He finally got it

I'm so glad he got it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anecdotal evidence!

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All the comments for that YouTube video read like this. I guess a lot of people had just never heard the man talk before

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Jewbeggar needs another vacation home and R8.

>Anecdotal evidence!
evidence of what? It’s just an anecdote

Bernie’s plan sounds nice if only we had 10 trillion dollars just lying around

im politically retarded someone give me the short on sanders because all I think I know is that he wants to make everything like college free. which is fucking retarded because the money to fund "free" stuff comes from the taxpayers right?

I remember the first thing I did when I heard some looney was running for the Dem nomination was just go look at his wikipedia page to see what his positions were. How hard is that?

And then my 4 year old daughter clapped

Joe asked him how he planned to pay for his ideas and he answered him in the video, but here it is again


Bernie is honestly smart as fuck. I convinced my dad to donate money to his campaign too. He's the only guy that can beat Trump, senile joe is a joke.

why would anybody believe anything bernie says after completely folding to the establishment last around?
do they think if he became president the pressure, including the full force of the fake news media wouldn't be 100 times worse?
bernie would've withstood the attack trump has received since winning the election for about 12 hours tops



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I love how Bernie lives what he preaches. The man is on welfare for the last 50 years! He’s publicly educated! He lives in and around blacks and other minorities!

DNC will never let him win, retard.

You don’t sound like you know what he preaches.

I saw the interview. Raising taxes in the rich sounds awesome until the rich begin to manufacture their goods overseas, resulting in less governmental revenue at home. Additionally, when you raise the taxes on the rich, they have to raise to cost of their products and services. The economic burden is then passed on to the middle class consumer.

Right, like he gonna do what he says he will do to get elected.. lmao

How does Bernie feel about video game bans?

why does everyone sound like they are at gun point in this thread?

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Yeah I like Bernie
but the rich billionares of America will not let him become president.
It will likely be a puppet like Tulsi, who has no idea about politics and just talks shit all day long.

I know what he preaches.

I came home work the other evening. It was an ordinary evening by the way. After I change my clothes, I notice that Bernie Sanders is on the television. My 4 year old daughter then runs up to me, hugs me as hard as she possibly could, and says in the sweetest voice, 'Daddy, you're voting for Bernie, right? He wants to help all Americans.'

Right there, I knew who I'd vote for. He has my vote and my donation.

>basic economics
Wtf is this shit?!

Without actuallly looking at it, let me hazard a guess.

It involves essentially shitting entirely on charity and enforcing mandates because socialists genuinely don't know the difference. Right?

>I just donated $50 to bernie, MATCH ME!

Attached: feelthebern.jpg (571x621, 57K)

Lol okay so you clearly didn’t listen to him in the interview, and you didn’t read the link I sent you now. Yes taxes will go up a little, but the main way he plans on funding his idea isn’t by raising taxes. It’s by closing tax loopholes the rich use to exploit the system and just get them to actually pay their current taxes

Bernie is a virtue signalling jew who wants to destroy america

seriously dude, how about you study economics instead of fox news?

Epic, epic for the win.

It’s mostly just closing tax loopholes

>It's by "closing tax loopholes"
It's called "Raising taxes".
Socialists think that donating to charity to decrease taxes is considered a loophole
Eat shit.

You better believe in shill threads, you posted in one.

Europoor opinions not welcome. Please get your shit in order. Watching you guys burn is the exact reason many Americans DONT want a Bernie. God bless America.

>"""tax loopholes"""
It's called raising taxes.

Does he not have a donor counter?

Literally no one here wants to live in america.
We study your healthcare system to understand what true failure is.

>closing tax loopholes
>make them pay more in tax which will be passed on to the consumer and result in them moving offshore to a lower taxed nation
I’m about to graduate with a degree in accounting and took courses in economics. Can you say the same?

he is one of those "rich", and so is most of congress
do you seriously see them voting to close the loopholes they use?

That magic moment.

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Closing a loophole isn’t raising anything. It’s forcing everybody to adhere to the spirit of the law because they found a way to cheat the system as it was originally worded. It’s just making everybody play fair, and not cheat

Our healthcare system props up your medical advancement. You're basically leeching off our success.

>Can you say the same?
yes. I'm in the middle of my masters.

>Closing a loophole isn’t raising anything
Yes it is, and you're being duped. Worse, you might be aware you're being lied to and still perpetuate it.

Repeat after me;

Now you say it.

>things that didn't happen

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This, this right here. You all need to vote for Bernie so this user and every other like him can come home from a hard days work and earn nothing. It's not slavery it they still get 10%. Think of the chilrens and Toe Rogans bald scalp anons.

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He pain 50$ for that pussy.
Id pay 25$

You wish you were American. You surround yourself with Americans. I wish you could know how good it feels to be unapologetically American but I don’t think Trump is willing to let in many Syrians at this time.

such a closed worldview that you think german medical advancement is behind american opiod selling machine.
you are dumb.

No shit eh? What happens when the rich find a way to dodge the tax increases? They fuck off to somewhere they can invest without getting ass raped by communist authoritarians is what happens.

>clown world happens

No refunds

Ahhh I miss 2016 and its memes. Can we go back?

not to mention their education system

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My 5 year old watched this video, she said to me:
>Daddy why isn't this man the United States of America? How can we continue with this big bad orange man?
Then my 5 year old stated qouting Marx, she bought a book about him when in town.
My 6 month old stood up and clapped
True story

These are paid shills.

You are.
We outpace you by a wide margin for medical technological advancement.
You will never, ever find a source that states otherwise.

