Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is God

>Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is God
(Philippians 2:10-11, Romans 14:11)

Jesus says every human on Earth will eventually bend the knee and be forced to confess he is God.

So user, will you bend the knee?

Attached: Jesus.jpg (1280x544, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you believe in a God in the first place? If theres no evidence to suggest a God exist, what are you bending knee to/for?

When is that supposed to happen?
















(temple residence of Nabu in Assur, Assyria)










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>that Jesus Christ is God

That is not what it says:

Phil 2:10,11 - 10so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground, 11and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD the Father.

>(Romans 14:11) for it is written: “‘As I live,’ says Jehovah, ‘to me every knee will bend down, and every tongue will make open acknowledgment to God.’”

We bow to Jesus as Lord while acknowledging bowing to God THROUGH Jesus as King.

>When is that supposed to happen?

After Armageddon when all of God's enemies are destroyed.

"God" 8s quite literally everything. More specifically, he's our collective consiousness based upon the divine principles of empathy.

Neanderthals aka Biblical Falken Angels lacked that quality... Yet Eve (Homo Sapien) still had sex with em' somewhere in the middle east. Gave birth to the first son if different origin, Cain (Cro Magnon).

So what, our free will is going to overridden?

Jesus never dies

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>If theres no evidence to suggest a God exist
There's evidence everywhere, but you ignore it because you hate God

The fact that the biggest attempt to replace Christian morality (communism) resulted in the biggest mass murder in history is pretty good evidence to me.
Christianity is pro-nation, pro-family, and anti-usury. Whenever we abandon these principles bad things happen.

Your mind will be overridden. you won't be able to NO SEE he is god. seeing and not seeing has nothing to do With free will. and it will eventually become so Clear that he is God. And fear of hell will then start to shake at their core. they will bow to him in due time

>is pretty good evidence to me
Then you're a retard, because that isn't evidence of a god existing at all.
Presuppositionalism is for faggots.

go away jew worshiper

The eternal meddlers are up to no good. These stories are weak.

I see the innate beauty of the earth and order of the universe to be evidence enough. There's definitely something divine in the way we can observe the beauty of the earth and it can move someone to emotion. There's something innately divine about finding out a secret of creation and using it in a Positive constructive way. That's just my opinion. I think science and our mastery over our surroundings are just further explorations of God. I also think because we dropped the theological side of our culture out that we have STRAYED to an overtly hedonistic and curious society. Curiosity and hedonism are to be explored but that must be tempered through open honest debate free of violence and censorship and we have fallen from that ideal. Maybe we never could stand up to it who knows, I like to believe we can.


Also there is wisdom in the trinity the father is the stoic wall.
The son is the hope for the future.
The Holy spirit is the feminine guile and beauty its this that drives creation and love, left unchecked we fall to hedonism and malpractice

>"God" 8s quite literally everything
How did you determine this?
>More specifically, he's our collective consiousness
>based upon the divine principles of empathy
What is divine about empathy, and how does this point to a god?

I already did.

>"There's no evidence"
>Proceeds to ignore all evidence

>I see the innate beauty of the earth and order of the universe to be evidence enough.
It's not, and by that reasoning chaos would work against it.
>There's definitely something divine
>There's something innately divine
Sorry, but nope.
>That's just my opinion

>Why is there suffering and evil in the world.
Because we have free will and can defy God.
>That's terrible! He should override our free will and fix that.
When judgement comes, none will be able to deny Him.
>He's going to take our free will? That's terrible.

>its everywhere
Be specific. Things occurring in reality are proof of God how?
>you ignore it because you hate god
I don't, I just have no reason to believe he exists.

No successful replacement of Christian morality exists.
Even New Atheist types like Sam Harris subscribe to Christian morality minus the things they don't like (nationalism, sexual morality, etc)

>I'm a gigantic faggot who makes up quotes that the person I'm replying to never said, and I literally can't sucking cocks
Good for you user, good for you.

>No successful replacement of Christian morality exists.
Secular humanism. Anyway, that's not an argument for Christianity being true, that's an argument for acting as if it were.

>The fact that the biggest attempt to replace Christian morality
Isnt proof of any god. Human actions do not demonstrate a supernatural being. We don't follow christian morals solely anyways,so your argument doesnt make sense.
>Christianity is pro-nation, pro-family, and anti-usury. Whenever we abandon these principles bad things happen.
I dont know what this has to do with a God existing.

What evidence?

Not him but
>Even New Atheist types like Sam Harris subscribe to Christian morality
According to what?

