Japan: US owes Central America


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>Japan is one person

Kek based

Cesar Chelala is a global health consultant and contributing editor for The Globalist.

What the fuck I hate the Japan now

lol wow

So the solution to a country being fucked up is to just move the people into the US?

That’s not sustainable. I feel bad for these people but the solution is their countries need to be fixed not that the west needs to let them in

Saged and hidden

And who owns the us?

Trump better keep those fucking alligators out.

Japan litterally owes everyone in Asia

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>Cesar Chelala

Article has nothing to do with Japan's perspective

>opinion piece from a literal who (probably Jewish) that writes for "The Globalist"

Fuck you Japan, pay us for being occupied.

Those are all products of the CIA glowniggers. They're demon-worshiper kikes who have been rogue and totally unanwserable to the American people's will/elected officials for decades, and their actions do not serve the people of the USA and we should not be blamed for the actions of those drug-running pedo gangsters. The intelligence agencies work for Israel; send all the beaners to Israel.

Fucking brainlets.

Why don't they take some of these 'refugees' they so generously want to watch us take from the safety of their homogeneous island.

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It's the Japan times

So what entitled baby boomer American immigrant to Japan who thinks they know everything because they've lived there, wrote this article?

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Japan owes China and Korea

Fun fact: Brazil has the highest concentration of Japanese outside of Japan.

You'd think after 2 nukes Japan would have learned.

They're not wrong. Their kikery caused the whole middle east refugee shit too.

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>Cesar Chelala

What a quintessentially japanese name.

Japan owes US solders and their descendants reparations.

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Owes them what? I nice fat dick or a pipeline filled with our waste?

>Poland take refugees.
>o-o-ok... sorry for asking... military base still going up right?

>Germany take refugees.
>Ok.. Ja, I will do whatever authority figure tells me.

USA fucked Latin America with the operation condor. Hope George W Bush senior is fucking burning in hellfire.

>writer does not have japanese sounding name
What kind kikery is this?

>by Cesar Chelala
Makes sense that a Mestizo would pull for his own people.

Obviously a perfectly reasonable translation error.

The debt has been paid in full with over 10 million fucking illegal beaners entering the country. How about Japan let in 50 million chinks for the rape during WW2

No they don’t, Japan was actually civilizing Asia which was basically Africa-tier at the time. Besides I don’t care about WWII soldiers being put in Japanese camps. They were fighting for ZOG and kinda deserved it.

The article wasn’t even written by a Japanese person. You dumb Kiwi fuck

Korea should stop acting like niggers and thank Japan for actually making them enter the 20th century. Without the Nips, they’d still be poorer and more corrupt than Africans.

>writer us Cesar chelala

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China and Korea would still be a shithole without Japanese influence.

This thread really brought out the assmad Koreans and WWII descendants. Japan civilized your nigger shithole and you should thank them.

Nice try niggerfaggot

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This is actually true though, as fucked up as it may be, Japanese occupancy of Korea kept them up to date technologically.

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The US is central america at this point.

>1 post by this ID.
>Clickbait title.
>Not even written by a Japanese person.

Why am I not even surprised?

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rip in peace scatman ;_;7

Sage in all fields. Fuck Niggers and FUCK JANNIES!

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Two nukes weren't enough

Yea, nothing. The most hilarious defensive posturing by any nation south of our border is that the U.S. is responsible for all their problems.

Hehe I like the illustration of the trump pitbull.

Conveniently ignoring any sort of left-wing factions supported by the Soviet Union. Gas yourself.

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