I love the idea of getting 1G a month but it will cost 4 trillion a year to pull this off....dafuq?

I love the idea of getting 1G a month but it will cost 4 trillion a year to pull this off....dafuq?

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Who cares? Just get dat money nigga.

nigs get gibs, why shouldnt i

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we're already paying 1.5 trillion for welfare so Yang's plan is essentially boiled down to: hey white and asian you too can get welfare gibs!

ITs taking the money from the rich jews

This would literally bankrupt every working stiff.
This would also kill so many jobs in the process.
This would also be abused on every level.
This would literally make commodity insanely expensive.
Lastly, this would only have extreme negative impacts.

Forest Gook yang won't win.

Jeff Bezos is white. Yang is proposing we fuck over white guys like Bezos. He is anti-white.

Who even gives a fuck at this point.

>Yang wins
>Implements UBI
>Europe follows
>Australia too
>The west becomes a NEET paradise

>plans to further destroy American economy via the Federal Reserve Corporation

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And not only that. This 1000$ will be worth nothing once wage-price spiral hits. But like with kids believing into Santa Claus, they'll also believe that this shit actually would work.

That money will come from Jews, don't worry.

you loser shitfless fucking kids. Even if someone gve you 1K per month if you had any self respect at all you would reject it. The only path to respect and happiness is working a 40 hr per week job.

I’m okay with this, I’d rather get it than have it spent on some useless military hardware that’ll either collect dust in a shed or be used against me by some rogue elements of the government.

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Just raise everyones taxes by 1000 bucks. Boom problem solved.

alright less taxes for me, thanks user

The middle class will pay for it like they always do, OP, there's no possible way any President can somehow take the power of financial control away from the corporatocracy now.

All politicians are owned by big business. All of them bow to the will of their corporate masters. Anyone who believes that Congress will somehow turn on the people who rule over them is literally retarded.
If Yang actually made this happen, it'd be the final push for full collapse, but the good and the bad of it is, he can't do any of the shit he says he'll do.
If Trump can't get 6 billion for the Wall, who the fuck could be dumb enough to think Yang can get 4 trillion for his shit? Or Bernie with however many trillion he needs? Leftists are so fucking delusional, they don't care about reality, just give them a cute fairy tale and they'll eat it up every time.

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dont take my taxes you lazy kids.. i worked all my life and now I need to protect against excessive taxation

I don't know about you fake kraut, but santey claus delivers on his promise of presents every time once per year so IDGAF about the slavery required from Chinese kids my parents claimed were elfs.

Thats nothing compared to the amount of money that gets moved around in cc and debit transactions per day. Google it.

Just print more money goddamit idgaf i need $1000 a month even if $1000 can only by me a 6 pack, fuck the boomers and fuck their 401ks

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Its about 100 trillion each year.

Respect from whom? Women on the job? They're all either married already or used up walking cumsocks with 9 kids already and 2 boyfriends each. Happiness? You mean make my client manager 6 figs per year while I get the table crumbs so I can buy nintendo games each week and be complacent while the ones at the top can travel and buy a new car every 6 months?

Yang is the smartest Democrat by far because he pays his staff to post on Jow Forums unironically because his plan is literally collapse and most of us are ready for it

He think's he's going to take the money from other gibs and turn it into $1k/month UBI. It won't work because niggers won't understand it and will just demand more.

If you taxed stock trades at 2% it would pay for 2k a month per person. We are getting robbed by the rich.

Bezos is anti-white, you fucking faggot.

0 understanding of risk


It’s either this gook or we get stuck with the orange dotard who wants to waste billions on a glorified fence that wont keep the spics out. Or we get the creepy old guy who only wants to benefit the boomers that will consume the majority of our cash with their medicare programs.

Doesn't change the fact that what I said would pencil out. Keep sucking the dick of the rich. Can you even imagine what this country would look like if these people paid what we pay in taxes percentage wise?

