If you're going to do as I have done, please post your results in this thread in the same format I'll provide . It'll give other autists specialized in ANALysis a stable footing to figure shit out.
A QRD for those not in the know: >Two nights ago, user dug up link between Epstein and Dan Schneider. >Board started getting super-shilled. Almost impossible to keep Epstein dig threads up >Court releases Epstein documents >Shilling intensifies >I start testing ms paint bot-killer photos to see if I can get to the bottom of this bot phenomena >Start a duckroll thread to direct people to if they're in fact human. Thread outlines the current bot issue >start getting results. Find a bot, go to post my findings >duckroll thread is gone >you are here
BOT KILLER IMAGE STANDARDS >Text requesting a reaction or response that living meatbag will be able to handle. >Apply lines and other graphical distortion over the text to make it unrecognizable to basic bots.
RESULTS FORMATTING >>Thread post number >Summary of thread topic >>Bot-killer image post number >Details of conversation thread resulting from your post. Number of responders, oddities in responses, archive links if fishy
APPLICATION STANDARDS I've been going into popular threads (50+ posts) and engaging in the discussion while also posting images like pic related. It doesn't disrupt the discussion and if people don't want to engage that's fine. Bots can't make that distinction, which is the point. I have a few images loaded up depending on the situation, the last one I would post after getting two human responses was about the board being targeted by a sophisticated bot attack.
Okay, that's the basic gestalt. If you think someone's being an asshole consider it to just be a Jow Forums handshake and they're just testing your human emotions.
>Trigger Jow Forums with 1 image >no responses
>Mexicans are white thread >Verified bot with 16 posts, this is a good example of engagement >archive.is/HNEuQ
this reads like a fucking twitter conspiracy post about da russians
Sebastian Perez
Aiden Hughes
I try to make real threads OP, but if it isn't a bait post then I get a 3 day ban for being "off-topic". What the fuck is even on-topic anymore on Jow Forums?
This place is infected and the propaganda is it's bile. I don't believe most of the threads on here are real anymore, and people who are real that do post, end up getting baited by the slide/shill/bot threads.
Important discussion needs to be had, but it's all too obvious now that it shouldn't be had. Silencing dissent is bad for EVERYBODY.
I agree. I also think that there should be more Trucks in this thread.
Colton Gomez
>Trump selling plastic straws >I accidentally bumped this thread after 10 minutes of inactivity. Second such thread, the previous one being . No responses from either.
>Interracial thread >No responses
>Morale measurement thread >One response. Great haiku.
>Trump supporters are bad thread >No response
From what I've stumbled across thus far it seems like there's a two pronged attack going on: one effort is to spam threads, the other is to engage in retardation in some threads to boost those up past current happening threads in post count and apparent popularity. This makes the actual legit happening threads more challenging to maintain.
To combat this, engaging threads with images like pic related will enable the average shitposters to identify bots while redpilling other posters. As for more advanced methods of handling bots? I'm not sure yet. I've only been doing this for a few hours, I'm pretty sure opportunities will become available as we dig deeper into this threat.
The site is becoming unbearable. Which seems to be their goal. >why are whitoids like this >why are whitoids like this >why are whitoids like this >why are whitoids like this
Dominic Perry
Janitors, gookmoot and mods are obviously cooperating with israeli shills and other leftist propaganda organizations
Dominic Long
You're fighting a losing battle, no? This website is no longer ran by it's users but by government. The mods are decoys for the ones who actively spam, let this site burn io the ground so that a better one can take its place.
Joseph Edwards
They can spam agitprop and gaslight all they want it won't change anything.
I've been mainlining the Epstein happening for two days and got frustrated enough with the bots that I finally snapped and went down this rabbit hole. Did you look at the post history of 2hDso8qV in ? It's obviously a bot, and that's just of the ones that responded. Prior to my engagement it seemed like a retarded shitposter. You be the judge.
>This place is infected and the propaganda is it's bile. That could be a problem symptomatic of the heavy bot presence. I wonder how a more effective filter to conversations would improve this place, not just in the handling of happening threads but in general.
What kinda trucks are we talking? Big rigs, or your run of the mill truck?
Jack Hill
>be me >post only image with generic text in comment field >inside image is the actual post data >on surface of image I list the last 4 digits of post I am replying to Bot and nigger proof.
Ryder Baker
long time truck loving lurker
Grayson Watson
>This place is infected and the propaganda is it's bile. I don't believe most of the threads on here are real anymore, and people who are real that do post, end up getting baited by the slide/shill/bot threads. This is the truth of it. I pride myself for being able to recognize patterns very easily and I've been thinking the exact same for a long time. Just look at all the threads that start with a single question like "Why do white people do X?" or "Why are black men superior?".
Christian Long
It's only a losing battle if you make your win condition impossible. I doubt I can save Jow Forums, and it's debatable that Jow Forums is even worth saving, but right now is a prime opportunity to merge 8 and Jow Forums autism on a critical project with a clear deadline, the Epstein project.
Consider the current state of things: >Congress is shut down for the summer. >Questionable shootings just filled up the long weekend >Epstein data is being dropped like it's hot >We're awash in Autistic refugees, some still from Pleb it >We're being flooded with bot interference like I've never seen before. The closure of government means they will be limited in their response, the crowd of autists means we have our greatest talent pool available to us, the bot presence being as extreme as it is indicates maximum effort on their part. If we CAN break through this barrier, we'll be on new ground that we'd normally be stopped from getting to or not have the manpower to reach. My victory condition is simply to figure out how to get a crowd to out-think the bots together.
Jesus, you have more of those user?
Hunter Allen
Glad to know you see things my way.