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Chaos does work against it and that's pressure to survive or want something better it gives the opportunity to strive for something better but at the same time can result in hubris like pride, malice, greed or ignorance. For example man likely got so advanced because males we competing for sexual partners and against too many predators and survival pressures, left unchecked too much violence is bad and sometimes its nessecary. I think we evolved past violent conquest for sexual partners a bit ago somewhat, because of the divine nature between order and choas. Right now we have shifted in to a weird brutal ordered regime which is fueled by pride

I already bow to the jews in my government why not bow to another one?

Take the 10 commandments for example. People argue they're so simple you don't need religion for them. But when an explicitly anti-theist morality was implemented, almost all of them became inverted.
"Thou shalt not covet" became "thou shalt covet the rich."
"Thou shalt not steal" became "thou shalt steal from the rich".
"Thou shalt not murder" became "thou shalt murder the rich".
"Though shalt not lie" became "thou shalt lie to further communism".
"Though shalt honour thine mother and father" became "thou shalt turn your parents over to the police".
"Thou shalt worship no other God, nor make any graven image" became "thou shalt worship Lenin and Stalin"
"Thou shalt not commit adultery" became "thou shalt practice sexual liberation".

>I think we evolved past violent conquest for sexual partners a bit ago somewhat, because of the divine nature between order and choas
No, we evolved past it because we're social animals and it aids our survival to not brutally kill each other.

Already did

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>Take the 10 commandments for example.
The 10 commandments leave a lot to be desired in a moral code. Several of them are just about God being jealous and others are one-sided or talk about women in the same sense as property.

How is this evidence for a god?


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>"Hurr, why would I want to bow down to the person the jews hate the most?"

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Bare in mind we are disregarding the idea of a next generation in the west. Many people 'joke' that kids are lecherous and a burden some even go as far as to say they're a parasite. That is disregard for the Son the idea that there will be a next day or hope. So no wonder there's no real hope and people are so depressed in society. The future = finances to them. Not the things that guided us to where we are now. Honor, truth, Beauty and wisdom passed to a next generation so they can improve on what their mothers and fathers made for them.
I'm not essentially against gays either I believe that jesus died for our sins and its not within the realms of man to judge for love but we can judge for pure unadulterated hedonism both straight and gay alike. Trans is a corruption for the most part and an outright psyop on a generation of children. There do exist some very very rare people who blend the line a bit but none the less they're either a girly boy or a manly women. They have qualities but they're not a fucking opposite switch aroo like they think and a wise psychologist could help them get through it.


There's a balance to us. We are social animals but there comes a point where we draw the line and violence happens. Everything in history and evolution points to my estimation.

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This is the correct response.

No God. No Jesus. No magic No woo-woo. No mojo.

Reality, it's a good thing.

>We are social animals but there comes a point where we draw the line and violence happens
Yes, because we are social animals. We observe the same sort of behavior in other social animals.

new testament is based

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Willingly. It can't be denied

Consciousness is 'magic' it can be utilised and wielded. If you control the consciousness of a great number of people you can move them to great feats.

Jesus probably shared some fish and bread and taught others at the beach to share thus curing the hunger. Shifting the consciousness
Great feats and stories are the magic of man

So scared of death that you believe in fairy tails. Religion needs to be purged from this world. Belief in an afterlife enables people to justify killing and ignore the suffering of those around them. Religion was developed along side agriculture to overthrow tribal matriarchy or witchcraft. Once people had the ability to produce more than they needed in their lifetime women’s breeding needed to be controlled in order to pass on that wealth. Thus stories were made up to justify their selfish actions and keep women subservient. The idiots who aren't smart enough to realize its all parable stories that don’t represent actual factual events are kept in line to serve the powerful intellectual elite. Everyone past the masters degree level in seminary school knows its all bullshit, and they love how easy it is to watch the fools part with their money for Jesus while they enjoy their lives at their expens.

Jesus was a gay black stoner !

So you agree with me that there's inate Devine order and chaos to creation? That creation is almost reflective of the spirit of man itself? And that by observing creation we unlock secrets for ourselves. How many people do you think I wish I could fly and looked at the birds? Now we fly

I'd rather listen to Burzum and possibly burn a church in minecraft.

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>Secular humanism.
Secular humanism parasitically borrows Christian morality. It is a failure because it is globalist and egalitarian. How many people do you know who call themselves humanists?
>Anyway, that's not an argument for Christianity being true, that's an argument for acting as if it were.
It's evidence for both

>there's inate Devine order and chaos to creation
What creation?

another christ demon fantasy

No, I don't agree with that at all.

