Females are the main reason why racism exist in the west and is constanly growing

Women betraying the men from their race and race mixing causes interfighting between different races of men for their women. Women denying sex to a large ammount of male population causes celibate men to cope with radical ideologies, trying to fill the hole in their lives women caused. Women voting for leftist parties and promoting mass migration causes a large influx of foreign population with causes interfighting between them and the native population. There are much more examples to name. Women are to blame for the rise in racism in the west.

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This post got deleted in the old thread but still need to ask. Answer me this Americans. Do normie young white women in America legit and unironically hate white men like Jow Forums seems to suggest? Very hard to imagine desu But with everything I see here, it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns + spend all day talking about how much they hate you and you to die. Obviously that cannot but true but what’s actually going on irl? Do they hate you for real?

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Must be boring not being able to leave your house because someone's family wants you dead

>Those wogs

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Females are retarded and should be shamed in public.
For instance, I personally enjoy shaming any female that takes a selfie in public by yelling "YIKES!! Better put a good filter on that!" and walk away. It rocks to be a big guy at 6'4 Jow Forums and shame stupid thots.

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>post pictures if 13 yr old girls

maaaaaaaaaaaate.... i think we might've spotted a problem here. ur the mental age of a schoolkid.

Let them. speed it up even! I want to watch it all burn.

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maybe when they are teenagers and havent taken a step out of their childhood homes so 14-23 but every woman i work with loves white men. Once a woman has to fend for herself she no longer cares too much. Every man is a possible care taker and they know that.

Islam is the answer

Hopefully your opinion will change when you finish middle school.

They don't hate white men. But they think they're doing a cool counter culture by fucking black men to piss off their families and friends but in reality; they're just doing the same thing every white girl is doing. You see this is female of other races too. Once they grow older, white men don't date them anymore. Hence "Once you go black, we don't want you back"

Nothing disgusts me quite like these incel/mgtow fucks who think women should be held responsible for anything at all. Women are what they are now because men are not what they need to be.

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No it isn't, you can smack women to shut up without it.

Yeah, women ARE property, like bitches, it bites someone you are responsible. The problem is nowadays they are strays, so you need to forcibly put them in the kennel.

I don't like mgtow but seriously blaming men is so fucking cuck. Even Keanu Reeves don't dare to touch women in public. If a 25% Chink rich mutt don't stand a chance, what chance does the rest of the average men have? Blaming men is what feminist do anyways.

Start slapping your women then, because I'm just coming back from a trip to Kraków and all of your women looked like sluts. It was unbelievable. Even worse than French women, which is quite a feat.

>Women denying sex to a large ammount of male population causes celibate men to cope with radical ideologies, trying to fill the hole in their lives women caused.
what kind of fucked up mommy-worshiping faggot actually believes this kind of shit?


>flirts with one girl
>jailed forever
>woman fugs 12 y/o boy
>3 years at most

>Dude, they fuck black and brown guys on a daily basis and support your genocide but it's totally not the fault of muh aryan queenz
Kys cuck

Albanian's aren't white.


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i want you to stop going on the internet before you end up even more fucked up. nobody gets fucking arrested for flirting, you fucking retard.

lol no it exists because you're instinctively suspicious of everyone and everything that's too different from your usual surroundings

point out the part in his post where he said that

100% true. Women can have sex whenever they want. Men can’t unless it’s with other men. Women should be willing to spread their legs open more to save lives.

What about that Japanese fighter?

Are those girls British? They all look British, or at least not North American or Central/Eastern European.

>Believing incels on Jow Forums
The vast majority of white girls still date white guys. I live in a city that's only 40% white and it's even rare here to see interracial couples.

WHITE women are the cause of racism


This. The freaks on /pol can't handle the idea that they're so repulsive only a blind retard would find them attractive.

Instead of fighting the degenerate hookup culture, you suggest to make it even more degenerate.
Please kill yourself.

You sound like an incel but make a pretty valid point in the context of civilization. At the end of the day women are a resource much like water or gold. If you can't outcompete an external group for your own resource you will naturally feel pissed off and attempt to take it back. I'm pretty sure our elite knows this which is why they're pushing interracial so much, they want a strong response on a global level to trigger the next world war.