Vote for him and $1000/month. Let's get a little Yang up in us!

man, i think yangs plan is retrded, but jeez, thats a kike as fuck post if ive ever seen one.

what a fucking jew

you do realize your 401ks are stocks right. yes this would fuck rich people over but the poorer people would get hit a lot harder

Yang breaks down the costs here: youtu.be/VfIXZMvinTw?t=35

Basically you take money from niggers and give it to whites

>Just print more money
Absolute retard

So what's the general public opinion of Yang? Does he have any meme supporters like Bernie last election?

why do leftists speak like such raging faggots?

If you can't understand that this system just doesn't work, choose it and watch it crumbling. Besides that, the next world economic crash is just around the corner anyway, it's over. No matter who you choose. You only get liars and crap in the end. And I really thought you would have fucking learned it already. Look at my country. Exactly the same crap. Now, my country is even worse: Most of us are so brainwashed by now that they would still vote for Merkel, even if the system is already totally broke. Don't make the same mistake, user. Stop voting for Dems and Reps. They're both shit.


It would lose 2% of you 5% or so return on what you put in. What you would get out of it would be far greater. Take your 2k and put it in your 401k. The 20 bucks in interest means you are still getting more. And the country would be better off economically in general.

I speak pretty tame. Evidently you're 12 and need to go to bed.

Stop believing lies. $1g/month is not possible. Go to school for two years and get a techical degree.

It was going to be $2000 a month back in Nixon's days, but the Senate blocked it. Fucking Jews.

Most Americans do not know that the US House of Representative's already passed Universal Basic Income twice !
Once in 1970 and once in 1971. They passed it at a higher level than Andrew Yang is proposing!

With 243 votes for and 155 against, the House of Representative approved President Nixon’s Family Assistance Plan (FAP) on April 16, 1970. Most expected the plan to pass the Senate, too, which was even more progressive than the House.
Most vehemently opposed, however, were the Democrats. They felt the FAP (UBI) didn’t go far enough, and pushed for an even higher income floor than $1600 a year. The Senate and the White House batted the bill back and forth for months before finally giving up entirely.

The following year, Nixon presented a slightly tweaked proposal to Congress. Once again, the bill sailed through the House, now part of a larger reform package. (The vote this time was 288 in favor, 132 against.)

In his 1971 State of the Union address, Nixon declared that his(UBI) plan to “place a floor under the income of every family with children in America” was the most important item on his legislative agenda.

Today $1600 from 1970 has a relative income worth of $16,093.64 to $19,820.61 depending on one's tax bracket.

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He also said no $1k for people who commit wrongthink.
Fuck Yang!

This should be considered absolute basic knowledge before even starting to give one's opinion on the downsides of Universal Basic Income

Milton Friedman - The Negative Income Tax
In this 1968 interview, Milton Friedman explained the negative income tax, a proposal that at minimum would save taxpayers the 72 percent of our current welfare budget spent on administration.

He is asked every possible question by one of the greatest conservative debater's of all time - William F Buckley Jr.
*IN before UBi is not Negative Income tax

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more predictable leftist faggotry
"you are evidently (insert denegrating insult that sets the bar low enough for you to pass)"

what i'm saying and what you dont seem to be understanding is, why do leftists always speak like they are trying to sound as if they are down with the youths?
its always some sort of forced tongue in cheek bullshit with appeals to the herd.
honestly, anyone worth their salt can easily detect a leftists political leaning just based on the way they speak or write.

>Hurr, being logical and not believing in fairy tales makes you a shill!
I'm so disappointed in Jow Forums these days, too many subhuman retards posting their revenge fantasy politics as if they have any clue what they're talking about.

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A more sensible €50 a week ($280 a month) has been mooted here. Just under social security.

ok i see, based in your lacklustre but "positive" response to this fucking mongoloid idea
you are clearly a democrat shill

honestly you absolutely STINK of being a leftist

Larping nog

just stop sending money to israel

Yeah who cares, lets give tax cuts to people like Epstein, pay for inflated military contracts, and pay israel billions a year instead.

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Prices will rise and the wealthy will put it in their pockets anyway.

>retard defeatist cope

Make it $100 a week and we'll call it a deal

Bozos spends billions on sending rockets to Mars for fun. Meanwhile vets are homeless, Americans are dying at record rates of drug/suicide, and our healthcare is a global meme.