Christ was an invention of the Jew used to cuck Europe, Christianity makes nations less militant, take the Romans for example, Christianity was one the major reasons for the fall of Rome they allowed refugees in their borders that were culturally different from them because they felt bad becuase muh jesus,

If I were raised in a religious vacuum, I would probably be a deist. Most people can come to the logical conclusion that there is one single Creator without any indoctrination. Plato and Aristotle did it centuries before Christ. I recommend you read Plato’s compiles dialogues if you’re curious. It’s only when you start getting into some of the specific aspects of the nature of the supreme being that faith becomes necessary. See Summa Contra Gentiles Book I, chapters 3 to 14.

>Secular humanism parasitically borrows Christian morality
Backwards. Modern Christianity leeches off of secular advances in thought.
>It's evidence for both
No, it isn't.


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>Secular humanism parasitically borrows Christian morality
You havent substantiated any of your claims, so I'm not sure why I bother asking, but what information led you to this nonsensical conclusion?

Jesus jerks off dogs. He waits until 2-3am on a Wednesday night, and quietly slips out his back door, and in his backyard he eases himself over the fence into his neighbors yard. Creeping through the darkness guided by the pale yellow beam of a penlight, he approaches his neighbor's doghouse. Once he gets close enough for the dog to hear him, the german shepherd-boxer mix emerges from the doghouse, tail wagging. He knows what is about to happen.

Jesus crouches next to the dog and cradles the dog's massive sheath in his hand, gently gripping. The dog's breathing quickens and it begins to bump it's hips as jesus rocks his hand back and forth. Jesus groans in ecstasy as the dog's thrusting intensifies, and loud dog grunts fill the night air and jesus's other hand begins rubbing his small penis through his jorts. The dog latches onto jesus' upper arm with it's front legs and the dog begins jackhammering the air, his massive swollen erection flopping freely as jesus grips the huge red knot. gouts of hot sour dog semen launch into the moist night air in steaming loops and jesus adds to the grunting as he approaches orgasm. jesus's leg shivers as he unloads the holy ghost into his underroos. Satiated, cowardly jesus scurries back to his trailer to clean himself in his ugly yellow stand up shower. The dog stands there in the dark, confused but satisfied.

That's what jesus does.

Jesus does that.

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GOD is good, GOD is great, GOD is Black.
Stay mad wh*te devils

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t. Jew. That’s basically straight out of the Talmud.

Modern Christianity (Churchianity) = globalists in sheep's clothing. Humanism is still a bastardization of Christian morality.
>secular advances in thought.
Yes because trans children, sterile women, debtwageslavery, moral relativism etc is truely an advance.

Now you're just ranting and raving.

Medieval christianity is best christianity.

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It's ok user because Europeans are the actual jews :^)

>Romans 1:16 - Salvation is "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile".

>Romans 3:1-2 - What, then, is the superiority of the Jew, or what is the benefit of the circumcision? 2A great deal in every way. First of all, because they were entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God.

>Romans 3:9-12 - What then? Are we in a better position? Not at all! For above we have made the charge that Jews as well as Greeks are all under sin; 10just as it is written: “There is not a righteous [man], not even one; 11there is no one that has any insight, there is no one that seeks for God. 12All [men] have deflected, all of them together have become worthless; there is no one that does kindness, there is not so much as one.”

The Jews were given consideration for salvation first because they were the ones entrusted with the sacred scriptures to begin with. So God showed them consideration first as a token of appreciation for securing the OT for him when it was under attack for centuries. However, this is as far as their "privilege" as Jews goes. Beyond that, they have no superiority nor advantage over the Gentiles because Jews are still sinners in God's eyes just as much as Gentiles are. The difference is that the Gentiles are given more lea-way for being sinners because they were ignorant whereas the Jews had the scriptures and prophets the entire time.

>(Acts 14:16) In the past generations he permitted all the nations to go on in their ways,

>(Romans 5:13) For until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not charged against anyone when there is no law.

>(Romans 4:15) In reality the Law produces wrath, but where there is no law, neither is there any transgression.

The privilege Gentiles get over Jews is more consideration and flexibility because they had no law while the Jews HAD the law the whole time. Being a Jew back then was worse than being a Gentile in God's eyes.

Because of rejecting Jesus the Jews are automatically servants of Satan now.



>Most people can come to the logical conclusion that there is one single Creator
By using what logic? How is anyone arriving at a logical conclusion of an unverifiable supernatural being existing?
>Plato and Aristotle did it centuries before Christ
They didnt logically demonstrate God.
>It’s only when you start getting into some of the specific aspects of the nature of the supreme being that faith becomes necessary.
You have to have faith to believe a supernatural being exists, it doesnt start with the minuscule stuff. We have no way to verify this claim, how could anyone even assert something like that exists without evidence or faith?

