Should public schools be racially segregated?

Should public schools be racially segregated?

Attached: black school.png (781x782, 498K)

No, negroes should be sent to Africa

What ?

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>Should public schools

Both pics look staged. False Flags. Totally wrong.

Sexually segregated too.

user is implying that the federal government forced white kids to go to school with blacks (Little Rock Nine) literally by gunpoint and no one used their guns to fight back against it.

They already self-segregate themselves. Why not take it one step further?
t. Mixed school teacher

I'm not being racist, but blacks did better educationally when they were educated in their own black schools by black teachers who wouldn't put up with nigger behaviour.

Attached: Black to the Future.jpg (496x341, 116K)

hmmm. How many of those guardsmen were specially picked because they were non-white, homosexual, communist, etc.?

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Yes, integration was a ploy to ensure white oversight of black education.

Spotted the coal burner.

Attached: Burn the Coal Pay the Toll - Goblin Baby Edition.png (853x549, 450K)

It should be freedom of association. If a school wants niggers, then the school shall have niggers. If the school doesn't want niggers, then the school shall not have niggers.

Why is this such a difficult concept?

>It should be freedom of association
>freedom of association

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>If a school wants niggers, then the school shall have niggers.

The school is just a building, bought and paid for by local taxpayers. In nigger areas that would be a nigger school, run by niggers. In white areas that would be a white school run by white people.

That was how it was solved before (((they))) started getting involved in the 1950's and 60's.

Attached: So just take the niggers and the jews and we're sorted.jpg (1067x696, 218K)

They pretty much already are.

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Yes, it benefits both races

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comfy image

Yes, everything in society should be racially segregated. Your doubles can't lie.

>schooling nigs


any sauce for that m8? I believe it but others wont

If they have to be here then yes. "Latino/Hispanic" should also be segregated.

That's most of the U.S. Forces now lol

Delisional retard

I have so many, which to post
African Jeep it is

Attached: africanJeepRS.jpg (1555x931, 257K)

No because the white schools will have more funding and be more focused on by the state. But Private schools? They should be able to pick and choose who goes to their school, but it should not be forced by the government

>any sauce for that m8? I believe it but others wont
We both know that such politically incorrect views would never be tolerated never mind researched or in any way given academic justification.

Desegregation is the mantra of the (((public school))) system in the West.

Attached: It's always the Jews.jpg (1024x576, 180K)

Literally this...

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I think It was better back then. No one was forced to interact with undesired elements of another culture and community. Everyone was separate, there was less race mixing and moral decay.

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