How many of you are under MKUltra right now?

Thinking we've been hypnotized which explains all our destructive behavior, yet we can't snap out of it no matter how many red pills we get. Maybe "woke" is being on MKultra and we need to go back to sleep in true reality where we're able to relax and connect to our surroundings.
Ah, I recall some weed adventures where I suddenly am aware of insects almost like they're communicating with me. Everybody assumes it's a ridiculous thought, some even when a bee stings them. There's so much communicating going on all the time, and it's so hard to hear it and focus because we're running like a machine from programming.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How many of you are under MKUltra right now?
120 humans on earth at this moment are not mk-u'd.

What about the ET-human genetic hybrids?

t. /x/

there are no et's.
the universe took this long to cook up humans.
we are the first to know and understand.

>be me
>3rd grade
>made to take iq test in school
>get put in weird "gifted" class
>don't really remember much except they always had the blinds on the windows closed
>remember doing a lot of weird spacial awareness and logic puzzles
>read some stuff that was beyond our age to really comprehend
>I remember other shit from that age pretty clearly, just not that

Did I get MKUltra'd guys?

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I got it when I was eight. They said my trigger word was something like "handle jack". I couldn't really hear it, and my handlers disappeared shortly after that.

I meant from the TV and Movie Theater but damn.

Literally Jewish Neanderthal Brains (TESLA, ELON, EINSTEIN, WHEELCHAIR DUDE, MARX, ETC... )Cut the Alien psyop; THATS THAT MK ULTRA SHIT.

what's that?
you mean violent? i never been in a fight desu i used to be an angry teen until i was 16 i guess then i became a peaceful guy i always try to avoid conflict even if it means me quitting a job or just walking away in a verbal confrontation.
Whats being MKUltra? is it doing weed and doong normie shit? drinking beer? what is it...
i never done drugs and i don't get the appeal of alcohol and im old.
Maybe my lobotomy failed i think i would be happy to enjoy normie shit and act like a retard alcoholic

Maybe you should stop doing drugs

Just been realizing how many ideas and behaviors come from influences in tv and movies. Not necessarily violent but maybe in a heightened state of alert where you're more quick to act and be short sighted.

Are you me?
I had this exact experience

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I was getting more and more and more antsy every day... Then, last weekend, after those shootings happened. I've been calm and collected. I have my focus back, and I'm no longer hyper. Granted, I wasn't thinking harmful stuff then or now, but I thought it was kinda weird that I would be calmer now than before.

Don't you mean 'are we me?'

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we need to turn off the computers and reclaim out world.

We need to shut off cern or nuke Saturn. I have no preference.

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You mean candle ja...

How would one know until it's too late?

Too late? If we're already spinning our wheels inside a program... We've already missed out on our life to some degree.
How do we break the programming?
Stay up all night?

>>How would one know until it's too late?
Hmm... Good question. The phrase "see something, say something" comes to mind. Several people have said shit like "my shrink did things to me" AFTER they went and shot up a place. Perhaps that would something worth telling others BEFORE you feel a need for direct action. I recon that right now, people are quite open to hearing about it. Kind of like when someone gets their ass chewed off in a machine at work, and then management tells everyone "if you see something that's not safe, feel free to bring it to our attention. We're actually interested in hearing about it now that we must."

He was a moron

>How do we break the programming?
Follow the white rabbit.

I meant destructive behavior as in porn addiction or shit like that.
I didn't mean to imply that we're all shooters waiting for code words.
I mean we're all programmed for certain purposes as a means to maintain order in society. Like they've been literally hypnotizing us by marketing to our respective demographics to get us to dance to the same tune, a tune of an intricate composition, albeit a bad one.

stop trying to normalize violence idiot, nobody on the chans was ever violent in the 10+ years these websites have been around. it's only recent copycats by young zoomers who can't take a joke.

>we we we

fuck off, you're a psycho. go somewhere else.

GATE kids

Me. All my government issued identifications end in the suffix "MK"

GATE program. The threads sorta went away with all the Epstein stuff, but most of us here were in it.
There were type 1 and type 2s. Unless you're highly positioned or in a really useful career position, you're likely a type 2. Which means the programming broke down at some point, or you were washed from it for whatever reason. That's what most of us are. Basically autistic weapons that didn't quite fit the mould. I'm not even kidding. Do the research.

gate is a fucking meme from a failed ARG you retard. holy shit this fucking threat.

