Went 48 hours without booze. Felt pretty good. I just wanna quit for good...

Went 48 hours without booze. Felt pretty good. I just wanna quit for good, I want all the mental energy and sharpness I can gather.
Booze should just be for special occasions.

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SHould I just quit? Also: alcohol chat general.

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fuck off to Jow Forums advice you dumb nigger

How do you get addicted to alcohol?

You're metabolism is going to severely change if you go cold turkey to the point you will smell so terrible, you will be kicked out of places for the smellz.

don't drink during the week, for sure. Go to Jow Forums and become autistically obsessed with your body and making strength gains, it helps trust me. T. also an alcoholic.

>48 hours
>"Mental energy"
As a high functioning alcoholic that has stopped periodically for a few months at a time - this is fake as shit.
Your brain wanders, you're jittery, and your thoughts are obsessed with booze.
Stop LARPing

I get the shakes after 24 hours without. How do I quit? Shit is killing me slowly. Can’t do medical withdrawal though I have work and shit

I'm not an alcoholic I just want to drink less.

Keep it up dude. One day at a time. Do it for YOU.

2 years clean of pain pills, 1 year clean of Lyrica, 6 months clean of Adderall, and... 1 day clean of weed lol.

Just wanting to say, don’t replace the booze with something else. Don’t get a list going. Working on YOU is a great endeavor. A better Self is a better world.

>Not an alcoholic as in I can quit without feeling physical symptoms, or unbearable mental ones.

yeah you can, you just have to deal with insomnia and discomfort for a day or two. If you start hallucinating then go to the hospital. You can miss a day of work. don't let yourself cope with this "I have to keep drinking to go to work!!!" dogshit.

There are degrees. you'll always find some motherfucker worse off than you to put yourself over. If it's a problem then its a problem.

Wtf? Are you me? How do I fucking stop?

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Sip some old Scotch and light up a fine cigar. This is what men have done for millennium.

>"I have to keep drinking to go to work!!!" dogshit.
I literally own a bar man.

Been about a year for me. Still can stop porn and masturbation. I'm just a cumbrain at the end of the day

>How do I quit?
Not immediately, withdrawal could kill you if you're at the point of tremors. Slowly decrease the amount consumed over time. Easiest way is to only purchase small, discrete amounts - never extra or more than enough for one consumption. Eventually get down to 1-3 per day, every other day, twice a week, once a week, then never again or until you feel you're able to maintain control.

Based and banquetpilled.

I'm boozing right now and I feel damn good!
Fuck the quitters. Kill the straightedgers.

hire a manager then and get an office job

Think of it as a GABAa drug (because that's what it is as low doses), like all of the others; Benzos, Barbs, and so on.

If you're having a stressful day, it's fine for a normal person to have some drinks in the afternoon to help them relax and sleep.


It's different if you're self-medicating for an underlying illness, though.

I am an alcoholic and addict. I couldn't get sober at all until I started working AA. I met great people, got my head straight, and am coming up on 5 months of continuous sobriety
Working a 12 step program has saved my life, consider giving it a try.

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Drank heavily for over ten years. Going a couple days without drinking was rare. Never thought I'd be able to stop and I'm not even sure how I was able to. But for what its worth, the idea of drinking now is about as appealing as dunking my head in a toilet full of aids diarrhea. Thats about what it was for me anyway.

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The same with any drug

Taper the dose. 3/4 for 2 weeks. 1/2 for another 2 weeks. 1/4 for 2 weeks or a month. Then 1/8. And so on.

I drink maybe once or twice a year at special events and never have more than 3 beers. Imagine being so fucking mentally weak you cant control impulses to consume alcohol/drugs. Absolute animal/nigger tier.

ya but you do it because you're an incel loser with no friends.

In addition, a shit ton of thiamine (B1) significantly helps with the delirium tremens (shakes). I'd push that shit on my DTs patients IVs and almost instantly watch their shakes stop.

How are you so susceptible to something as weak as alcohol? What are you, some kind of normie?

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Doesn't work like that. Addicts and alcoholics do not react to substances like a normal person. Their body and mind do not allow them to stop using or stay stopped. It has nothing to do with willpower, once the first drink is consumed all bets are off.

I was a heavy drinker in college, then I just quit. No reason, I just stopped. I went for almost 6 years without drinking. Then my son died, and i fell completely off the wagon. It's been 6 years now, and I've somewhat gotten over it. I still function and make money, but I start the day with 4 or 5 shots of tequila.

Wrong. Im what you ugly fucks who dont have the discipline to take care of their bodies would call a chad. Im just not a fucking weak minded fool who lets shit like alcohol or nictotine control them. Whatever you gotta say to justify your own pathetic weakness though.


>heroin is super addictive and deadly never do it
>hmm once or twice wont hurt
Spare me.