Jonathan Gray
the first cold shower even the monkey seems to want a little coat of straw
Isaiah Flores
i've noticed a definite shift since 2016
Henry Reed
Yeah, most bots I have seen were yang shills and bernie shills. And don't forget the Trump shills. My goodness. I still don't get how all these fucking people can still participate in this Dems vs Reps crap. It's all just a farce.
You are crazy, there are no bots on Jow Forums. Also can we talk about ducks?
Samuel Young
I don't actually like trucks though, I think they're inefficient. More would be done with smaller delivery vans that have superior aerodynamics. That, or truck drivers should be replaced by automation. Here in the Netherlands, a lot of foreign freight passes through on its way to the Rotterdam harbor. Those retarded drivers are ALWAYS overtaking one another. Thing is: they have a maximum speed of about 93 km/h, while they normally drive at 90. Maximum speed here is actually 130, so everytime those drivers choose to overtake some other driver, they generate a long line of waiting cars. It closely resembles that bunny hop children's game, only then its infuriating and jams traffic.
Anthony Miller
Truck this thread
Anthony Peterson
Intersting perspective... who do you think has the nomination for the Dems in 2020
My favorite shill thread is the "WHEN I SAY RACISM YOU SAY SORRY", What's yours?
Anthony Turner
Big ass F950's with 8 wheels in the back on each axle. The shit you can drag a faggy 18 wheeler out of a ditch with. The kind of shit you never going to pay off the lease on even though you run hot shots at all waking hours when your not crunching the numbers on those hot shots and truck payments to figure out your not paying that shit off until the engine falls out and the wheels fall off. That kind of shit motherfucker.
Chase Baker
>Just look at all the threads that start with a single question like "Why do white people do X?" or "Why are black men superior?". We had the same problem before that sticky was put up. Literally the entire first page of Jow Forums was shit like that. And now its repeating
Jason Jackson
Were fucked what day is it tomorrow? When does it end ? Look at the planets 11th-13th No bully plz this is serious
Jason Brown
How can you tell have you ever seen a Type script so perfect that you have in .05th of a second. pre made dinner for hacker pre pormted action lay out box cappter oh well maybe admin won see back data
I think the only way to actually dodge the bots in a thread would be to have two separate conversations, one inside of the images that you post and the other one from what you type, either that or have threads where people only post images with text that the bots cant read like yours, but you would need a program to create the images fast enough that it doesn't take someone 5mins on ms paint to reply to someone The only issue with that is the mods being gay and shutting down the image threads or the possibility of bot users watching the threads the bots are posting in and having to manually slide the threads/thread.
This is just my person opinion though, best of luck OP!!!
Logan Barnes
>who do you think has the nomination for the Dems in 2020 Does it really matter? Whoever gets the nomination, will sooner or later start sucking jewish cock. The same with republicans. I mean, our "Republican" (imagine, a fucking republican is doing this) President is about to cuck and will soon initiate gun control.
Andrew White
Spotted the bot
Jackson Thompson
Jackson Ross
fuck niggers & jannies
Wyatt Taylor
What do people think about me honestly?
Nolan Diaz
Believe me leaf i know, this was in an epstein thread earlier. I responded to that truck thing Stobarts pass by here all the time
Well if anything user, I found that the other day: mobile.twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski He/she (trans) is antifa and look at the level of expertise: emilygorcenski.com/about/ Now I’m in no way saying that person is building active shitposting bots to spam Jow Forums but think about it: We are at a point in our history when you can use ML/Deep learning and whatnot to not only spam but potentially gather IP and any type of information. I totally see what you are describing and it’s so obvious. You should know that for the price of like 20$ you can become an actual member here and you won’t need to captcha anymore. All those trigger threads (black superiority, bbc, etc) are automated. Some user here, whether they are antifa, shareblue, idf or else also post manually and probably think they are fighting the good fight. If you ever wanted to counter that, you could (one of many ideas) code a filter that would identify those threads and filter them out completely. Then make that useful filter available to everyone. You would have to make sure it isn’t some dumb algorithms and potentially resort to some A.I
Even after single handedly making all the Epstein threads and discovering most of the connections???
Aaron Ward
joint effort you didn't do it alone i've been lurking and bumping since day 1
Christopher Carter
I'm undecided. I've heard the criticisms, but I figure chances are you're just a regular dumbass with a few loose screws that's excitable. That's the type of combination that would lead others to think you have ill intent because you don't know how to engage the vulnerability necessary to express true confidence. You've found really solid leads, you've pursued them in your own way, that's all you need to be, man. Most importantly, if that's who you are, that's a good thing to be. Evolution can come later after you've plateaued.
I will say this though, you said that you wouldn't be around because of work stuff and then I see you around all the time. Not complaining, but that's different from what I expected. Of course, it could just be that I'm out of touch with the days of the week again.
Adrian Perez
Shit, good find. Thanks, I'm keeping this.
Xavier Hall
It's either chatbots or the most boring and irrelevant people ever.
Jaxon Morales
i'm not taking away from the shit you found just don't take credit for ALL of it
All the posts I don't like are written by bots. Go back to pedochan.
Justin Morris
I fucking despise The shills and bots who should promptly kill themselves
Robert Lewis
F-150s or we talking Big rigs or Space Truckin even?
Nathaniel Jackson
If my mother fucked A noble Asian gentleman I'd be a hapa
Gavin Stewart
Good work baiting that bot btw. I did a similar thing in a thread yesterday with a bot with a leaf flag that would automatically reply based on your flag. When I went to a memeflag it stopped even giving me (You)s it was obvious
Try harder Schlomo Thread saved BTW, just a proof of how kikes are in full panic mode.
Carson Gomez
nice reddit spacing you toothpaste faggot;i notice you've posted no proof, besides attempting to deflect. by the way YOU CAN'T SAVE A THREAD YOU ABSOLUTE YIDDISH MONG.