Stop using an actually real CIA project to describe you watching porn you fucking idiot.

I admitted in the comment above yours that I realize I made a mistake. Didn't mean to infer that we were dangerous.

Cartoons and shows have a technique of using symbols to break the psyche in order to rebuild it as an abomination.
Hence trannies being more and more prevalent among child years.

Except it isn't.
It was a real thing in the US, and there were weird as shit things that went on for it. Whether it was a conspiracy or not, I dunno. But they tested us an awful lot. And there were really out of the fucking box assignments.

if this was the 90s they thought you were special needs or gifted and the school called someone in to test you

they didn't know whether to put you in remedial classes or move you to a better funded school, you were either severely under preforming or acting weird out of boredom or stupidity

If you went back to class you were just lazy and the teacher told not to let you slide on work

they usually give younger kids wood shapes and ask them to build something on instruction or pick coloured blocks and shapes out of a bowl

is crippling alcoholism covered under mkultra?

>But they tested us an awful lot. And there were really out of the fucking box assignments.
Sounds like they were looking for specific qualities among a set. If you have nothing but some weird memories, and it didn't go really far, then you probably weren't what they were looking for.

I don't know, but I think alcoholism is programmed.
First of all, our music industry is exceptionally toxic, causing a wide range of emotions in order to trigger drinking. Song should be momentary events, not constant background noise.

>which explains all our destructive behavior
you're still believing the programming DUMB SHIT

>First to know and last to understand

Me Too, but I got kicked out when I convinced the other kids to move their mouths and not say anything. They kept coming in to check the microphones. They must of figured it out because they came back to give me Vocabulary Tests. They sent me to college in high school.

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Schizo thread


That's my guess. I always wondered why they shut it all down. I spent my entire elementary years in it, and then when we got to high school, the whole program was dismantled, overnight. Looking back, the oddest part was all the teachers for it were from out of state. Which was weird, because I went to a super tiny school. My graduating class was 80 kids. They barely had funding for new textbooks every 50 years, let alone contracted teachers for a bunch of antisocial nerds.

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god damn dumb
>destruction is all around me....
yeah, yer dead, dumb shit

>>read some stuff that was beyond our age to really comprehend
LMAO - another fuckin flunkie
> in accelerated, still not hard enough, done and done, homework done in last few mins of class, still pissed off dumb shits raising their hands not understanding..

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Are your thoughts truly your own?

Yur mouth is flappin and shit's floppin out

Kinda what I'm getting at.

Im getting sleepy.

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just herd instinct dumb shit
"oh i didn't know that was a thing ! will your fist really fist in my ass?"
it's that simple, people think about and act on what they are told

>How many of you are under MKUltra right now?
Everyone's under MKUltra.

oh more destruction on you... yeah wow you sure have it pegged...

I don't think we ever came remotely close to establishing that 'most' of us were involved in the GATE programs, the threads tended to average 60-90 unique posters and a fair number of those were reading the "You've just convinced yourself you're special because you're a narcissistic schizo" spiel. I think we established that GATE alumni have a possible disproportionate chance of winding up in places like here, but not that Jow Forums users have a disproportionate chance of qualifying for GATE. Fallacy of division, basically, all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.

I think MKultra generally implies mind breaking through torture or torment, but I'm not ruling it out simply because we weren't imposed upon in a CIA building with torture techniques.
Trying to speak generally I guess.

Sometimes my mouth just says "fuck you" and I freak out because I had no intent of saying it


>I think MKultra generally implies mind breaking through torture or torment
Not really. When we worked on it, there was creating false memories in subjects through television and other forms of media.

