No racial identity

I'm a 22-year-old white Nordic male. All of my ancestry is from Norway and Sweden. I'm probably as "pure" as they come. But I don't really feel connected to my race. I don't know what racial idenity I should have; mainly Northern European, general European or just white. But whatever the case may be, I just don't feel that way. I identify simply as a male human. I'm attracted to women of all races; white, black, asian, doesn't matter.

Do you think this is okay or bad? Please explain why. And if it's bad, could you also give me a guide on how to feel connected to what I really am?

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Other urls found in this thread: Putnam Diversity.pdf

Buzzfeed or CNN?

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I hope you get stabbed by a nigger, faggot.

You can date and bang all the women in the world you please, but when it comes to marrying and starting a family, it is a personal OBLIGATION to marry and share DNA with a woman that is of your own kind, a Nordic woman, to create new life.

All my ancestors come from Germany and western Norway, being white really just means you are a harmonic higher frequency being, I was born in So Cal and now live elsewhere so believe me when I say this.

Why? If I were meant to procreate with a Nordic woman, then why is it possible for me to have children with women of other races? There is no biological or natural order that tells me to have children exclusively with Nordic women.

You're NORDIC, everyone but me gotta learn this.

>harmonic higher frequency being
What does that mean?

Join the IDF.

Fair enough. Whites who aren’t racially aware will die out as their genes are swallowed into the non-white hordes. Only racially aware whites will survive. Natural selection at its finest

My genes won't die out. It's moronic to think that if I were to for example marry and have children with an East Asian woman, that my offspring wouldn't be white. In that case they wouldn't be East Asian either. In biological reality though, they would be half-white and would further those white genes.

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should, just saying.

You're a Nord you probably got some vikings somewhere in there

You’re a nord dumb cunt. Being white is for mongrel colonialists. Spend time away from your family so you value them, then spend time with and get to know them properly. Meet all your second cousins and study your family tree.

My point was simply that you can't argue against race-mixing on a biological or natural basis.

I love my family. I see them as humans though, not as nords.

Your white genes would be diluted and your partner would give birth to a mongoloid that might have white genes, but will still have gook eyes, dark hair and no soul. I'm in Australia, trust me, i've seen my fair share of mixed babies and it's not cute. Mixed children feel even less tied to an ethnicity and grow to resent their parent's, look at Elliot Roger.

You live in one of the best countries in the world, amongst some of the most inventive, beautiful and resourceful people, get out there and get connected instead of wasting your time on here. Watch Scandi movies, read history, travel Scandinavia, see the lands your ancestors fought for, and meet and fall in love with someone who speaks your native language and shares your ideals.

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i don't really feel connected to my race too especially since i'm deeply nationalist (i love my motherland and french above everything else except christ and god) but i do understand why there's so much people who now feel they need to be communautarian because i feel the same everytime i go in a city and i see all arabs and blacks around.
I do understand too that against jewish and his mongrels of zog suckers ,we would have to be beyond all of that and start making a kind of "holy alliance" of every nationalities against them.
I also think that no ones should be appart from his continent : white in europe and north america,yellow in asia,arabs in north africa and middle east,blacks in sub-saharian countries ,latinos in central and south america. Usa is as a experimentation that show us that multiculturalism fail heavily because communautarism only tend to racial tensions while in countries with only one ethnic group it doesnt exist.

>Why? If I were meant to fuck women, then why is it possible for me to fuck men? There is no biological or natural order that tells me to fuck exclusively women.

Sure I can. People always associate themselves with those they are most similar with. Tribalism is a basic human instinct, which no matter what you say about "we're all one race" or we're all humans together", we will always see our difference before our similarities. This is why racial awareness increases with the level of racial diversity in a given area, and why minority groups are always much more defensive/protective about their identity than the majority group. You are fortunate to be raised in a safe, prosperous homogeneous society that does not put pressure on racial awareness because there is no need for one, therefore you have these naive beliefs that "we are all one" or whatever. This is a fundamentally flawed way of thinking.

Ta livet av dig.

Be proud of who you are, because you cannot change that. Scandinavia is a place of rich culture and history, and you're a part of that. All the world wants to be like Scandinavia, its admired all over the globe. Be proud of that, embrace it, love it, and you'll learn that you'll have a much more fulfilling life than living without any attachments.

This guy must live in a cave. I actually don't believe anything OP is saying because someone who is that pathetic would be Sweedish, not Norwegian. But I will suspend doubt and ask him to look around at the horrible things these other "humans" are doing to their host countries. The Muslim invaders want all of you DEAD OP. It's literally a major cornerstone of their religion. They hate all of us. There are so many other examples to go along with this. If you still feel that you are not part of the country you were born in, then remember - - traitors before enemies.

