>The force is not strong at Disneyland this summer and employees are feeling the pinch.
>The new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Land made its debut to the public in May of 2019 at Southern California’s Disneyland and has become a bit of a disappointment to the theme park employees whose hours and paychecks have suffered due to lack of attendance.
Funny how it's the wagies that suffer, big business can fuck up as much as they want and at worst people lose jobs. Be big enough and you get free money from the government not to fail
Kayden Powell
the capitalcucks of Jow Forums will defend this.
also people are sick of starwars because of all the SJW shit injected into the movies.
Jose Cox
Disneyland employees deserve it, they all want to be actors and models rather than getting gainful employment. So they shack up with a corporation and this happens
I went on a weekday and the entire place was wall to wall fucking goobers. I don't know why they're trying to say it's failing (tax fraud?) but it's not.
Nicholas Roberts
America isn't like Bongistan, many young adults shack with corporations because education and healthcare are prohibitively expensive. >A full 40% of those surveyed between the ages of 18 and 34 reported having two or more chronic conditions. In addition, those under age 50 were among the most likely (43%) to postpone proper care for their conditions due to cost.
Asher Phillips
>Be billion dollar multinational corporation >Risk everything to commit the one crime Uncle Sam really cares about
Jace Taylor
Seems more like an excuse to force full-time workers into part time-positions.
Lincoln Bennett
>than getting gainful employment.
and what do fuck is that. That job is as legitimate as any other job people now do
Dylan Murphy
I went to disney only 3 weeks ago, went to 4 different parks and I had no idea there was a starwars one, it wasn't on any maps or advertisements I saw. I think disney fucked up, star wars is super popular and it's a new park, it should be super crowded.
Adam Wilson
Its in the Disneyland park
Evan Morgan
I make things out of metal. Please don't infer I'm just as useless as the english major on summer break playing dressup as Elsa.
Parker Gomez
4 parks sounds like Florida.
Star wars is in California.
It might be failing cause it's California.
The Florida parks bank off of hardcore tourists. People dripping 5-figures for the Disney hotel and a week at the parks.
In Cali it might all be daytrippers and cheapo nigs.
Jace Moore
Socialism creates a weak and parasitic populace. We have two generations of chavs that have never worked
Noah Wilson
Well, they wouldn't be as rich if they paid more taxes, now would they?
Bentley Robinson
how is this /pol related
Jackson Lee
Robert Smith
>how is news Jow Forums related
Hudson Sullivan
disney is THE enemy
Ryder Mitchell
Read the sticky.
John Ortiz
Hahahahahahaha >Let's make a star wars park >Let's spend $1B on it >Except let's make it only feature sequel trilogy garbage nobody knows or likes Oh noooo0000oooo!!!!!!
>And let's only include one "ride" They look like fools. Hahahahaha!!!
>Let's include a cantina >Not "the" Cantina. >Just "a" cantina. It will be different from the one in the movie. People will like different. Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
For a tradeworker youre pretty fucking clueless about other bluecollars.
Sebastian Collins
Deutsche Bank, Disney, HSB, Uber, JC Penny...
Jayden Baker
Jow Forums isnt Jow Forums tho
Ryan Johnson
I wonder how you manage to simultaneously think that while knowing that stealing 3 stalks of wheat would get one killed under Stalin, or that missing a workday was grounds for years-long prison terms.
Well, in reality those were just excuses to keep the country supplied with nigh-free convict labor, but I don't think you've dug that deep.
You know what really makes a country weak and lazy?
Aiden Bell
Jason Hill
Being a fag or trans is the chronic condition
Isaac Adams
>company loses money >cuts worker's pay, but not execs's >company makes a lot of money >execs get raise, workers get jack shit FUCK YEAH CAPITALISM
Cooper Torres
Josiah Phillips
So would you prefer that they still staff workers for full time and burn money for them to do nothing in dead hours?
No, because thats retarded. You shouldnt hate capitalism for this.
Brody Martinez
You got memed by labels. Communism is just more totalitarian trash like free market capitalism would be. Socialism is the road to Communism. They are gaming democracy until they don’t need it any more
Congrats on thinking sociopath leaders of any ideology care about your welfare
Ryder Anderson
And angry white males take the blame.