>I'm totally buff and cool
>I'm Superior to all of you nerds
>I spend all my time on Jow Forums.
I mean, I'm a buff chad superior to everyone here too but the likelyhood of catching another here is slim.

I used to drink every day, cut it back to the weekends. Trying to cut it out entity but I don't know how realistic it is.

Quitting booze and cigs were easy. Caffeine is what sucks. I love coffee but the caffeine was increasing my general anxiety.

Still smoke cigars now and then

It's the weekend, go grab yourself a drink

I've thought about becoming a weekend-only chad.

Ethanol is unironically one of the most addicting substances around, as it hits glutamate and dopamine, in addition to the GABAa agonism.

If you have a genetic predisposition to addiction due to dopamine reward, you're fucked as soon as you use it.

It's dangerous to go cold turkey after prolonged high use because your GABAa system starts being downregulated, which can lead to seizures in susceptible people.

It's like gamblers and porn addicts who get that dopamine rush, or cocaine or meth users. Ethanol is unique in that it does this too, in addition to being a GABAa sedative.

Im not superior to everyone. Theres plenty of people better off than me. But to sit here and listen to faggotry like "i cant stop doing X" is just fucking pathetic. Im not even jacked, im just healthy and in shape because I give a shit about myself.

My father told me to never trust anyone who doesn't swear or drink, or who has three first names or is Swedish.

This advice has never proven me wrong.


Easier said than done... I tapered down from 24 to 12ish drinks per day over the past month but shit is tough. I might just start buying 12 packs of beer and dumping out 3 of them to get down to 3/4 of my current consumption. Sucks when you’re decreasing your alcohol consumption and you show up to work sweating bullets even if it’s chilly outside.

Hmm... caffeine just makes me more confident if anything. Unless I really go overboard.

That has its own problems, though; it will cause more brain damage than even alcoholism, though it won't cause liver and heart problems like ethanol. It lowers glutamate.

Moderation with THC too.

Why was your dad cuckophobic?

I'm in a good week/ bad week cycle the past few months. I have a week where i drink everyday, then I have a week where i dont drink at all. It's been cycling for a month. Maybe I should start going to meetings and all that other pussy shit

It's not going to be easy, but it's how you can do it safely.

You'll feel anxious and stressed and shit, but that's how it goes.

You can take longer, i.e., 3/4 usual for months. It's not a hard and fast rule, but tapering is how you do it if you don't want to go to doctors who'll give you Baclofen or Diazepam.

Fuck that drink more you absolute fukkkin pussaaay

Or just stop BEING a pussy and make a real fucking decision about who you want to be. If you cant be honest to yourself and hold yourself accountable how do you expect to ever have healthy relationships? Grow up, be a fucking man, make a choice and do it. Its like nobody here had a father worth a shit.

Ask Dr for generic oral Naltrexone and use Sinclair method cut back drinking.
You can continue drinking while on it and alcohol loses positive reinforcement and you can easily cut back.
Campril may work also

>In addition, a shit ton of thiamine (B1) significantly helps with the delirium tremens (shakes). I'd push that shit on my DTs patients IVs and almost instantly watch their shakes stop.
How much is recommended PO and at what intervals?

That you Jim?

Seconding this. Go to AA, you drunk bastards. Find a men's group that you like, with people in it who you enjoy being around. Quitting drinking doesn't mean that you can't have fun anymore either. I still go to bars, I just order diet cokes. People respect you for it (or at least that's what they say), especially women.
My life is a million times better sober. And I credit a lot of that to AA. Try it, can't hurt.

We've evolved with booze. Some have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Interestingly, mice, monkeys and even bees have the same percentage of their populations with the same predisposition.

Good for you, bro.

I only drink at nighttime, but I've cut down. I was out of control years ago, drinking vodka straight out the bottle. Insomnia is the hardest thing because I'm basically using it as a sleeping pill. I'm thinking of getting an ambien script, and switching to beer to slowly taper off.

I'm Swedish and Russian, so I've got vodka belt genes on both mom and dad's side, for better or worse. It really helps me chill after work, but I need to lose some weight.

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Because he was a real man. EWO on a B-52 during the Cold War and beat the living fuck out of a neighbor who threatened my little sister with a baseball bat for going on their lawn to retrieve her ball. Cops refused to allow the neighbor to press charges on him and threatened the neighbor with assault for waving a bat at my sister.

He also built a Harley from the frame up in his spare time as a hobby.

Not politics, you stupid fucking alkie.

I was a daily drinker for years. Then I just quit, quit smoking at the same time too.
I've had a few beers since when social situations deemed it impolite to refuse.
I'd like to say that I've never felt better and that my life has improved tremendously. I guess I'm more fit and overall in better health. But I'm still a schizoid viewing life from the outside in the only difference is that I don't have the false comfort of alcohol.
I've become more awoken spiritually which I don't believe would have been possible as a daily drinker.
Overall, I would recommend avoiding alcohol and /SIG/.