Go live in a asian/non white country, not as a rich tourist but as a commoner and see if you change your mind.

>Your white genes would be diluted and your partner would give birth to a mongoloid that might have white genes, but will still have gook eyes, dark hair and no soul.
No soul? C'mon. Either all people have souls or none of us do.

>I'm in Australia, trust me, i've seen my fair share of mixed babies and it's not cute.
That's subjective. I think there are beautiful people in all groups regardless of race.

>Mixed children feel even less tied to an ethnicity and grow to resent their parent's, look at Elliot Roger.
I'm not mixed and still don't feel tied to an ethnicity. I don't think that's a necessity at all though. You can appreciate and enjoy life regardless.

>You live in one of the best countries in the world, amongst some of the most inventive, beautiful and resourceful people,
I agree that I live in one of best countries in the world. I love Norway and its culture. But I also like other countries and cultures and I don't believe that a culture is tied to a race. There are a lot of examples of immigrants that integrate really well into our culture and actually even become more culturally Norwegian than a lot of Nordic people.

>get out there and get connected instead of wasting your time on here. Watch Scandi movies, read history, travel Scandinavia, see the lands your ancestors fought for, and meet and fall in love with someone who speaks your native language and shares your ideals.
I've already done everything you've suggested except for the last part. I don't really spend a lot of time on Jow Forums. I used to 3-4 years ago, but now I only visit once in a while.

you're probably brainwashed... or lying to yourself... or maybe it's because you are a nordicuck

On a Christian basis, isn't racism something that should be overcome? We'll all live together in Heaven.

First white people are around 10% of world population.
All over the world, white population is dwindling in white countries. If we become a minority in our own countries, I don't think other races will be as benevolent to our way of living as we have been to them.

Secondly mixed babies are very confused and don't have an identity or bloodline they feel connected to. They are more likely to develop mental illnesses and other genetic diseases.

You deliberately screwing over your offspring.

less than 10

I don't understand, why don't you support the preservation of existing sub-groups? We work tirelessly to ensure that endangered species survive and that they can thrive in their environment but for some reason we have different standards for us? Ethnic groups should be preserved and protected, they are what makes us who we are and makes the world more distinct.

Personality > apperance
It's very superficial to associate with people that just looks like you. As soon as you actually talk with people of other races it becomes very clear that you are more alike than not. I would rather have an Arab friend who is part of my subculture than a Nord who isn't. Also, the fact that people my age who come from Muslim families are considerably less conservative and religious than their parents is in direct contradiction to your argument.

You clearly don’t live in a big city, if you walk an hour in Oslo and see all the shitskins and how they behave you would grow recentment fast.
They have nothing in common with us and only bring us down. Yes society has been watered down and it’s harder to spot where our culture and identity lies than before. But omce you see and understand the invaders, it becomes really clear.

>Appeal to nature

The altruistic aspects of Christianity also has its roots in our genetics. Scandinavian countries were really quick to adopt Christianity because it resonated well with our way of living and it spread literacy around Scandinavia really quick.
Currently, the genetics selected for on a global scale are not altruism or our personalities. What has spread with globalism is increased birth rates in African and Arab countries where they select for hyper-aggressive, masculine features and low-trust societies. You think your common nigger with 85 IQ is going to be as altruistic as a white man?
Ultimately Christianity will decline with more muslims and niggers outbreeding us, so even from a Christian standpoint this should be avoided.
It's the opposite of superficial, it's biologically engineered whether you like it or not. Putnams study has clearly demonstrated that with increased diversity, societial trust decreases. Why do you think White Flight exists in the US?

It may be superficial, but that's how humans work. Appearances always make up our initial impressions of other humans. You can't change that, and that will always be apart of us. You have subconscious biases just as much as the rest of us do, no matter how hard you try and deny it.

You are also using anecdotal evidence as you're response. Most Muslim families have significant connections to their host cultures/countries if not by religion, despite appearing "westernized". It doesn't work.

Lmao it is like Northern Europeans have a special gene for lack of pride and self-hate. When someone posts something this retarded it is always someone with a Swedish, Finnish or Norwegian flair.

My situation is the opposite of yours.
I’m not pure, I’m a mutt which is only 85 percent European.
Knowing that I’m impure kills me inside, as purity is all I’ve ever wanted.

Secondly, if you want to see how second to third generation muslims act, you only need to look at France and the UK where they start to get radicalized by local imams and mosques that basically say that if they don't adopt Shariah they will get ostracized by their community.