Anthony Smith
They should cut the pay of the execs who fucked up and not make the little guy pay you absolute bootlicker.
Grayson Diaz
Disney is a big part of the international clique.
Aiden Thomas
Even Trotsky had to admit that as much as he disliked and disdained Stalin, that Stalin couldn't have held onto power if it weren't for the rapid and surprising rise of the "new men" the eager young men who sought new bureaucratic positions in the new USSR. They in turn disdained and despised the old revolutionaries who had created the very conditions that allowed them to be prosperous and powerful bureaucrats in the USSR. Thus Stalin + bureaucrats were happy to wipe out the old guard as quickly as they possibly could with show trials etc.
The epicenter of judism and sjw movie making is flopping atm. Yes this is Jow Forums related, get the fuck out of here you JIDF cunt before your I stick a menorah up your wife's cunt.
Ryan Hill
Leave it to dumb fuck communists to make this a bad thing
Zachary Collins
I do not fucking care if uber is nwo if it wasn't for them I wouldn't of been able to make it to work for years.
>have a hugely popular franchise >include a respectively themed section in your hugely popular amusement park >people don't come in the expected number due to terrible management of some or all facets of that project It's not so hard, mutt
Landon White
Most likely. They already offer great educational opportunities to full timers (allegedly). It’s the holy grail to offer them on paper and keep people on a promise til they’ve burnt out and leave.
Oompa Loompa Security Gaurd >Disney doesnt understand why Faggotism doesnt sell with 65% of the customer base Biggots gibs moneys
Brayden Ramirez
>California Ah fair enough >People dripping 5-figures for the Disney hotel and a week at the parks. I spent about $8700US for 10 days, 2 adults, 2 kids, cheap hotel outside disney, coming from the UK. It's was great but super expensive.
Daniel Gutierrez
Is there be anything more embarrassing than getting arrested and dragged away by a cartoon?
Ryder Hernandez
>people don't come in the expected number due to terrible management of some or all facets of that project
Not managements fault people didnt come. Youre a fucking lunatic.
Justin James
and what do you have to show for it? what a fucking waste, you s()yb()y faggot
Yup. I road tripped with a roommate a few time to the area and stayed with his family. Personally met two different people working for Disney exclusively for the educational opportunities.
Bentley Bennett
>the capitalcucks of Jow Forums will defend this.
You’re right. We should give Disney a fucking bailout. GTFO of here with this shit. This is how capitalism works. You want to insulate yourself more from market fluctuations? Get a job doing something more complex than cosplaying all day and groping kids while their parents take pix.
Tyler Rivera
Probably because all this place is Walking around a movie set. So far the only ride I’ve heard of is the Millenium Falcon ride. The gift shop wares seem to be just expensive bullshit. One other thing that’s cool is that employees do walk around in costume and act like they are stormtroopers looking for rebels or rebels trying to recruit you. As someone that shies away from awkward social interaction I would be bothered by this.
Caleb Fisher
Asher Foster
That's what Disney gets for not making Star Wars as escapism for boys anymore, no other demographic will really buy their product. It's just too bad it's workers that pay the price instead of executives that can continue with pushing their agenda.
Leo Carter
>Funny how it's the wagies that suffer capitalism, love it or leave it.
Jose Ramirez
>execs get raise, workers get jack shit Kathleen Kennedy is lucky she has a job. The only reason why she still has it is because no one wants to fix her fuck up. The executive(s) that made the decisions on this park may have made 10 good decisions that raked in millions and kept hundreds of employees working. Let’s look at this another way. Should we fire one employee who fucked up once and cost the store the cost of one meal or one product (whatever the employer is) when they are responsible for MANY satisfied customers?
Jackson Gutierrez
How do you know the execs fucked up? How do you know if it is an exec fuck up they weren’t responsible for 10 other decisions that made millions and kept people employed?
Connor Kelly
> Have no real skills or education > Lose job that virtually anyone could do > Blame better educated and skilled employees
Reminder that wagies are the niggers of the employment pool. Instead of whitey, they blame corporate
Jaxon Jackson
Remember this next time you serve someone a filet o fish instead of 2 Big Macs and get shit canned over it. Don’t worry about all the times you kept people happy by slipping them extra ketchup packets.
