Females are the main reason why racism exist in the west and is constanly growing

Women betraying the men from their race and race mixing causes interfighting between different races of men for their women. Women denying sex to a large ammount of male population causes celibate men to cope with radical ideologies, trying to fill the hole in their lives women caused. Women voting for leftist parties and promoting mass migration causes a large influx of foreign population with causes interfighting between them and the native population. There are much more examples to name. Women are to blame for the rise in racism in the west.

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This post got deleted in the old thread but still need to ask. Answer me this Americans. Do normie young white women in America legit and unironically hate white men like Jow Forums seems to suggest? Very hard to imagine desu But with everything I see here, it seems like most white girls are fucking blacks and browns + spend all day talking about how much they hate you and you to die. Obviously that cannot but true but what’s actually going on irl? Do they hate you for real?

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Must be boring not being able to leave your house because someone's family wants you dead

>Those wogs

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Females are retarded and should be shamed in public.
For instance, I personally enjoy shaming any female that takes a selfie in public by yelling "YIKES!! Better put a good filter on that!" and walk away. It rocks to be a big guy at 6'4 Jow Forums and shame stupid thots.

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>post pictures if 13 yr old girls

maaaaaaaaaaaate.... i think we might've spotted a problem here. ur the mental age of a schoolkid.

Let them. speed it up even! I want to watch it all burn.

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maybe when they are teenagers and havent taken a step out of their childhood homes so 14-23 but every woman i work with loves white men. Once a woman has to fend for herself she no longer cares too much. Every man is a possible care taker and they know that.

Islam is the answer

Hopefully your opinion will change when you finish middle school.