You ever wish you could just unplug yourself outta the overly analytical mindset, if even for a few hours...

You ever wish you could just unplug yourself outta the overly analytical mindset, if even for a few hours, and just be in ignorant bliss, like the politically uninterested?

This shit's everywhere, and it's persistent. All the deception, misinformation, propaganda, the lies, the schemes, the conspiracies.... All gone for a few precious hours

Wouldn't that be nice?

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Turn your computer off, smoke a joint, and go outside.

Stupid bitch.

they say ignorance is bliss...

Do you believe it?

Easy, just stop caring.
Don't worry, world will keep on turning even if you don't give a shit.

Yeah I do.The higher your IQ the more shit you absurdity of. If your mentally handicapped I would bet as long as your pressing needs like food shelter and companionship are met you are as happy as a pig in shit. That's my theory, it's nothing I can prove, though.

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* you see

It’s why I smoke weed about 2 hours before bed. Clears the head of all useless garbage, stress fades, it does what I need it to in order to get by.

I just stop coming to Jow Forums for a few weeks/months. I always end up back here though

As a corollary...I also have a theory about the curse of the 120 point IQ. At that level the propaganda doesn't work on you and it's not supposed to I am convinced. The social engineers know that those with an above average IQ, can see through their bullshit, but since it is only 10 percent of the population, they know they will never have the numbers to be a true threat. So they propagandize the fuck out of those people Jow Forums considers useful idiots, and they just trample the ten percent who can see through the bullshit. They know we see through their bullshit and the never cared, but now? Now the normies and NPC's are starting to notice something is wrong..."I'm not a nazi, I have always stuck up for the bulli---"
>fuck you cumskin your a nazi and you owe me money
I am hoping they overplayed their hand.

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>It’s why I smoke weed about 2 hours before bed. Clears the head of all useless garbage, stress fades, it does what I need it to in order to get by.
Like an enema for the brain. Plus you get the best sleep this universe can produce. Deep, uninterrupted, and restful. You can't put a price tag on that shit, yo.

Chekd and this. The wise man travels a lonely road. Imagine those who came before us that didn't have an underwater Taiwanese basket appraising forum to meet the other like minded goys of their day to take the edge off from time to time.

Start meditating

I think they found a decent pen pal and bounced shit off of them...

>they know they will never have the numbers to be a true threat. So they propagandize the fuck out of those people Jow Forums considers useful idiots,

This is literally political theory fag.

Fortunately the other 90% tend to fall in line when told to do so. They're like a good woman and will adopt the methods of a stronk guiding figure. We take in as many as we can now and when the time comes the rest become Volksgrenadier and will fall in line. I've come to the conclusion that the kikes are right about one thing - cattle isn't so far fetched.

Operation: Mockingbird is aimed at the IQ

You're right about that. Interesting to think that great minds such as Adolf and Henry would become so close over such distance. I'm sure there were plenty of autism fren pen pals back in the day.

Smoke weed.

Information is annihilation, the gift of knowledge is not plucked from the very same tree that gives unto life. You are at your most happiest when you're sad and you're at your most saddest when you're not happy.

Giving yourself to IQ is akin to donating yourself to a group. How can one be individually unique when he is not an individual nor unique?

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>so cute and funny, now I can relax about my cancer giving habit

>This is literally political theory fag.
So? It's obvious from watching what's going on. It bothered me because I cou;dn't understand how people couldn't see the obvious propaganda, and then it dawned on me the people doing it knew goddamned well
A) it didn't work on everyone
2)they did not give a fuck they had already accounted for people like me

so it may be political theory but to me it was just another enraging and depressing insight.

Then there's those that know they're being lied to, but just don't care about it.

That's just being defeated

this. stay away from drugs and learn to meditate.

>tfw to smart to be happy

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>BBW in ID
>Ass imprint after eating that shitter like a turkey fritter

Found the fat chick

>Just tune out maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Deepthroat a pistol.

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>You are at your most happiest when you're sad and you're at your most saddest when you're not happy.
I have thought something similar, but what i have always told people is you cannot have peaks without valley's, and you cannot be happy if you have never known sadness. Happiness is ultimately is making peace with the fact that a lot of life sucks. You have to learn, or teach yourself to be happy in spite of the constant bullshit. Like you had to learn to wipe your ass or brush your teeth. And the moment you let your guard down
>hello darkness my old friend
you need to push that shit out of your mind like mental weighlifting...but, BUT you are working against a large and influential group of people who want to convince you you're irrevocably sad, and you must pay for a "therapist" who will select from a cornucopia of toxic addictive and very very EXPENSIVE drugs, who you will be required to pay for and they will make you happy again. Anti depressants that cause suicidal ideation. And people. millions and millions of them fall for it. I did for about 4 years. Then I started sucking at Jeopardy! and that wasn't going to work for me. I quit taking the drugs and stopped going to the doctor, and then felt like shit for a year or so. If they figure out your true power level they will try to drug it away from you. And convince you you are broken. You have been warned.

