American suicide

Why is suicide becoming normalized in the USA? It used to be a Christian country where this kind of thing was an unspeakable taboo. Now every time I go on social, I see Americans joking about suicide or complaining that the rate is at an all time high.

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Late stage capitalism dystopia where money has shit value and everything is too expensive. Yet our culture tells us it's normal to have a new house and car and new clothes in the latest fashion. Why wouldn't you want to die?

Boomer guilt and millennial nihilism. They went from the greatest country on Earth to clown world capital in a single generation.

Because money isn't that important.

How are you supposed to be happy when you can't afford to do anything? Literally paycheck to paycheck

>spiritual death
>late state meme
You people are worse than the "it's the jews" guys

> muh overpopulation
> muh morals


But it is the Jews and the poster you quoted was right. Get fucked kike.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

>money buys happiness

Oh look it's a post-Christian American.

The United States has had a separation of church and state since it's inception.

You're dumb as a sack of hammers. That's not what I meant at all. We're talking about faith at a cultural level here.

>I like not eating and being poor with no hobbies while the state of dating and relationships degrades

If you're working full time and starving it's time to admit that you live in a 3rd world country. Leave.

>Lives in Canada

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This is a serious thread. Fuck off with your flaggotry.

Literally broke aids niggas in uganda have familys and happy lives. Why can't you?

the spice must flow

Because everyone is used to a higher quality of life. Why don't you just move to Uganda

You haven't made an argument yet

How did he die?

It happened all the time. No-one spoke about it because it was an unspeakable taboo.

probably an overdose

Here's the fucin facts about american suicide right now. We set up the cluster fuck of a world economy we have today after winning WW2 and then raised a generation of assholes to run that world order these assholes drove shit into the ground. Now net next generation is coming up and they know things are fucked and decided it's easier to kill themselves than maintain the illusion of American control.

Fuck you. Suicide rates were lower in the US. This isn't a Petard Hichens thread where you bitch about how society "feels" worse.

The free exercise clause and the no establishment clause.
Religion says suicide is wrong/ a mortal sin.
That's natural law, or law men say God gave us.
Positive law, or legal positivism is, frankly, whatever man says it is. Some American states, Washington is one, I think, allow suicide.
Alchemy> chemistry
astrology> astronomy
religious philosophy> law

>tries to have serious talk in Jow Forums
That’s your first mistake

People have forgotten how to be happy without phones, material goods, and money. I pose a question- a dirty mangy ill fed dog is just as happy to see a person as a well groomed indoor dog. Why? It is because happiness is something we create. We have to choose to be happy.

>How are you supposed to be happy when you can't afford to do anything? Literally paycheck to paycheck
It's propaganda that makes you unhappy, not your economic situation. Your ancestors did fine in worse circumstances because they weren't devestated mentally by propaganda.

Why do Americans give a shit about their empire? Canada gets on just fine without one, with a better quality of life.

Again, reading comprehension fail. No one is discussing law in this thread except you.

Separation of church and state is so the state doesn't undermine religion, you daft bastid.

I'm glad it is. I'd rather see my parents end their own lives than some fucking bullshit disease or "failure" or some organ.

That's not what this thread is about. Why is everyone on Jow Forums so fucking stupid? This is not about legal, assisted suicide for terminally ill or old.

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I don't give a shit about the empire, it deserves to die for all I care. The world needs a cleansing that can only occur during times of great conflict and darkness. Fuck spics, niggers, jews, and degenerates.

RIP user hope Satan takes it easy for the first millennia of rape on your asshole.

I can fap to this.

>that's not what this thread is about
>Why is suicide becoming normalized in the USA

Because we know when you use the term "late stage capitalism" we know you're a marxist/leftist and are championing an economic model that has failed in every implementation and caused the violent death of hundreds of millions.

You're basically too stupid to get a seat at the table of discussion.

>economic model that has failed
Oh yeah.

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Because it's easy and there's a ripple effect.

No economic model is perfect, the require period of chaos to function in the long term and keep stagnation from taking hold.

You mean a domino effect? It's socially contagious is what you're saying? I guess we should build a wall then.

With that swollen stomach possible cancer?

Everything in western society is empty, the only thing we're supposed to really care about is work.
Get good exams passes for work, go to school for work, dont go to the pub so you can be healthy for work, eat well so you won't be fat for work.
The idea of life for fun has been dropped.

Speak for yourself Englishman.

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I don't believe in communism that's just something you feel like believing about me. You can critique capitalism without being a communist you red scare boomer.

I speak as I find.
In the 70s life here was much more relaxed , go to the pub at lunch break etc.

Now everyone is so serious.

People have just given up on life,
We cant explore uncharted lands
everything has been done.
being blamed for your race
Iv'e known people thats just couldnt handle life in the first person.
thats why i play in the third person only its more like a movie this way...

If you believed in communism you would live in North Korea or Venezuela.

>You can critique capitalism without being a communist you red scare boomer.

Viewing the world in Marxist terms makes you a Marxist.

Bear Jew OUT

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Believing Marxism makes you Marxist you retard. It would be cool if you could actually make a rebuttal instead of resorting to ad hominem

Americans just love shooting people so much they even do it to themselves.

Being a tranny/mentally deranged is being normalized.
Being a tranny and killing yourself at some point are part and parcel.
So if you want to fully normalize being a tranny, you have to normalize killing yourself as well.

When someone kills themselves and people hear about it, other people are more likely to kill themselves. Media has guidelines for reporting on suicides because of people imitating:

keep on coping you disgusting bitch. My ancestors prior to (((modern civilization))) would have been appalled and disgusted by the way "humans"(or rather, slaves) live today

But there aren't any guidelines on reporting on ""mass shootings" and ""white supremacists".

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He raised the superior arguement by saying if you work full time and are still broke your country is fucked. Rebuttal that faggots.

If you are working full time and have no money you have too much shit.
Wether it be payments or kids.
Or you live in a cuck town like California or New York.

>romanticizing poverty

To many rules to follow and social pressure to fall in line with the rest of the lemmings...then boom youve had enough hopelessness to fill a life time,,

Yup, and there's research that shows it's a similar effect too. All there is are some non-profits begging the media not to give long and thorough reporting of every mass shooting. The more shootings that happen the more the media covers it, and the more the media covers it irresponsibly the more imitations there are, and since news channels and sites run ads they make a profit from the spectacle.

Read a thread on full transition to tranny female the ones that had done it were all on the edge of suicide

The 1st & 2nd Amendments to your rag of a constitution are gifts that just keep giving.

>the constitution is the problem
Fuck off, leaf.

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be an hero

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Regulating speech and guns puts a mask on the problem, it doesn't solve it. A nation where everyone is free to bear arms with a people that has no desire to use them on each other is preferable to one where arms are controlled because the people can't be trusted.


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>why everyone so serious?

America won the Cold War and now we're all Free. How yah likin' it?

That chart is not a counterpoint. If you armed all of those countries proportionally to America, they would have much higher homicide rates, and the countries that already show to have higher homicide rates have a much lower amount of guns per capita.

Not giving up my flag or my gun's

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We're going to take both.

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Is normal to watch Look at his head videos while looking at your jpeg?

He looks so familiar

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