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I quit for a year.
Life was still pointless garbage.
Started drinking again.
>what do?

Lardass merricuhn can't cope with leaving alcohol.. *braaaapppp*

And who told you that, the US government? Retard.

Mens meetings and Big Book studies are what has helped me the most. I experienced being around alcohol without having the mental obsession recently. It's encouraging and I keep working the program.
Thought AA was bullshit until I started the program and saw the results. Learning to have fun in sobriety was tough at first, but now I realize I actually remember shit and don't act like an ass

Have trouble sleeping without a few pops.

There's rarely adverse effects to superdosing B1 unless you have some weird allergy to it (very rare) 2-3mg PO quaque die or 1mg bis in die is perfectly safe for most adults.

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I guess dopamine sensitivity is different for everyone then. I had no problem quitting fentanyl after using it every day for several months. I cant imagine how hard it must be for people with a weaker consitution.

I turn bright red like an asian after a few days of drinking. I think i'm going to die young bros

Thoughts on use of naltrexone and or acamprosate to aid cutting back or cessation in alcoholics?

The fuck are you drinking faggot? Water? If you're gonna drink at all, drink a fucking craft beer and support local breweries.

>I AM the liquor, rand
>26er a day or so
>one day, wake up, feel even shittier in my stomach than my usual shitty hangover
>whatever, it'll pass
>stomach gets worse, sharp pain intensifies
>throw up constantly, can't even keep down water
>pain is so severe, fetal position doesn't even help
>go to ER
>acute pancreatitis
>in hospital for over a week, hooked up to IV of painkillers while not being allowed to eat

Never again. Jow Forums life is the life for me.

I agree completely

I’m coming up on 31 years sober next month.

Tfw I know I am cause My grandpa on my dads side dropped dead at 39 from a heart attack and the one on my moms had to get a quadruple bypass in his 40’s plus i smoke

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Stay strong user

god dammit I came here to shitpost not feel

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38 here just had the quadruple bypass this year, I'm not even fat. My dad had it at 40.

Show us your zipper bro

I hope I live long enough to leave a kid behind and I hope I drops stone cold dead of my heart giving up after a good catch session with my son

1 beer daily
2 beer daily
3 beer daily
4 beer daily
5 beer daily
liquor bottle's gone after a week
liquor bottle's gone after 5 days
liquor bottle's gone after 2 days
handle's gone after 3 days...

how did it sneak up on me???

It’s only smells.

Thats all I want too but the women in my area are shit. My blood pressure is already like 80 something over 140

Naltrexone? For alcohol? No. Campral is pretty brutal on the system but it's a good Letter of Last Resort. Antabuse is more common where I live (state mandated in some DUI cases) but it really has Godawful side effects,

Congrats brother. I'm only 5 months in, and I'm honestly shocked at the results. I still have a lot of work to do on the steps, but I'm actually looking forward to the future. Never used to feel that way.

similar experience, 10 years of bad decisions with alcohol, quit smoking first and then finally had a realization that "just trying to drink like a normal person" wasn't working out so I just stopped.
It took a while to come around but eventually your head rights itself, sort of. I still don't feel like the same person I was before it all started, but that makes sense, it's been years. I have the time and energy now to exercise and get decent sleep.
Would recommend, 9.5/10

Ok, idgf.

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Shit man. Seek help.

you sound like such a redditfaggot

probably cause you smoke weed. kys nigger.

Nice man and czeched. You should tell bitches you got stabbed cause some vigilante shit and get mad puss puss

Alcohol is poison.

t. The Buddha

Find a booze that you really enjoy, not a beer, I mean a liquor.
I ended up discovering that I love brandy, and now I drink WAAAAAY less because I can't taste it if I drink it fast.
And I always feel like I want to save it instead of drinking it whenever like I did with beer, so I don't idly drink just because it's there.
And when I do drink I no longer think about getting drunk at all, I am more likely just to want to save the booze for later rather then drinking it all at once.
And when I do go on a tear, I eat way less, no more hangovers either.

is this some rap song i'm unaware of?

>he doesnt drink to get as sloshed as possible
Sounds kinda gay bro. If i wanted a tasty drink id drink juice or something

You sound like an even bigger faggot that fucks traps just because someone posted advice that’s positive. Kys white nigger

Glad to hear it's working for you man. Keep it up.

Sorry you have shit genes user. My dad's over weight and in his 80s looks 65

Pretty much this. Looking into kratom

for me i think the issue is more that I'm shit. but maybe i'll get myself together before oblivion hits

These are always great threads. You guys are helping me get through another night sober.

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If you haven't met pot heads with their brain fried, you don't know what you're talking about.