>Blame better educated and skilled employees Kek, it is the fault of the highest paid individuals. They are meant to create entertainment but choose to push an agenda.
look how excited they were. >YOUR GONNA WORK AT THE STAR WARS PARK! >oh whoops, your hours and pay are cut.
Elijah Jackson
How many jaba's do they need in one place?
Wyatt Scott
>And let's only include one "ride" >They look like fools. Hahahahaha!!!
In a tepid defense of this, now that I think about it. Amusement parks do expand. They were probably in such a rush (like the movies) to get this up and running they opted to have the one ride and bank on the environment, experience and gift shop to rake in the money.
Benjamin Edwards
>>oh whoops, your hours and pay are cut. No problem. Trump economy is booming I’ll go find a big boy job with a future in stead of LARPing for the rest of my life.
Angel Sanders
If 40% of young people have 2 or more "chronic conditions" we'd be economically dead in the water. Source? There is no way that is true.
Disneyland work is like working at Taco Bell. It's a shortterm job for losers or young people. Like any amusement park job, its not steady work by any means. Shaking up with a corporation is a really hyperbolic way to say "working for minimum wage during the summer".
Grayson Hill
>giving money to companies to keep them afloat >capitalism You get to pick one
Andrew Reyes
Because the old fans of Star Wars have given up on it, and the man children who love it now don't want to go.
But its good to see that Disneyland has another fuck up like the California Adventure.
Nathaniel Long
criticising disney is politically incorrect
Lucas Phillips
It’s in Florida one too I think. They wer building it wen I was there last year
David Phillips
instead fire the janitor who did nothing wrong!
Ryan Scott
Maybe they really did believe people wanted their sjw bullshit. Looks like they were wrong.
Isaiah Harris
Reminder that it was big business, not "cultural marxism" that ruined Star Wars.
yes, the entire population should get high skilled labor and trade jobs over night! there's enough high skilled, white collar positions to go around for everyone! while competing with out sourcing, work visa holders, enormous debt from education and trade schools!
Cameron Russell
/thread/ (((just more jew tricks)))
Cooper Collins
Cooper Long
who's the girl in your pic, you little sneaky gypsy faggot.
Wyatt Jones
Parasitic on who, when they work in taken over means of production? Themselves?
Hunter Roberts
watch out there jew jew binks there's a dead obese nigger by your feet
Disneyland Paris is basically a big accounting trick. Disney doesn’t actually own it and the puppet French company that does runs at break even and has to pay Disney USA ridiculous sums for the intellectual property rights that there’s no tax on.
Even as a kid I hated that nig he looked like a stoned rastafarian
Isaiah White
Working at fast food restaurants used to be decade plus employment for most employees. Eventually they might move on to a different job, but it wasn’t employment that routinely got ditched, and which only employeed “young” people or teenagers. “Fast Food” and teenage employment really only became a thing after the baby boom, because there were a large number of teenagers, and far less of them at that point were working on farms.
I see a lot of boomers working the jobs teenagers used to get
Ayden Rogers
its all fine except the part where the govt doesnt let them fail. they should stop offering them corporate welfare and never bail them out. also tax them on revenue and just dont worry about all the other shit that way they cant hide it offshore
Isaiah King
Jow Forums doesn't men politics, you dumb cunt
Brandon White
He(?) is just a standard employee. He(?) likely isn't allowed to touch anyone, let alone break up a fight. He(?) is currently on the radio calling someone that IS allowed to touch people to come break up these land whales.
hahahaha what could have possibly gone wrong. it's almost as if people liked star wars when the characters were a bunch of white males, a white female, a token black, and a bunch of people in costumes. trying to force this only works if you don't require people to pay for it, i.e. if you're not selling a project. it's only acceptable in fanfiction. disney will go broke if they don't cut this shit out immediately. but it's already too late given the little mermaid. it's like they are shorting their own stock and trying to fail. that or they're insane arrogant retards
Yep, that's capitalism dumb dumb. Big companies can influence the government to do what they want. Always have done and always will. Only poor fags get the capitalism you want. Successful and important companies get their own version.
Blake Johnson
Opens at the end of this month in Florida.
Isaiah Phillips
That was a great time.
Anthony Scott
>and a week at the parks really? holy shit I can't even imagine. I've never been but it seems like it would be hell. can't imagine spending a week in that kind of place.