>tipping this hard

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I'm not going to compensate for your deficient IQ you fucking mongoloid. If you can't understand what the man is saying, there's nothing I can do to remedy your retardation. But since I know you're pretending, I'll kindly tell you to fucking kill yourself, cuck.

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Fuck off achmed

Isn’t it odd that they all want to fuck the same 20 percent of men and they’re ok with that? They would rather be one of Chad’s plates then be with not Chad. We call men cucks a lot, but that’s pretty fucking cucked.

No. White men are the most desired men in the country, if not the world.

Hook ups lead to relationships. Nothing leads to nothing.

So those tinder sluts actually are in relationships? Besides that why would a sane guy settle for a roastie?

>"yes, goyim. It is your women and not our brainwashing. Just play video games and never reproduce"
>t. Jew using divide and conquer tactics

Seems on Twitter all the girls say they dislike you

What’s it like being sheltered from color haired landwhales that even get the impression you’re flirting with them?

oh boy another one of these threads

glad this shit is in my catalog

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no, the top 20% of white men are.

Yes and no. White women are attracted to black guys because they're attracted to dangerous men. It's why serial killers get marriage proposals from a shit ton of women. They believe white men are safer, weaker, unable to protect them. This is the cock carousel phase. As they get older, they realize that having a financial provider is a much more immediate necessity than having a physical protector. This is when they start gravitating back towards white men. This is the I'm ready to settle down phase.

tl;dr They don't really hate white men, they're just too young to understand the real value of men.

Your question is ridiculous and there's no real way to answer it: the United States is massive, certain areas are conservative and others are liberal, young female democrat voters may statistically be more likely to be in interracial relationships, but not significantly; these women who say they hate white men are often involved with white men romantically. Overall, it's just a shit test, and I'd bet most any women want to be with a man like Chris Hemsworth, even if his political beliefs were the complete opposite of theirs; therefore, I wouldn't put too much stock into what women say online.

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>it's women and their prioritizing their feelings over logic in the decisions they makes, like what they vote for.
>it's jews, and their dominion over powerful institutions like media, and their instigations and pitting of groups against each other for their own tribal gain.
>it's the inherent conflict and friction when you put two different tribes in close proximity, and force them to compete for resources and influence in the way a territory is governed.

cant even fathom that your pussy faggotry is the problem huh?
im not "sheltered" from shit, retard. you dont HAVE to interact with those people to live a successful life in the real world.

The top 20% of white men in any given country has access to 90% of local females of any race

Fuck off browncell.

Do you have a fucking job in the corporate world? You do HAVE to interact with these people and effectively walk on eggshells shells when you do, because corporate stronk career wamen are exponentially worse than your average leftist shit, often times in “gate keeper” positions i.e. HR, but also in other departments like anyone else. Being intellectually dishonest otherwise

100% of "men" who quote statistics about dating all day long have access to 0% of women under 80 years old

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That's a good thing?

Why do Chav girls always have the same weirdly frog-like facial features?
>shitty diet?
>foetal alcohol syndrome?
>all of the above?

White men are not interested in white women, they scale among the lowest responses the last being nigger women, so why should anybody care for them?


>I though it was us

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As a chad I must admit i do not know what this thread is about

Any of you INCEL VERMIN care to elaborate?

Extremely based.

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Nothing to do with cheap labour then?

i have said that before and i will say it again
> use the "Modern life Relationship formula"
> You (any race) + $$$ + chad physical features = %90 win
>You (any race) + chad physical features = %80 win
>You (any race) + $$$ = %71 to %75 win
>You + your race = fuck off
see this for an example "fighting over Chad"

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I'd push your shit in, dog

>believes his own incel meme
If you kikes had any idea who we were you'd shit bricks

kek ok

Ultra redpilled Albaniapost

heh, fuck off incel

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>mfw 5’3”

I was cursed. I guess I should stick to the shadows and murder niggers in their sleep.

>Do normie young white women in America legit and unironically hate white men like Jow Forums seems to suggest?
No. Women of every background disproportionately prefer white men after men of their own race.

I meant politically and socially

>and walk away
You fucking pussy

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the middle girls in the middle pic look british

The picture is from Denmark actually

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(((incel))) ... surprised he/she/it didn't bring up meds

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>kikes BTFO

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There has to come a time in History when accountability is even a thing

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>They are what they are
Women pull the trigger in race-suicide

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