Come watch the match, mate.

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>Then there's those that know they're being lied to, but just don't care about it.

>Deepthroat a pistol.
That doesn't sound like very much fun...

You gotta remove yourself from the constant brainwashing. You are aware of the waves of lies now, you can sense them, their is no turning it off, their is only stopping the evil transmissions. Stop watching tv. Dont watch mainstream shows or movies. Stop listening to mainstream pop music. Stop reading mainstream news and magazines. Start watching educational and interesting videos on youtube. Start some hobbies and focus on them. God help you if you're in college, I have no advice for you there as I was not self aware during my time at school.


I've been aware of the lies, it's just been getting pretty overwhelming with all the shit going on in the news, internationally, learning about how occultism/masonry/Kabbalah/luciferianism tie into this shit, etc

Haven't been watching TV, I don't listen to the garbage being pumped out as music, and I'm Diving into linguistics, history, and theology, and other cool shit like that. It's fascinating.

But holy shit, sometimes I feel like I gotta unplug, but that shit constantly nags at me

After the year of it sucking did you feel better? Do you feel better now?

This is good advice.

Try doing it without your phone too if you get a chance, gives you more of a cut off with the outside world.

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This is your reply, not the other one lol

my god! those fucks!
it's them who have been stealing my smokes!

that would be funny except I haven't seen a sparrow in years now. used to be all over the place.. turns out they treck to china... and the chinese decided to eat them all

so now there is no sparrows here... used to love to hate those little annoying fucks.. now they are all gone..

fucking chinese man.. what the hell goes through your mind when you decide
>oh yes sparrows lets eat them
>it's good for your blood
or whatever retarded subhuman chink shit

fuck china man.. not that long ago they also ate people, latest time was during the culture revolution... they cooked ate and shared that publicly...

>just stop caring
No problem.

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Try killing the last known African white rhino for dick superpowers.

Based and chinkpilled

sparrows, what meat is there even there?
obviously these subhumans do not care..

yeah and there is stupid shit like that too

I didn't have any rhinos in my yard though, but still

Much much much better. I had broken up with my fiancee and was ripped off by who I thought was a friend. There are times in life when sadness is the appropriate response. Then the psychiatric industry will get ahold of you and literally hypnotize you into buying thier diagnoses because it allows you to get away with bullshit. I guess that is the trade off. You pay hundreds of dollars a month for a therapist and drugs and then you can act like a fuck head. It's a moral hazard. The temptation to play the victim is strong and they offer it to you on a silver platter. It was quite literally the worst four years of my life. The medications mimic the symptoms they are treating you for and they know it and they warn you, because in their attempt to profit from keeping people in a perpetual state of drugged depression they lose some of us, some lose their shit, and go off and lots kill themselves. But that's okay it's worth it. To them. It's a multi maybe even a hundred billion dollar a year industry, the promise of selling someone happiness. But they can't sell it because they don't have it. What they have are drugs made of heavy metals that toxify your brain and make you feel like shit permanently. That's why you must redose frequently Then they tell you
>trust me I'm a doctor.

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Honestly, some more self-preservation instincts out of the Germans would be great right about now

I need a fucking drink, that might put me to sleep

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Very well put. Screenshotting for later use. I wish it was easier to find like minded folk irl.

On studies with a large crowd aimlessly walking 3% was enough to adjust their path, 6% to direct it. Participation in the revolutionary war (not just triggerpullers either but total) was about that.

You'd be surprised. Unless those 10% don't ever coordinate, at all, even a little.

my god

son of a bitch.. I should never said it, now I got rhinos running all over the place

hold on while I get my harpoon

your entire political worldview is borne out of schizophrenish paranoia, social isolation, and egoism not ur supremely high iq... this whole post reeks of those fucking cringe Rick and morty things about needing a high intelligence to notice absurdity in the universe and honestly ur head is so far up your tweaked out psychologically broken ass bro nobody cares about ur 120 iq score that not even that high lmao bro

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Gr8 b8
Now fuck off, Goldsteinenbergenbaum

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>Wouldn't that be nice?

I tried it once with sedatives. The dialogue in my head suddenly stopped and all I felt was frustration and a loss of purpose. No, there is no solace in this.

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This is why people take drugs, alcohol and have intercourse purely for pleasure. The instinct of the average person is to avert their eyes, from the abyss, or the Absurd. The rare, rebellious man has broken something within his inner working, to force him to become painfully aware of the realities his peers ignore. Indulgence is meant to cloud your mind and bask in ignorance.

People here have all broken something they shouldn't have.

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>People here have all broken something they shouldn't have.

Yes, but in that process most have broken themselves because they still clinge to delusions of a "better world". Fear truly is the mind killer ... I saw and realized how terrifyingly beautiful it was.

