Who won this racial twitter interaction? Well Jow Forums?
Nigger vs Spic
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Non-whites are so fucking racist it’s hilarious. Both to each other and to white people.
This one had me laughing for the longest time.. along with this
hahahahahaha fuck these cunts are useless
Nig is winning
these spics have zero bants, they started strong but trailed off
Ye the spics got BTFO surprisingly, niggers are the easiest Jow Forums target
This dude is good at bangs
That's what antifa doesn't realize. They hate when white people are racist, but non-whites are ten times as racist.
this, twitter niggers only bant eachother though so it makes sense
Mexican loses. Only way for them to try and catch up is to bring up some stuff that would probably be called crossing the line. AIDS or getting shot or something.
Why am I seeing this so much lately?
Like from the type of people who would never say this.
Nigger is serving him.
>racism is bad
Yeah it's ridiculous how fragile and coddled twitter niggers are. Can't even bant with white people most of the time before mass reporting and chimping out.
American nig nogs actually have decent banter skills. I already knew these beans were toast before I clicked on this thread.
wtf man i wish whites could bant like this
Nigger appears to have won rather convincingly, which is remarkable granted blacks aren't really known for solid banter, and are undoubtedly the easiest target for race based insults. Perhaps Paco was holding back, though I doubt it. I know spics hate nigs, but I don't think they understand the finer socio-economic, political, and historical intricacies of why blacks are at the bottom of the food chain- less likely still they would be able to articulate such reasons in a manner that is witty and biting..
hows the ethnostate
Niggers will always win shitting wars since wetbacks have no grasp of comedy.
Fucking yid. Niggers are great at bants. They have no feelings so every jab is aimed at the opponent’s soul.
>It's a southern thing.
>Most blacks are southerners
>Blacks say y'all
>(((Society))) glamorizes black culture
>Woke retards who hate southern Whites start saying y'all
>Now everyone is saying y'all unironically
Honestly I've always hated that word but I feel like they appropriated my southern culture.
Are you crazy. kek. Besides the fact that you could just go "that's why we raped your grandmother and made you our slaves" or say something seriously fucked up, have you not seen parliment bants etc? Somehow it's more ruthless AND more civil at the same time.
Going by their definitions of appropriation, they have.
>wtf man i wish whites could bant like this
You can if you werent a total pusst
>cucked leaf racebaiting
Post the in-store prices, Rajesh.
As a afrocuban this is hilarious
I grew up around a good amount of mexicans and blacks and mexicans 100% have better bants.
Let's be honest. The best bantz in my lifetime was Trump roasting Obama in front of the world at his inauguration. Obamas zingers at that dinner were chickenshit level compared.
Jaquawaraqarius is speaking his native tongue while Ernesto de la frijoles a la pescapuerte el cardinale que los pudeddos arriolas vera cruz Rodrigues is speaking a language that he learned as a young boy from watching bugs bunny cartoons on a UHF TV set in a small wooden shack in the desert while his teenage prostitute sister screamed on the other side of a plywood wall as a huge bristly bandito slammed his greasy enchilada against her bruised womb and clenched her malnourished tetâs in a thick fingered hand reeling of gunpowder, blood and cheap tequila.
also get in the oven
Niggers because they entertain me. Spics are just annoying and do terrible drywall.
If there's one thing nigs are good at, it's comedy.
dude antifa is as real as the proud boys. Grow the fuck up monkeys. You think people are actually bored enough to leave their homes and larp when they can do it online? Theyre paid actors/ naive beta kids. A nothing burger. Its like making a big deal about bronies. Fake and gay.
>I already knew these beans were toast before I clicked on this thread.
Hey Jon. Living in Japan now?
That's wayyyy too descriptive.
Is there something you wanna share with us, Engrish teacher.
Just like in the animes!
This isn't the article I meant to show, but it's newer and still demonstrates the animosity between niggers and spics.
It's not discussed generally; the narrative is that all people of the color will unite against the evil white man and that once we're replaced, utopia will exist (with of course the jew on top.)
Because it's serious enough in S. California, the LA Times essentially *had* to run the stories.
Mexicans have a slightly higher IQ than niggers at 85, which results in superior organizational skills. They are essentially genociding nigs in Los Angeles.
The talmudic goal will never come to pass; it will descend into a bloody all-against-all.
I’m not sure which YouTube personality you’re accusing me of being this time, usually people call me BPS
holy shit thats a quadra kill, when will mexicunt stfu
He is from Texas, Dallas probably. Look at his shirt. Mexishits and Niggers dont get along there at all. They all say ya'll though.
I daydream about killing niggers everyday, but I have to give props to this particular nigger.
Comfy thread
Get Comfy Jow Forums, it's gonna be a calm night.
Is this a fair depiction of what's happening?
Very disrespectful to monkeys.
Because they infantilize them. These SJWs see kids as a child on Kid's Say The Darndest Things. They hold white to a higher standard, so they think we should no better. Kind of like a child saying chink at Thanksgiving vs. me yelling it at a slow moving car.
>You think people are actually bored enough to leave their homes and larp when they can do it online?
i was gonna say ryan dawson
Based. Fuck loud spics. Incredibly annoying late at night.
>Your grandfather works
This is meant to ridicule someone. That really tells you about the morals (or lack of them) of niggers.
are you going to include him in your manifesto
Nig is really good at this
Nigs>>>>>>>>>>>actual human shit>>>>>>>>>babydick sucking, foreskin eating KIKES = Mexican subhuman virgin sacrificers
I love Jow Forums
you can barely speak it
Jow Forums can shit on nigs all they want, but damn a lot of them are tremendous when it comes to banter
Spics are much more racists against niggers than whites. The media will want you to believe that minorities are in some common fight.
it's nothing*
This is a white guy with a fake pic
u no
IM salty as fuck. Hey nigger at least we had a few civilizations and our Mexican countries are better than your African shitholes
Jahhahahahhahaha , sir, you have talent hahhahahhahhahhahahahhahhahahahhahhaha
niggers, unlike spics, are american and will always BTFO filthy short beaners