What are the "advances in thought" that secularism has given us then user?

>implying new testament jews are the same as old testament jews

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God can be whatever he wants, so if he wants to be black he can be. Same as white. Last time he tried being Jewish it didn't go so well so he might not do that again.

The Jews have not learned their lesson in 2000 years, and you think you can convince them?


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Just realised how bad my spelling has been at times forgive me I am phone posting lol. I hope the meaning was still conveyed. It was divine I kept spelling wrong Ironically enough hahaha. Not everyone's perfect and we were made in gods image aka creations image

>(Matthew 10:5,6) These twelve Jesus sent forth, giving them these orders: “Do not go off into the road of the nations, and do not enter into a Sa·mari·tan city; but, instead, go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

There's actually nothing wrong with this. This was prophecied to happen because the Jews were promised to Abraham to be saved through his decendant, Jesus Christ. After that promise was fulfilled and only A FEW Jews responded favorably to Jesus then Jesus commanded to move on to the nations or gentiles.

>(Matthew 28:19) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit,

>(Ephesians 3:5, 6) In other generations this [secret] was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by spirit, 6namely, that people of the nations should be joint heirs and fellow members of the body and partakers with us of the promise in union with Christ Jesus through the good news.

Equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, sex, orientation, or belief.

Galatians 2:7-9 - 7But, on the contrary, when they saw that I had entrusted to me the good news for those who are uncircumcised, just as Peter [had it] for those who are circumcised— 8for He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations; 9yes, when they came to know the undeserved kindness that was given me, James and Cephas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave me and Barna·bas the right hand of sharing together, that we should go to the nations, but they to those who are circumcised.

There's nothing unusual here at all.


>Romans 15:27 - "For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings."


>(Romans 15:26, 27) For those in Mac·e·doni·a and A·chaia have been pleased to share up their things by a contribution to the poor of the holy ones in Jerusalem. 27True, they have been pleased to do so, and yet they were debtors to them; for if the nations have shared in their spiritual things, they also owe it to minister publicly to these with things for the fleshly body.
>contribution to the poor of the holy ones in Jerusalem.
>contribution to the poor of the holy ones in Jerusalem.

The ORIGINAL JEWISH CHRISTIANS were persecuted by the Jews in Jerusalem. They would ransack their houses and deprive them of their properties and money. So they ended up poor on the streets. So the GENTILE CHRISTIANS put up their own charity to help the JEWISH CHRISTIANS out MATERIALLY. Why? Because they Gentile Christians OWED the Jewish Christians for helping Christ save their souls. It was the least they could do.

Because of this good attitude the GENTILE CHRISTIANS expressed the JEWISH CHRISTIANS WERE NOW DEBTORS TO THEM!!

>(Romans 1:14, 15) Both to Greeks and to Barbarians, both to wise and to senseless ones I am a debtor: 15so there is eagerness on my part to declare the good news also to YOU there in Rome.
>Both to Greeks and Barbarians
>both to wise and senseless ones
>I am a debtor
>I am a debtor

THE JEWISH CHRISTIANS were now IN DEBT to the GENTILE CHRISTIANS. Nice try, study the Bible.

That is not true at all. Christians who love jesus are readily demonised their arguments are flatly refused meanwhile every other culture is promoted by the media. Old testament lines are used to hurt the Christian faith with no observations made that they belong to an older religion with a different covenant aka idea of how they should act in accordance to creation/god

Rabbi jesus was one of those righteous circumcised jews who celebrated Passover, which commemorates the slaughter of egyptian children in Exodus 12. We shouldn't confuse him with modern circumcised jews who celebrate Passover, which commemorates the slaughter of egyptian children in Exodus 12.

>(Romans 1:16) For I am not ashamed of the good news; it is, in fact, God’s power for salvation to everyone having faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek;

Same as here The Jews back then had the privilege of having Salvation offered to them first because they were the original writers, prophets, and guardians of the sacred scriptures for God.(Romans 3:1-2) God just wanted to show them his appreciation for that by offering them salvation first.

Can you explain your statement:
>Secular humanism parasitically borrows Christian morality
Or no?

>That is not true at all.
It is true.
>Christians who love jesus are readily demonised their arguments are flatly refused
Equality cuts both ways. You are free to to be Christian and to make your arguments, and we are free to call you out on your bullshit and ignore you.
>every other culture is promoted by the media
Media is ultimately private enterprise. They can promote whatever speech they want.
>Old testament lines are used to hurt the Christian faith with no observations made that they belong to an older religion with a different covenant aka idea of how they should act in accordance to creation/god
So what?