This is definitely evidence to support the human psychological condition of tribalism. You can't argue otherwise based on the simple fact norwegian is separate and apart from swedish. Races matter and I can engage superficially with other races, but on a fundamental level, the race knows you best. you will learn this over time, you are still young.

Amazing how the Scandinavians can create such near-Utopian societies all on their own, with little assistance, no debt owed to anyone, yet all they can think of is how to hate themselves even more. They act like somehow the arabs and the africans had an equal part in creating their societies and that they are owed a spot in Scandinavia.

In heaven, there still exists nations, senpai.

You need to think youre mixing with people whos population is 7x larger than whole european countries combined. If everyone had this idea then 5m norweigans would be wiped really quick against 4b asians, 1.2b africans or 1.3b indians. They are worthless animals since theres so much of them. If you want to gift your genes (what they want rlly want from you) then go ahead but remember just like pure breed dogs are more precious than mixed so are humans, your mixed offspring will never be Norweigan

Nothing in your post contradicts the OP.

Islam is a religion, not a race. What does the rotten fruit of Islam have to do with my racial identity or lack thereof?

I actually was in Oslo yesterday visiting the University. Jeg gikk også rundt i sentrum og på Gronland. Det er degenererte folk der av alle etnisiteter. Hvorfor skal jeg foretrekke en hvit narkoman framfor en arabisk student?

>I'm probably as "pure" as they come. But I don't really feel connected to my race
well that comes first and foremost from you living in a area where your ethnicity goes without question and is dominant. There are no real ethnic competitors for you in your daily life, so there is no need to generate a racial identity, as opposed to americans, french or russians. A lot of estonians are the same way, and my father had a good first-hand experience of what that entails when he was conscripted into the soviet union: When sent behind the Ural mountains, the estonians all were "individualistst" there and all got their asses beaten one at a time by the churkas, meanwhile russians ganged up and if anyone attacked one of them for any reason, they all beat everyone else to shit.

You do not need an identity if you are in a safe area. You will need one once you are diversified.

>I identify simply as a male human.
Thats not how diversity identifies you. Being a "human" only works if everyone else drops their racial identity as well. Now try telling that same thing to an arab or a nigger.
>I'm attracted to women of all races; white, black, asian, doesn't matter.
>I'm a 22-year-old
You are a hormonal teenager, you are attracted even to 2d tits and animals.

Norway has oil and fish, Denmark has oil and Sweden profited post-ww2 because it avoided it. They didnt build anything on their own they were handed it. Rest of europe has no such advantages compared to them yet still many countries are on same tier and even higher than them. Its like kids who have rich parents are given cars, money etc without ever having to work.

This post is pure cope.

You only belong to the nation that completely accepts you as one of their own. It is quite difficult to get yourself adopted into a different nationality. Putnam Diversity.pdf

Here's the study I read when I was your age growing up.
Diversity lowers societal trust.
Not supported by this study however, it also increases crime which is both correlated and caused by less trust

Why is Norway and Sweden two different countries with two different cultures when we are the same race?

You haven't lived around non Europeans, that's why you don't value race.

You need to read up on some anthropology first instead of getting spoonfed this hard. The same race still has large diversity within it with different phenotypes and temperaments. This is true diversity and makes us more resistant to diseases etc.

The best case are us Icelanders (currently traveling), we fled from Harald's tyranny more than a thousand years ago, and the genetic stock of our ancestors had a predisposition for being against such acts and submitting to him like the others. Icelanders are also known for risk-taking which is well explained by the viking era of traversing through harsh seas.

In that sort of situation, I would take the side of my race out of pure pragmatism. There would be nothing genuine or real about it.

>pure pragmatism
you're starting to get it. Now bring that on a global macro level and you have become a race realist.

And how is that not genuine or real? It's the most real as it can get as it's a life of death situation. Collectivized entities will always abuse and destroy individualistic entities.

>I would take the side of my race out of pure pragmatism.
No you would not. You will see a fellow norweigian being beaten by a gang of 5 chechens, and you will just shuffle your feet and ignore it since it is not happening to you yet. And you will do it because every single one of your co-ethnics is a pragmatist just like you: If the gang is not attacking you, why bother.

And i say this description because that is exactly how estonians, who were in a ethnically homogenous area got preyed upon: Sure, we were smarter than the goatfuckers in that army, but there were always 5 of them for 1 of us, and never did the other 4 estonians in the room step up to fight. Because they all were pragmatists.