His plans are figuratively trying to maintain electrical current by connecting the end of the extension cord to itself. You will be taxed out of the ass, the money pulled together and then divided and send back in a neat 1000 portions to everyone. Some will be lost along the way feeding the administration managing them. In the end you have punishing working people even more than today and feeding spics and niggers. That's all it is, a massive government issued bribe to vote for him, paid with YOUR money.

...b.but he will tax the companies ! Nigger, the companies since forever relegate their tax payments to their consumers and use accounting magics to actually pay NOTHING themselves, so YOU will foot the bill one way or another...b.but everyone will have a boos of cash and stability... listen dipshit the rent will skyrocket, consumer prices will follow along with amenities, all in all this is a system aimed to enslave the competent for the sake of the useless, this is coming from a person living in an ex-commie country and let me tell you, the things communism dose to the mentality of people need several generations to heal

do not vote for the magic gook

I agree I like this idea but the money should be distributed on merit instead of just giving everyone a blanket $1k, people who are more valuable in our economy should get more oh wait thats capitalism.

Yang is apparently the only asian guy that can't actually do math.

Yang explains to you the fight.
Compare this to ANY trump Speech. This is Gen-X. This is now.
Yang understands today's youth
Andrew Yang breaks it down (Was # 3 trending on all of Youtube)(1 million views in 2 days)
Andrew Yang's first bit Interview 5 months ago with Joe Rogan
and the FULL Interview (long)

Yang's Spotify Playlist

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>yang: choose $1k or current welfare benefits
>nigger: gibs it all yellow nigga
>yang: no you must choose one or the other
>mr shmecklestein: you racist, you must give poor mr blackman both benefits and even more for reparations
>yang: sorry mr white, you heard mr shmecklestein, pay up
>white taxpayer: sheeeeeeeeeeeeit

>The only path to respect and happiness is working a 40 hr per week job
This is what boomers ACTUALLY believe

people too useless to do anything valuable should be euthanized

first day in office we storm the fed

Yeah, Because Bozo’s is such a pioneer for the white race isn’t he? Fuck off Jeff, you do whatever the Jews tell you to.


Andrew Yang: “The President’s actions and words have conveyed a very strong sense to many, many Americans that he has white supremacist beliefs”

Yang's gibs will be for peoples of colors only.

>colors only
nah he said rich people get the bucks too

50% of the people will be replaced within 10 years then
You think your jobs is safe. LOL ok!


At this point, there is enough meme magic momentum behind Yang that he is probably going to win. I'll be hosting a yangganggangbang when my first yangbucks arrive

In theory, this was always how socialism was supposed to work on paper. Regardless of race, your money, if you had a lot, was to be confiscated and redistributed to everyone else who didn't have enough.
And wealth is largely divided by race, but this is such a heavy focus of modern "socialists" that they unironically speak of exempting whites from socialist benefits out loud on a regular basis.
There's a fucking reason a poor white dude in a trailer still end up supporting the capitalist system against his own interests, because no one is interested in him, not even the left.

>nigs get gibs, why shouldnt i

So do huge corporations and banks.

The tax paying would be middle class gets fucked up the ass

If you give poor people $1000 a month they will buy an extra $1000 worth of weed with it...


and yang2020.com/what-is-ubi/

Won’t people spend their money on dumb things like drugs and alcohol?

The data doesn’t show this. In many of the studies where cash is given to the poor, there has been no increase in drug and alcohol use. In fact, many people use it to try and reduce their alcohol consumption or substance abuse. In Alaska, for example, people regularly put the petroleum dividend they receive from the state in accounts for their children’s education. The idea that poor people will be irresponsible with their money and squander it seems to be a biased stereotype rather than a truth.

Decision-making has been shown to improve when people have greater economic security. Giving people resources will enable them to make better decisions to improve their situation. As Dutch philosopher Rutger Bregman puts it, “Poverty is not a lack of character. It’s a lack of cash.”

So? I know you'd use it to buy dragon dildos to stick up your ass