Either IRL or in the public square?
Are there any leftists you respect?
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I enjoy listening to Jimmy.
Stephen Lendman kept it pretty real. I used to listen to Webster Tarpley's radio show until just a year or two back as he seemed to be descending into an alternate reality. There's some lefty professor from Yale who popped up around the OWS days who I thought did a good job of teaching the unwashed masses, although, predictably, he wound also wound up shilling for communism later on.
only one i can think of
Respect is a strong word, but I like Tim pool
No. Jimmy Dore has true premises but garbage conclusions.
Tulsi unironically
I'm unironically a fan of economist and midget Robert Reich.
Once upon a time he was making this documentary about just how awful the Clintons really were. Guess he didn't want to shoot himself a few times in the back of the head.
Jimmy Dore and Webster Tarpley
I do hate when Jimmy acts like Tucker is a stupid person. "If this guy gets it then everyone should"
He's a pedophile retard, retard
He spit's like a snake
Kyle Kulinski. He's as leftist as it gets but at least he's anti-establishment and not a smarmy hypocrite.
He’s right about a lot of foreign policy stuff, but he’s either completely disingenuous or has no self awareness on a lot of other things
>hurrr why are all these guys calling me an anti-semite???!! I’m not an anti-semite! They’re deliberately poisoning the well so we can’t even have the conversation!
>durrr look at all these racists who want a border wall! Don’t even engage with these racists!!
>if White supremacist idiot Tucker Carlson can get this right, why can’t Hillary voters?
None that lived to tell the tale.
I like Tim Pool
Count Dankula
Jimmy Dore is actually rational on most topics. I respect rational people on either side, even if I disagree with them.
That was a bitch move. Isn’t that considered assault?
literally anyone in the public eye with a 120+ IQ is a leftist, too many to name
Only the dead ones
I respect my mother.
There are people I give a pass to despite being a leftist (usually musicians like Neil Y and Willy N ) but none I respect *because* of their leftism.
Are these two leftists?
The left is the only way out of jewish control, if you havent been paying attention.
bald outrage clickbait for alt liters
this but i distrust dawson seems like he does everything for the shekels
No, but to be fair I don't respect anyone on the right either. If you buy into the two party system the oligarchs created to keep you fighting each other instead of them you're a fucking retard.
Yawn, boring. Not the most clever I take it.
>Isn’t that considered assault?
absolutely. I don't care if he isn't a on good terms with TYT anymore. I don' care if he makes a some good points. He is still a loathsome person.
David Graeber
Noam Chomsky
Glenn Greenwald
off the top of my head
I respect people who are willing to listen and not just parrot leftist talking points (same with the right). I hate disingenuous demagogues who have no critical thinking ability. For example, if you believe climate change is a threat, you can't want open borders. America has the highest per capita co2 emissions of the major countries. More Americans means more emissions. That is not even touching the social state problems that arise with increasing the poor population or other economic concerns.
IRL I had a professor in college who was pretty lefty, but I only knew because I saw an Obama Biden sticker on his wall, and from talking to him outside of class. He didn’t foist his opinions on us but instead let us debate our ideas and come to our own conclusions on the questions and material he provided. He stuck up for the humanities curriculum when some SJW types were calling it “too white and male”.
I totally disagree with his politics but I respect him a hell of a lot
I genuinely believe no matter what you are, that if you voted for Obama, you're actual scum and a traitor. I have no love or respect for Obama voters.
I respect leftists like I respect women, I don't.
love too see a Bush-era anti-imperialist running the anti-SJW grift to pick up right wing viewers
respect Jimmy? No... but I like him more than most liberals.
nope high as hell
Adolf Hitler
No its not you brainlet leaf, its called battery. Assault is the threat to commit a battery. Spitting on someone, punching, hitting someone with someting (including spit or water or anything else) that they do not consent to is battery. Now you know the difference and dont have to sound like a retard in the future.