. By the time Christ comes, dies, resurrected, and ascends back to heaven the age of blood Israel was officially over. Jewish Christians moved on to the gentiles. Since the Jews IN MAJORITY rejected Jesus then God would have to "graft" in a wild branch into his original tree. This wild branch(gentiles) would now be legal heirs of the original root and tree(Abraham, Isaac, Jacob).

>(Romans 11:17) However, if some of the branches were broken off(Jews who rejected Jesus) but you, although being a wild olive(Gentiles), were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the olive’s root of fatness,(Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, loyal house of Israel, Prophets, Jesus, Apostles, Jews faithful to Jesus)

>(Romans 11:19, 20) You will say, then: “Branches were broken off(anti-Christ Jews) that I might be grafted in(Goyim).” 20All right! For [their] lack of faith they were broken off(anti-Christ Jews), but you are standing by faith. Quit having lofty ideas, but be in fear.

The new House of Israel is made up of Gentiles now along with some pro-Christ Jews.

>>(Jeremiah 31:31) “Look! There are days coming,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “and I will conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant;

>(Acts 18:6) But after they kept on opposing and speaking abusively, he shook out his garments and said to them: “Let YOUR blood be upon YOUR own heads. I am clean. From now on I will go to people of the nations.”

>(Acts 13:46) ...“It was necessary for the word of God to be spoken first to YOU. Since YOU are thrusting it away from YOU and do not judge yourselves worthy of everlasting life, look! we turn to the nations.

Eventually, blood Jews

>(Revelation 3:9) Look! I will give those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and yet they are not but are lying—look! I will make them come and do obeisance before your feet and make them know I have loved you.

Media is almost government now with how they bleed into one another with lobbying political groups and biases within their structure. Their either Jews or freemasons exclusively they control the main stream political dialogue with words like racism and anti immigration or sexist.you cannot have equality without the freedom of ideas as bad as they are direct calls to violence are to be dissuaded. Discourse should never be dissuaded. If it gets to a point where discourse can't be done violence always happens.

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To use Aristotle as an example, he called his God the “Prime Mover,” because the ancient Greeks were aware of some of the Newtonian laws of physics, including that of conservation of energy. The Greeks (correctly, as near as we can tell) believed in a universe that had a beginning, which means that something would have had to have set the gears into motion. Aristotle did not claim to know anything about this being, or even force, other than that it caused the creation of the universe. He simply deduced that, if energy can neither be created nor destroyed, yet the universe had a beginning, then something independent it anything else must have triggered it. You may disagree with this logic, and I suspect you will. However it would be disingenuous to claim that this line of reasoning is predicated on faith along. I’d recommend you actually read Aristotle if you want a more in-depth response. Plato had a different perception of God, or the creator, or whatever you want to call it, which depended more on ethics than in physics, and which I’d also be happy to discuss, but again, it’d be better if you actually read Plato.

the dumbest posters on Jow Forums are christcucks

if you are a christcuck, then you worship the jew god yahweh, whom the jews believe created life, the universe, and reality itself

as a christcuck, your whole fundamental understanding of the world is based on jew fairy tales and jew creation mythos

christcucks can bullshit all day about the ethnicity of y'shua the so-called magic jew, but the fact remains that their entire worldview is built on heeb legends and kike fiction

why the fuck would you willingly spread your asschecks for a jew god to have his way with you if you hate the jews in the first place

we're talking about a god who wants you to cut off a perfectly good part of your dick so he can establish dominance over you as if you were some kind of slave or whore

the life of a christcuck revolves around the bedtime stories that jewish mothers told their kids as they drifted off to sleep -- stories of forced circumcision and fire coming from the sky to crush the enemies of the jews

that kind of shit is retarded, and so are christcucks who keep trying to turn the pussiest, most left-wing fucking religion into some right-wing circlejerk with knight LARPing and tradthot shoehorning

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>Old testament lines are used to hurt the Christian faith with no observations made that they belong to an older religion with a different covenant aka idea of how they should act in accordance to creation/god
They're ignoring half their book. How does anyone justify ignoring the OT if they believe in god? Why was a new covenant necessary if god is omniscient?

>The new House of Israel is made up of Gentiles now along with some pro-Christ Jews.

It's good that jews can access everything that belongs to christians if they accept rabbi jesus.

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>Media is almost government now
They aren't.
>lobbying political groups and biases within their structure
There are plenty of Christian and conservative lobbyists.
>you cannot have equality without the freedom of ideas
...and you do have the freedom of ideas. What you don't have the right to do is to force a private platform to host your ideas. If you come by to plant a Nazi yard sign on my property, I can tell you to fuck off without violating your freedom of speech.

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