We were all programmed. There was Phase [1] recruits, individuals that would lead the charge first & early, most were recruited out of high school in Pentagon Creative programs . Phase [2] like most on this board are the second wave force, internal insurgent, also known as the final migration. It's a binary cognitive system, designed to operate over a period of time with individuals being activated by social stresses created by phase 1. This prevents the ability for any outside actor to influence the operation at any point during it cycle. These tend to follow 17 year cycles, Phase 1 recruited by 17 years old, with the Phase 2 operatives activated 17 years after Phase 1 has established the infrastructure needed for Phase 2. Stay woke


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>I always wondered why they shut it all down.
It was a study. Chances are, they compared your later school performance with your peers to see if the effort was worth it. It had the funding that your school didn't because it was someone else's funded project, and your school simply cooperated.
I find it irritating that so many of various scientific studies actually say they're doing one thing while researching another thing, and the people who participated are left with a mystery or incorrect understanding of what happened. Chances are that nothing bad happened to you other than the persistent concern that you were abused somehow.

Gate kids reporting in

So maybe reoccurring themes are meant to impact us in some way, like manipulate our genetic memory by overlapping something on it or perhaps just inception of ideas.

Always amuses me how many schizos are on this website.

Sub 120 IQs think everybody above 120 is schizo.

the progs went 1960 to 1980's - they got shut down because SJWs and whining idiots felt it was wrong that smarter kids got ahead with special treatment
Hence the current situation - retards and assholes in class 24/7/365 and passed because teachers union and money grubbing
The dumbing down

I did a presentation on pestilence and the plague of the middle ages in the 3rd grade.... still hard to believe

Humans didn't evolve with television or other forms of media. By default, if you bombard a subject with the same idea repeatedly, then the brain begins to internalize it. The only cases where subjects successfully saw through the programming is where they had a history of being gaslighted and suffering negatively from it. Even if subjects were gaslighted in the past, as long as they had a good experience with it, they were susceptible to suggestion. Television provided a great medium to influence people since breaking families into nuclear units ensured parents weren't mature enough to program children with their culture - which left children, who were evolutionary inclined to absorb culture in their formative years, vulnerable to television.

People here think MKUltra involves mind programming or that Hollywood is into subliminal programming. However, the concepts were known long before we began formalizing the concepts and helping the CIA weaponize our results - but we didn't know that we were helping the CIA at the time. We just thought we were conducting research for a national funding agency.

Weird, my wife and I had been going through the same shit.

Always sick, always tired and irritated. Smoking weed every day, starting to drink even though we never do. We even ate out a stripper together. Both our bodies felt like they were failing and our postures were horrible.

Suddenly were both better, no weed or alcohol or any weird shit. Shits been good even though we are actually struggling with money more this week than ever before

a bigger program was relocated from san diego chicago and ny to montgomery cty maryland and fairfax virginia - in other words

Shit, so you're saying kids that enjoy Christmas are still susceptible to suggestion.
I figured that wake up event would train people to not submit, but that makes sense now.

Simple juxtaposition in montage can program ideas. Their skills have improved a lot. Everything is so fast now, it's difficult to process without pausing.

>So maybe reoccurring themes are meant to impact us in some way, like manipulate our genetic memory by overlapping something on it or perhaps just inception of ideas.
Study a bunch of fringe psychology stuff. It becomes more clear that people are predictable and machinelike. Soon, you'll start seeing intentional manipulation everywhere, and understand why some people do the same stupid shit over and over. It's very likely that some people will start to perceive some of this trickery without the context and start attributing it to various supernatural causes, or a centrally organized effort. Really though, a lot of "supernatural" observations can be summarized as your curiosity and the centralized organization is reflecting wide-ranging students that learned the same materials, and so you're perceiving the discoveries of a particular researcher amongst a large group of his/her students.

>Shit, so you're saying kids that enjoy Christmas are still susceptible to suggestion.
No one is born with the desire to appreciate/celebrate Christmas. Humans are little more than monkeys with better intelligence. The basic human nature is to mimic. Individuality takes years to form, and in most humans, it never forms. The average human being is merely an amalgamation of all ideas it has absorbed over its formative years.
To truly possess individuality, children have to be exposed to the harsh reality of the world and forced to survive from a young age. Any human who grows up in a supervised environment is susceptible to suggestion - because they've been rewarded for following orders.
>Everything is so fast now, it's difficult to process without pausing.
Every generation has a purpose. Boomers were influenced into consuming heavily since the petrodollar empire had to be established. Nixon and Kissinger arm twisted the Saudis into pricing and selling oil in dollars. This forced the whole world to buy oil using dollars. But to get dollars, everyone had to sell their stuff to the U.S. In order to aid this process, boomers were programmed to be the hyper consuming idiots they are. They were given an inflated sense of self and told to accomplish whatever they pleased.

