AntifA appreciation thread

Step out of your echo chamber and say something nice about these patriots!

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/leftypol/ is dead and traitors like ANTIFA will swing three to a lamppost pretty soon.

Only if antfa says something nice about nazis

every antifa tranny that gave me head was really really good at it.

Beat them
Stab them
Shoot them

It’s your civic duty.

"Something Nice."

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DOTR soon faggot

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Formidable adversary.
Your turn, fascist!

Ok well if not nazis what about trump

It's fun to report antifa crowdfunding pages and get them taken down. Come join in the fun:

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Hes right i took the bait dont make my mistake

Cant wait to see you faggots get gulaged.

Keep fighting these fascist faggots comrades! The bread pill is stronger now more then ever. The stormfags know they’re losing. Watch them cry as they lash out to hit you.

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Please don't use Gendered language to refer to people, they are FaggotX. Their prefered pronouns are REE and weak arm flailing.

they worship satan in a perfect way

antifa is high IQ and high test

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Somebody's gotta be there to give the Proud Boys a hard time, because the cops sure don't.

I'll say something nice once you're all dead

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They make wonderful fire lighters.

Good job on collecting 41k to fund your international fascism watch program Antifa! It's a shame one of the anons on here reported it to the FBI and recorded a video of it as proof though, hopefully you still get the money!


I’ll say a few nice things about them. They beat miga tards that gets extra points in my book. They are correct about capitalism being a tool of evil. And they help accelerate things. I wish they understood who the real (((bourgeoisie))) are tho and I do wish they embraced more of their traditional tankies values instead of globohomo but I do have respect for them. All and all if they weren’t anti white I would probably see them as potential allies but that ship has long past sailed.

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Fighting fascism is the American way

>say something nice
You're doing a great job popularising Nazi ideology. Again. Thanks comrade!

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Once the boomers are dead the facism will be gone, for now the war is fought on facebook and in shithole states like ohio

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They're the single biggest recruiter to our cause.

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Antifa are the enemies of America.

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good target practice in the future I guess you kike

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Their leftist tears are DELICIOUS!

1 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account .


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You have to appreciate the afford though. At least this guy is outside doing something for what he believes to be the right way.