What's stopping china's middle and lower class population from just banding together and storming the government?

what's stopping china's middle and lower class population from just banding together and storming the government?

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The answer is world of warcraft, OP.
World of Warcraft: Classic releases on August 27th.

Server landing options for Jow Forums:


Blizzard is going to be watching communications like a hawk and banning at the drop of a hat.
We can get away with more on an RP server when it comes to free speech.
I suggest GROBBULUS but will happily go WHITEMANE if everyone wants to land there instead.

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>What's stopping ants from overthrowing the queen?
>They're ants.

>falling for the warcraft jew


They're not programmed to think like that

They aren't aware of their power.

the fact that the army will literally start gunning them down. China does not fuck around with this shit. they gunned down a bunch of peaceful protestors who werent even violent at Tiananmen Square, imagine what they would do to people being even remotely violent?

>what's stopping china's middle and lower class population from just banding together and storming the government?

China doesn't give even a single iotum of shit about the survival of their citizenship.
They could not physically care any less than they already do if their people live or die- they have literal billions of them and the few people that live in their urban areas and whom are 'aware' enough to protest in the first place are a minority of a minority.

They could have a million protesters storming their base and just gun them down like fucking swine and the Communist Party wouldn't miss a wink of sleep the following night.

Who's stopping you kike who finances Hong Kong protests to take over banking? Ok then, more nigger spunk for your wife and you, bon apetit Christcuck.

They have had pretty good economic growth for the last decades. They'll tolerate their government as long as they can deliver good results like this.
If this were to change, China would get pretty interesting.



The answer to your question is bread and circuses. So long as people have entertainment and food nothing will change. It'll only get worse. Why these dudes go out and shoot up places is beyond me. Wanna actually change the future of the United States? Take away all our fancy toys that distract us from reality. Go after our power grid, don't shoot a bunch of retards in Walmart.

Firearms have been pretty well regulated to my understanding.
Not that it makes it impossible.

why would they do that?

Attached: china vs US income mobility.png (743x918, 166K)

That's asking a lot from an unarmed population. Not even Americans have the balls to revolt even though they could wipe out the cops in a day if they had the will to do so.

US, China, UK, Russia, Brazil, India, Canada,... should balkanize. They are too big, obnoxious and jewish right now.

>world inequality
>basing it on those who had incomes
The poorest in China still eat dirt in the rural villages. Of course the mobility looks better when being impoverished in the states is a luxury compared to being impoverished in China.

Like everywhere else - illusion of wealth thanks to debt and fiat money.

It’s a fascist nation, the people are brainwashed in an ethnocentric, authoritarian, capitalistic state.

And people in other countries are not brainwashed to believe in whatever their country's core values are?

They prefer their current government to (((democracy)))

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people are still too comfortable. you won't see anything like that until food and water becomes hard to come by.

are orcs the niggers of azeroth? and the horde a group of subhumans? well they literally are subhumans but you get what Im asking

Why would they want to do that tho? Chinese government literally reflects the will of their population, which might be hard pill to swallow for some amerimutts cause muh communism but it is what it is.

I would guess the same apathy and arrested virtual reality that allows Sweden to be managed by towel heads, the UK citizens not being allowed to own butter knives or have a cultural identity, and Americans to stand up for the first and second amendments and weed out political corruption.
As long as people aren't starving and they can escape misery, even for only bits at a time, they have no mind for the horrors of yesterday, today or tomorrow.

They need 2-10 years of starvation before that happens. Revolution is almost always ignited by starvation, even modern ones like Libya, Iraq and Syria

orcs are viking invaders

Why dont ppl just rush the shooter in mass shootings?

They are americans, unironically.
>Come from far-away lands, and get into instantaneous conflict with everything around.
>Used throughout the aeons as footsoldiers of demons
>Once "freed", larp as natives.
>entire "country" they form is just a multicultural hodgepodge of all refuse from around the world.
>few orks try to reconnect with their roots in their mothercountry, those are reviled by their more modern orcs for being evil.
Horde is as american as apple pie.



>Revolution is almost always ignited by CIA niggers
fixed that for you.

What stops white americans from storming DC and Hollywood thats the real question.

>what's stopping china's middle and lower class population from just banding together and storming the government?
What's stopping muslim women from just banding together and overthrowing men from power?

The fact that the men pay their bills

>Women couldn't pay the bills once men were overthrown
Vodka kills all brain cells eventually Igor. Go easy on it.



When you start from zero, that's not hard. Millions of "rural" uneducated chinks working literal slave-wages for 12 hour days 6 days a week, combined with massive government subsidies for exports, and laws that make it impossible for foreign companies to compete domestically. This will do wonders for your economy.

As for chinks tolerating this, they are literally brainwashed 24/7 with nationalist Orwell-tier propaganda, there is no free/dissenting media, and the culture is extremely materialistic.

Chinese quality is still junk though. I almost wish China would start shit so they can be BTFO already. The paperiest paper tiger that ever tigered.

A good example of how statistics doesn't mean shit without context.

The poorest chink is way poorer, dripping snot in a mud hut without even an idea of what running water or electricity or roads really are (and yes, still tens of millions Chinese live like that). Being able to trade that life for that of a factory drone is a financial improvement, but not very palatable to anyone here.

A lot of Chinese progress is also based on theft (of land, ideas/tech) and scamming, as well as intimidation and real threats of violence (from the state or connected """""Communist""""" party local bigwigs).

idk maybe not having a fuckin 2nd amendment and a metric fuck ton of gulags would be a reason


Not to nearly the same extent.

A policing apparatus that China might soon have a hard time paying.

They’re insect people and most of them just willingly obey the hive


They love their country and went through outsiders' divide & conquer already once for a whole century

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and apple pie is delicious

Simple: Unlike you, they're not animals. You will never understand. Deal with it.

I am not worried about chinks - they can literally stone to death policemen who abuse their position. I am worried about you though..


This. we have the largest gun ownership in the world with over 100 million people who own at lest one gun, and we don't do shit when the fed is shitting on our rights.

Oh right give up peaceful economic growth and rising prosperity so you can get gays and niggers in your country . Americans are cucks, watch any city council meeting to realize democracy is a meme, Atleast in China when people petition local officials changes occur.

China is basically NatSoc why would they want to turn on their government

It didnt work out well the last time they tried

Attached: Tiananmen-Square[1].jpg (968x681, 81K)

why ? because they need mass migration and tranny bathrooms so desperatly ?

It's not only on the communal level. There are many times more different political parties and interest groups represented in China's state council than you'll ever see in a US congress. The US congress self-identifies as "democratic" while 99-100% of the seats are held by the RepDem Party with an iron fist. The US regime literally runs on North Korean levels of "will of the people" and "no alternative".

The government is still delivering prosperity, Chinese style of course, but it's some prosperity nonetheless.

You Pajeets are living in an absolute shithole and you arent chimping out either.

>what's stopping china's middle and lower class population from just banding together and storming the government?

As soon as the population is unhappy and not being properly fed. They will lash out to the governing body. This happen every few hundred years in China. They are not at that breaking point just yet.

>in China when people petition local officials changes occur.

Nice try, Ching Dong.

Get a load of this wumao shill.

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