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>instinct is to avert their eyes
god knows I hate to see a trashfire
there is an inherent call to truth within the self that's underdeveloped or missing entirely in your people. you're simply wrong.

>literally t.

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>an inherent call to truth

Only in a fraction of the population. Ok, maybe there IS a longing for the truth in most ... but not the will to carry the burden of its implications. Idealizing the masses made us fail once already. And I am not about repeating mistakes.

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your spiral is small

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Now fuck already!

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the masses are only how they are for this one single instance, and this far in the sentence they've already changed some.
at some point in our seemingly near future, they'll be as ready for the truth as they're going to get. I work for those masses, not todays.
>out of wedlock
some nazi

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Get a hobby with friends like some sort of game and only focus on that when you're hanging out, it's a great way to relax and socialize at the same time.

>as ready for the truth as they're going to get

As long as you do not expect true understanding you won't be disappointed, no. Just always keep in mind how fickle they are. The actual burden of leadership.

>out of wedlock

I don't bow to divine mandate. Yet, I bow to the values of our heritage.

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>You can't put a price tag on that shit, yo.

>t. brave independent austrian alcoholic who don't need no god
expectation management is my expertise

You summed that up almost perfectly. "God" ... I see two aspects to religion: mysticism and ritual. I see the former as absolutely paramount for anyone to consider themselves a "human being" ... but I reject the latter as it invariably turns into a hollow exercise. We need a God but we need no churches (at least as they are prevalent today). I don't blame the prophets as their words were often true. But I do blame the priests as for most their lips tell only lies.

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here's a prophecy for you: humanity shall instantly, collectively, and with united will understand what's been going on around them.
they'll take the very first, single step toward correcting the world, feeding the masses, solving matter, it'll be the first step to mastering our existence. and as they raise their unified foot for the second step,

inward negativity is only useful until it's excessive, find balance my autistic friend

A good vision you have, fren. I hope it will wörk out. Otherwise, see me as a contingency, a necessary evil. Should they refuse to see the truth I'll drag them screaming and kicking away from the precipice. So there will be yet another generation who might take their chance.

>find balance my autistic friend

I know. These words are humbling and they are necessary. Sadly, I function best under fire. Balance might weaken my purpose ... and I am determined and tired enough already to make that sacrifice.

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Why do you think I smash 4-5 bottles of vodka per week?


Ecclesiastes 12:12c English Standard Version (ESV)
Of making many books there is no end,

and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

and much study [is] a weariness of the flesh;

the study of languages, and of the arts and sciences, and of various subjects in philosophy and divinity, particularly in writing books on any of these subjects;

which study is as fatiguing to the body, and brings as much weariness on it,

as any manual and mechanic operation; it dries up the moisture of the body,

consumes the spirits, and gradually and insensibly impairs health, and brings on weakness, as well as weariness.

Some render it, "much reading", signifies to desire anything greedily, or to be greedily given and addicted to anything;

and so may denote such kind of reading here, or such a person who is a glutton at books,

And now reading books with such eagerness, and with constancy, is very wearisome, and is to little advantage; whereas reading the Scripture cheers and refreshes the mind, and is profitable and edifying.

Gussetius interprets it of much speaking, long orations, which make weary.

Philippians 4:6 (ESV)

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6 (ESV)

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Declaration of Independence of European Descendants and Rh Negative People

In true form of Practice, in Freedom and Happiness, White European Peoples and or the Rh Negative people also known as the "True Israelite Hebrews" should and Will by Law have our own States with in the Nation. To prohibit such Rights to Freedom with Federal arms is in direct confrontation with the Rights of Liberty and Happiness of said groups and or individuals. I claim the Rh Negative Blood Type Haplogroup as a Tribe of Individuals. Distinct and Separate from the other Masses of Tribes, which are not a part of the distinct Rh Negative Racial Blood group with in the USA. The views and goals of Non Rh Negatives are not in alignment with the views and goals of my people or my peoples culture. European and Rh Negative civilizations are a direct derivative of their Genetics and Blood Lineage Culture. Interbred Rh Negatives carry the Seed of Cain and are not in Direct Relation to the Rh Negative peoples and or there existence or survival or perpetuality in its pure form. IE. Barack Obama, Within these "Words of Declaration" contains the Existence and the Firmament of an Rh Negative peoples "Rights to Self Preservation" or with in a continued multi racial states existence. Rh Negatives should be granted "Diversity Enrichment Entitlements" DEE Program to benefit the Rh Negatives Health and Prosperity among such masses of non Rh Negatives, which have primarily arrived to the USA with in the last meager 40 years.

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yeah i recommend hiking, running if that's your thing, or cycling in a wooded area. i recommend this to everyone, it will take your mind off everything for a while, give your brain time to configure itself.

let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Kiss a nigger 4 me!

Reading this was therapeutic. 10/10 post. It’s nice to know I’m not completely alone in this world.

In all due respect Sir/Madam,

For you, I suggest Mental Health help.

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