The next generation was given a darker tone in behavior and so on till now we have millennials who are being programmed to overthrow the boomer generation.

I can always tell when one of those bad boys is gonna go down because I get the insatiable urge to jack off to fucked up shit (facial abuse, trannys, that kind of stuff). Literally nofap tier all the other times.
Anyways, last weekend I jacked off to a bunch of dudes with tits, AMA

>Suddenly were both better, no weed or alcohol or any weird shit. Shits been good even though we are actually struggling with money more this week than ever before
LMAO - no money for weed or alc or whores - straightening up since the belt is tightened and gotta grind ass for bucks
>so weird!
>another dumb shit

Other niggers here call it GATE but for me it was called GT and yes we got fucked in the brain.

i'm right with you on that one but I figured no response was needed.


Struggling with money because I missed a week of work with the flu, I make $1400 a week take home making prototype tooling, money isn't normally an issue

I presented on the history and uses of the apache helicopter in first grade. Cue an intervening thirteen years where I literally did not give a shit about aviation or military hardware, and then I ended up as an avionics tech in the Marine corps.

lol promiscuous sex with a stripper and you got ill
Yeah I learned that lesson too the hard way

That's badass

Cant get sick eating pussy you pussy

Children of IQ 180+ who are retained in the regular classroom are even more seriously at risk and experience severe emotional distress."[3] These accelerated children should be placed together in one class if possible.[4] Research suggests that acceleration might have an impact long after students graduate from high school. For example, one study shows that high-IQ individuals who experienced full-grade acceleration earned higher incomes as adults.[5]
>yes there are reasons dumb shits

>I did a presentation on pestilence and the plague of the middle ages in the 3rd grade.... still hard to believe
On the surface, that would likely impress the pants off of your parents. Under the surface, the low probability that you would learn the details of that accidentally is a good measure of your capacity to learn. The educational benefit of this assignment is cause and effect, germ theory, etc. Possible problems would be generating phobias from taking in data that you're not prepared to handle yet. The fact that you remember this as a negative experience reflects that the material may not have been appropriate for you at the time... But as long as nobody put their penis in your mouth, you should be ok.

Not much to expound on really, I was selected for Gifted and Talented education in elementary school and was sent to a special class with other kids but by the time middle school rolled around I was forced to go to special ed class for one period a day and forced to take ADHD meds even though I didn't need them.

Lol it was a presentation for like 4 other 7 year olds, probably wasn't anything too in-depth. But it is a weird-as-fuck thing to assign a first grader.

They just thought you were retarded, and they may have been right.

Overall, I think this program was designed to identify intelligent kids at a young age and get them on mood altering drugs as soon as possible. Not sure what the present situation is like.

All of us.

The propaganda system of tv/movies and now the managed part of social media (including paid shills) IS mind control.

You're all under it.

>The propaganda system of tv/movies and now the managed part of social media (including paid shills) IS mind control.
>You're all under it.
Lol, this post popped up while I was thinking about how The X-Files could be described as predicting a lot of aspects of this site.

you're talking about the changing culture of a society - in the boomer years post WW2 religious morals were still in tact - then came the 1960's hippies and "modern era" - which followed on naturally (with a lot of help) from enemy forces
Humanity right now is barely out of the dark ages in the western world
GGrandparents and grandparents shit in a wooden stall in the backyards
Running water was a luxurious single pipe in the basement, if they had it
in last last century mankind has moved more than in all of history - and computers have brought the world library to all commoners
A lot of what one bitches about is the result of ALL ideas and knowledge going widespread in western society - the good and now in the modern era, the BAD TOO

I might be 140 but ive never done an official test, bunch of online (like 4+) tests usually put me between 130-140, but then again they are online tests so who knows

>Jow Forums is only 120 faggots

Midwits are the worst people.

candle wax

what are the symptoms of being under mk ultra mind control?

Thanks for that. Hated that movie. Was forced to watch it in University.

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