Then disprove my statement instead of throwing ad hominems. I highly doubt you are pursuing a masters in any field related to business if you think Bernie’s economic plan is feasible

Jew did absolutely nothing substantial his entire life.

That's just a bullshit line the healthcare industry feeds us, so we'll continue pumping money into their bottom line.

>Bernie supports criticizing forced diversity classes

A lot of Euros being payed to shill for Bernie. Pretty interesting.

Only Dem I'd vote for is Tulsi. But she'd be running against Trump so...

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Lol Trump said he wanted to close the tax loopholes, too. I wish he would. Have any loopholes been closed since he took office?

I got an accounting degree and then I didn't do anything with it. Has to be the worst profession to get into now as a straight white male. Businesses try to close the gender gap by hiring all male talent and then supporting them with all female operations. No one but minorities or women got internships when I was in school.

Why does he look exactly the same now as he did in the 90's?

Is he a CIA plant?


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Why do politicians need money in America? Why aren't they civil servants who earn their reputation for bettering communities?

Post your daughters feet so I know you're a true BernBro

No. It's the simple fact of the matter.
The US's medicinal technology is not easily accessible. But it is, however, the most advanced. And you're not going to find any professional that disagrees.

>billionaires have all their wealth in cash to be taxed
>not sitting in the market as stock holdings
>the same holdings which prop up all the 401k and other retirement investment vessels that Bernie and every other government and private worker relies on for retirement
This many has not thought one iota beyond his retarded ideal. I am really getting sick of how moronic humans are.

Bernie does love his diversity.

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He has less hair now and it's much whiter.

>cannot understand or take responsibility for increasing tuition costs due to loan guarantees he signed into law

What was your GPA? I’m 3.5+ and live in an urban area where accounting skills are in high demand. I also have Jew connections (funny story, actually).

That's it. This thread finally won me over. I'm finally gonna do it! I'm voting Bernie! After hearing the news, my wife told me for the first time that she loved me and her kneegro bvvl even bought me a nintendo svvitch. Thanks pol!

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>The US's medicinal technology is not easily accessible. But it is, however, the most advanced.
not its not you fucking kike
most of the taxes you pay go to your shitty medical opiod companies that sell the same garbage to you all the time
you have no idea how far behind america is in terms of medical advancement.

you'd have to pay me but it still wouldn't be worth it b/c i'm pretty sure she has the gay and would pass it on.

I am thinking Bernie will be the best thing for this country. Of course by best thing I mean complete collapse.

he was talking to his base audience of middle class affluent whites, not the working poor whites who all exclusively vote republican no matter what.

There's no point in trying to recruit people who are already bought and paid for. Once you get around the fact that democratic socialist do not understand or come from working class families it will all start to fall into place.

Finally got cucked! Way to go!!!

dude dmt lmao

>not its not you fucking kike
Yes, it is. Followed by China.

>you have no idea how far behind america is in terms of medical advancement.
You seem to be confused, my delusional Kraut. You are conflating the medical system with the medical technology.

America's medical system is poor. Our medical technology, however, is supreme. If you don't understand the difference, I can't help you.

She should embrace him and teach him to change his views instead of freaking out and calling everyone a racist incel.

So do you Jow Forums faggots

3.55, I took all the classes and credits to qualify for the CPA (basically 5 years worth in four years if it's the same nationwide). I'm in California though where whites are not a majority. Your jew connections will save you... the one thing I learned from getting my current job is that the only way anyone gets hired is by knowing someone who already works there.

You're literally a Jow Forums faggot, too. Idiot.

>t. Butthurt /leftypol/ homosexual
You’re really sad he’s gonna bail again for 2020, aren’t you? Enjoy your Biden defeat.

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Threadly reminder that Rogan is a comped disinfo agent who tried to discredit FDNY firemen who said they heard explosions similar to demolition charges going off in rapid succession after the planes hit the WTC.

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>taxing wall street trades
>hundreds of thousands of not millions of trades per day
It's actually brilliant.

It's honestly nice seeing Bernie be open about dialogue. He's a big name and doesn't shy away from the conversation. I think it's because he's more than just soundbytes. Imagine Harris or Biden sitting down with Joe Rogan, it'd be a nightmare for them.

>Plan to pay for student debts by taxing wall-street transactions
>Assume traders won't reduce the amount of trades they make
Do dems not realize that the private sector can change its habits based on what policies are passed?

>We'll tax X more to pay for Y
>People do X less and the cost of Y goes up

Stop thinking this forum works like
Fuck off commie

Anyone think Rogan's been compromised? I think he's seen Gavin, Milo, etc banned from all social media is is now playing by MSM rules and going out of his way to support leftists to act like he "doesn't take sides".

When he gets banned the left will have handed over its control of the mainstream because so many millions of people will follow him.

The only number that matters is the number of superdelegates they get. Stop playing stupid.

>Raising taxes in the rich sounds awesome until the rich begin to manufacture their goods overseas,
You mean like when taxes for the rich and corporations were slashed in the 80s and manufacturing jobs ended up being mass shipped overseas anyway?

>I’m about to graduate with a degree in accounting and took courses in economics.
I pray to god you don't fuck up whatever company you work for.

>an actual Jew is less pro-Israel than trump

The absolute state

this post made me chuckle.

All the well-to-do upper middle class white couples with no kids and like 3-4 dogs like "we welcome refugees and all minorities" yet they won't come live in my neighborhood where we know how terrible that turns out.

>until the rich begin to manufacture their goods overseas
They already do, their endless greed commands them to
>when you raise the taxes on the rich, they have to raise to cost
>have to
Stop your kvetching, kike