Are slavs white pol?

Are slavs white pol?

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are brits white op?

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Slavs are Mutts

You can be white and still be a nigger


Only the ones who play ice hockey.

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Is the slave race white?

Stop treating whiteness as this exclusive little club where membership can be given and revoked at any time.
"White" refers to any race that lives within the borders of Europe and have white skin.

Slavs are white.
Jews are white.
Greeks are white.

Even that European ethnic group that you personally have a problem with, whoever they are, they are white.

really makes me think, amerimutts

I can't even give you a straight answer if Brits are white or not.

Says the mutt.

Are potatoniggers white?

thought you ameriniggers knew better than to call others slaves, didnt work out so well for you the last time huh

I mean the word slav is literally derived from slave we just dropped the e to be polite

well you sure aren't, muttoid

ok jew faggot

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Fuck off cuck.

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They appear to be white, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are white.

why does it say you're not supposed to make threads like this and they never get deleted? Ones about italians anyway.

isnt that the truth

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Jews rule and run everything hiding in plain sight without normies figuring out and they're the untermensch? They honestly sound based as fuck to me.

honourless, spineless rat, typical mutt, kys

Yes. Clearly.