some historical fiction books or a TV series. We had Canada sitting in between via the North Pole route, so we could hide all kinds of missiles and radar systems but still have a huge empty wasteland country in the middle. But if Russia had built up bases and everything right in Alaska, then that would put Canada in a much more difficult position, not to mention messing with the naval trade routes along California etc.
I don't understand why they are so irresponsible about this stuff.
Everybody in the region probably has a piece of that in them now. There's no way to protect yourself from this kind of thing with any amount of money, not if you consume anything from a supply chain not completely enclosed within a biome.
The negligent are punished for this type of thing along with the unwitting, it seems insane to me that anybody would let this kind of thing happen, and to lie about it after means that many precautions that could be taken may go unaddressed.
20 times background is nothing.
>They will lie and cover it up.
Somebody posted an RT story saying the radiation leak was minor and dissipated quickly.
Remember - The Russians lies for the love of lying - It's a cultural thing..
Chernobyl is back on the menu bois
oh shit are those hypersonic missiles Russia was bragging about powered by onboard mini reactors?
>be russian
>have powers of radioactive
>get atomic explosion
every single time
Almost as bad as the japs.
>20 KB, 308x185
>That pic
>Nigger arm.
Fucking typical nigger attitude.
because no one was man enough to stop them, you could have burned the entire USSR and it's legacy but you chose to sit on your ass and let them play with nukes
It certainly could. Also what if Alaska was like Taiwan, a last refuge of White Movement, running from the communists?
Dilution and settling on the floor. He's not entirely wrong except for some exposure to sea bed habitat. But surface and fish likely only get short term exposure. Also depends on the exact amount leaked. Definitely alarmist.
>you could have burned the entire USSR
That would have included your entire country back in the day. We wouldn't have just attacked the USSR, but the whole Warsaw Pact.
LMFAO literally this
Russia has been doing some real next level shit lately
Based and boomer pilled
And maybe there could be a complex series of palace intrigue plot arcs with similar seperatist movements in places like what would later become Crimea or Kaliningrad. Now you also have new forms of internal tension on the USSR side of things.
>Russia has been doing some real next level shit lately
Not really. Dangerous equipment, decrepit maintenance and low IQ's don't make up for it, no matter how "brave" the crew are.
Modern Russia is a shadow of what it once was. That they have nukes just makes them more dangerous, like a rabid dog.
When are we going to do something about these slavic dogs?
Russia has been saving the world from near Russian-caused incidents.
can you comprehend how much water is in the oceans?
so they make some nuclear hell contraption, fuck it up as always and then want to be seen as heroes for not blowing everyone else up?
So, the equivalent of a transatlantic flight. Got it. Probably transuranic alloys in the shitbox they were testing.
>flight meme
>totally not nuke industry shill
>t. alberto barbosa
The divergent boundaries of the mid Atlantic ridge are spewing radioisotopes all day every day, faggot. More than any man made anything. You're a dumb person. Stop thinking you know anything. You don't. You cannot even explain a single decay chain or what alpha/beta decay are, what necessitates a continued fission reaction and the like. Just shut the fuck up. Everyone needs to get off the fucking internet and "I'm" and shut the everliving fuck up. God dammit; you fucking morons waste so much fucking time on here saying NOTHING. Absolute horseshit.
retaliation with the sub for destroying the Samson option
GCHQ fucking leave
>atmospheric column shielding is a meme
I cannot imagine what a disappointment you are to your parents. However, they're probably too dumb to realize it themselves.
We're talking about sources under the atmosphere, not over it, Mr. Doctor of Kikery, esq.
>GCHQ fucking leave
Getting triggered Ivan?
Hope the Putinbux were worth it.
I got a bad feeling about this one scoob.
still counts
>still counts
Keep telling yourself that bro.
chaos fuckery. Causes mutations
Russia saves the world from russia lol
Chernobyl is the equivalent of this:
>stop car
>shoot guy in the face
>take them to hospital
>look comrade, am hero, i take man shot in face on side of road to hospital, saving his life.
still counts is typical russian logic.
>russia has an accident on their own soil
>the neocon israel first boomer screams about how Russia needs to be invaded
Oh look a real thread, why hasn’t the jannies pruned it yet? 08 on Zeronet doesn’t have this problem.
In answer to what happened probably Russia blew up a new kind of bomb or tested a new type of nuclear rocket engine.
It might have been an old lady using an unbalanced washing machine and local river water.
>08 on Zeronet doesn’t have this problem
shilling for a honeypot in 2019 lol, enjoy getting framed for cp by the kikes
Rus. We were just kidding.
No dude, it's even better
>Hbo releases Chernobyl miniseries
>Russia gets asspained and claims it's all western propaganda to make them look incompetent
>Within months they have another TWO nuclear accidents that they lie about and try to cover up exactly as in Chernobyl
You only to kick the door in and the whole rotten structure crumbles.
It's actually worse and even more paranoid than that. They claim that it was caused by sabotage by CIA spies and are in the process of doing their own docu-drama to show how it happened.
I wish I was making this up.
Got nothing against the Russians, hate to see such an incident.
I'll drink a shot of vodka for you guys tonight.
Subs /Red October
That would be great! And the whole WW2 situation is now even more complex. Will Hitler sign pact with the commies, knowing full well that Nationalist Russia exists? Will Nationalists join Commies to fight off invaders (like their Chinese analogues did) or open a second front on the Far East? Will USSR be forced to openly support communist China thus attacking Japan?
God, I want to watch/read about it!
Found the crpto Russian kike
Oh I know about that. It's not even Russia it's the Soviet Union and that's all they'd have to say too, but their asspain and incompetence is endless and timeless
Simmer down there, Mao