Ethnic solidarity is pragmatic, but for it to form it has to be larped as something deeper first. And then, after larp inspires some heroism, or finally demonstrates the pragmatism in real life, then it will be ingrained.

>Why are people of the same race not a giant hive mind
Are you being fucking serious right now?

It's natural therefore it's moral is a bad argument. We have all sorts of propensities. We have propensities towards violence, sure we have propensities towards tribalism but we also have counter balancing propensities like compassion or altruism. The human condition is about working out those propensities intellectually and encouraging those that make sense to our circumstance and discouraging those that don't.

>Do you think this is okay or bad?

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>The human condition is about working out those propensities intellectually and encouraging those that make sense to our circumstance and discouraging those that don't.
You are right in that regard. So lets talk about where exactly has multiculturalism and race mixing worked out better than ethnic and cultural solidarity?

lol, this thread is full of sad, pathetic, paranoid, uneducated pond scum. The human race would be VASTLY superior if we fucked into one race. You'd get the best of all genes. No idea why people think mixed is ugly. Did you idiots really not know that you're already mixed? No such thing as pure. Your ancestors were raped by mongolians and you were already mixed with god knows what else. I haven't seen people this retardedly brainwashed about the self-perceived superiority of their race since visiting South Korea. Did you know that they ALSO oppose racial mixing because they think that their Korean genes are A-1 that important? And so does Japan and BOTH nations think that they are pure but guess fucking what? They are a cluster fuck of Russian, Mongolian, Chinese, Indonesian and Polynesian blood. Not to mention how many times they fucked each other across history, and you don't think that your ancestors wanted to get their dicks wet with some of that exotic poontang from the silk road and north africa? Yeah. Fucking. Right.

Show your flag mutt/kike

as an American in Europe, i agree

Im Spanish. Ill tell you what happens to you. You are disconnected from your body and too much into your mind. Ask yourself what am i? Look at other races around and reflect hardly on that sentence. What am i? Why am i here? Now, in the present. There was someone with a certain proportion of a certain blood that has been carried on for millennia. Why? Cos someone fought for it. Why? Cos they loved the land and the people that surrounded them. Continue like this eventually everything will fall into place, you niggercuck.

people who are actually of a single race ironically tend to care about race less.
because they aren't insecure about it like a lot of self hating mutts are

You need to get out more...

>But I also like other countries and cultures and I don't believe that a culture is tied to a race.
Kek!! Well played user - you cracked me up. Great bait thread

I have no answer to your question, but I sympathize with you a lot. I was born in and lived my early childhood in Venezuela, where I stood our for having pale skin (most of my family has Iberian heritage). Then I moved to Canada, where I stood out for being a spic (I'm a Canadian citizen who lived there for almost two decades). Now I work in Spain, where I stand out for not having a Spanish lisp, as well as being more fluent in English than Spanish.

White, brown, yellow, I don't give a fuck. I don't strongly identify with any one group, I just see the stupidity in hypocrisy in all of them. My life would be a lot easier if I gave up my values and just identified with a single group or religion, but that would be lying to myself. I guess I'm just a child of the world?

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>I'm attracted to women of all races; white, black, asian, doesn't matter.

kill yourself

Just because you CAN own a gun doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

Your a cosmopolitan, you just stay in your urban hellscapes, drink your onions and go be infertile somewhere else.

You clearly don't understand genetics. Genes for fair features such as blonde hair, blue eyes and reddish white skin are recessive. Genes for black skin, black hair and brown eyes are dominant. So technically your child won't be half white half Asian. Your child will most likely be 80% Asian and 20% white. That's if you are lucky. and bleached a fair skinned east Asian woman or high cast Indian woman. Bleaching a black woman is the worst idea and won't do any good since black genes are super dominant and the child would look like any other African with less dark skin.

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What do you feel connected to culturally?

Biologically you are a male human

CULTURALLY you are something, your values, views, ethics, the form of goverment you expect, the lack of corruption you expect, the clean streets you expect, the peaceful and competent cops you expect, all of this is much unique that you colour or gender.
Culture count for a LOT, try to look at countries on the other side of the mediterranian, or the other side of Sweden and Finland, and look at how much different culture can be and what makes you different

>how to feel connected to what I really am?
What does your family tree look like m8?

Yeah? i guess you can tell the world to give a world passport. And you can be persona juridica of the world. Fuck, why not the universe? Be judge by universal law courts and have universal rights and duties. No tienes raices.

how do you explain Neymar's son then

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he looks like gosling.

>says this
>expects white women to stay loyal
Fedoras are so fucking retarded

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