Bruh... this ain't normal

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Emu's caused this.

Isn't it Winter?

i dont understand these maths please explain


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Nigga this is legit cold.


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ha ha australia is gunna be the new antartica. suck it aussie cunts

I think the early June heatwave in France was a weather-weapon that manipulated weather patterns to move hot air to France and they fucked up the climate, now it's creating lots of ridiculously cool areas and btfoing them.

North pole losing ice rapidly.
South pole gaining ice rapidly.

Looks like destiny has laid out plans to roast the northerners and freeze the southerners.

I can live like this

good maybe snow or rain will fall in the desert and plants will grow

jej Give it 25 years Aus will be 100% snow nigger country.

You're a pussy.
It's either OMG ITS SO HOT or now this too cold bullshit, with you aussies. You guys are like euro ladyboys, always complaining about the weather. Who the fuck cares that you're cold?

We are like this in real life too

auzzie shitposter better be ready
maybe the poles really will flip before you do

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Umm.. maybe its because its either too hot or too cold?

It is normal now. Get used to it

Yeah this honestly pisses me off too. It's like we've forgotten how to harden the fuck up

No, the weather is currently very fine, so it's not either too hot or too cold.

how cold is it?

Heatwave for you bong
Fuckin arctic for us
9 deg where I am

Yes it is
Its fucking Winter

Texas is right
You are a pussy

I'd go outside to prove you wrong right now but I cant because its too cold.

You'd probably be in shorts and shit it's 0-2c at night and 20c and windy as fuck during the day.

Still got fucking roasted sunburnt today though, go figure...

It was 24c today, but it was windy. That's a nice day for August

Fucking /comfy/ right now. Fire is going, and drinking some beers in front of the telly. Fucking excellent night.

I read a while ago some convincing data that the angle of the earth has changed... solar minimum is occurring as well as global-warming/natural cyclical pattern.

just a bunch of buzzwords to say:
yeah.. weather is changing.

The climate is at this point undeniably changing rapidly.

Nice 32c today and gotta go to the river "beach" and get a boat and next week its 24 to 27c which is perfect

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What the fuck is wrong with you bogans? You guys freeze to death when it's 2°C

>unexpected weather
Wow, I guess we better do whatever kikes tell us then.

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>drinking some beers in front of the telly

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Actual Texas here.
Pretty fucking hot every day
Still spend most of my time out on my porch.
>imagine not being Texan
You fags are all pussies.

Fucking watching Madmen you nigger, sure the show is cucked in some points but despite trying to show off the inequality of the 50's-70's it actually just makes me want to go back even more.

I was just in a bad mood, OP is right to complain about the weather. Winter sucks balls. Like BIG FUCKING HAIRY BALLS.

Because it's fucking 30-45c every fucking day and night dumbcunt.

You do realise acclimatisation is a thing right?

If you mean yourselves as Americans, then I don't think you need any kind of abnormal phenomenon for you to do that.

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Are you using a proxy to be hilarious, or are you retarded?

>calling out JewSA on being an Israeli puppet state is "pretending to be hilarious and retarded"

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>iceland becomes nordic japan
>australia becomes southern iceland

Oh, so it’s just some really wierd type of amensiatic schizophrenia then?
Pretty dope; but don’t be surprised when most users ignore you.


Btfo kek

>Iceland =/= ice
>Greenland = ice
Fucking bro, ik American education blows but SERIOUSLY

I'm enjoying the weather. Just get a blanket and pirate some shows on the TV

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colour indicates deviation from mean - blue cold , red warm.

The fuck am I look at faggots

You are clearly retarded as I am speaking about climatology not ice you stupid fuck. Iceland only gets up to 70 as a high temp during the summertime, their growing season is short and the soil poor for growing as a result.

Southern Greenland has a climate similar to Iceland with small forests, it is also not icy like northern Greenland.

Don't worry I'll keep your women hot

It's usually only this cold in June, not August. We held the summer olympics in mid September.


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It isn't even below freezing yet you complain. You got too much abo in you and you deserve to die in the coming ice age.

I think the colours represent temperature, we've got a massive cold front on atm. Most places on the east coast being -4 degrees sounds about right

Australia is meant to be the new North Pole after the flip, I guess we are being prepared.

Bring on the ice age.

we are

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Im a Kiwi and I agree. Aussies are complaining about it being "cold" when its 15-20C in pants and jackets and im still in shorts and a t shirt. I saw a weather girl saying Sydney was "bitterly cold" at 16C,

Where im from in NZ it gets below 0 all winter.

Personally I fucking love this weather, though it could do with being a bit cooler.

But you have to understand the context of what these half-abo cunts have acclimatized to.

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-15*c is cold
diesel turns to slushie around that temp, just get a 3 bar heater you'll be fine

which would mean that you have minus 15 degrees i eastern australia svenpai

>MAd cNS
>Mad Cunse
>Mad Cunts
This nigga knows something

The east has a snowy blizzard going on, thats not impossible right now.

Colder than an Eskimo's pussy.

Literally go back to the donald

you go back

Right there with ya

seems we've come to a scottish/muslim stand-off fren

That's funny, that's the first time I've ever been called Scottish before

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Damn scots

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touché anglo

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Comfy. Enjoy your day la

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Dude you can ski in Australia. You're besides the bloody arctic, why is it strange that it gets cold in winter.

don't steal any dogs kid

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Is Australia under water? Wtf

you close to antarctica, what u expect- 40 degress in summer

and proof there is no climate cahnge

Queensland truly is the best Australian territory

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we are getting 170km winds, whats to fucking like about that?


cope faggot

almost like (((they))) ain't telling you everything so you'll keep working for (((them))) right up until the end.

Nope, the earths magnetic field is weakening, along with the suns. Its getting ready for a pole shift. Becausw of this weakening untill it shifts its going to cause some crazy weather.

where's you texas flag then hmm? fake and gay

now THAT'S texas!

10ft of snow when?
haven't seen anything like that since i was a lad

Based and winterpilled

Every new extreme is the new normal

>Lived in Japan for a year
>Would regularly go out in snowstorms in t-shirt + jeans
Most Australians are pussies with the cold. Queenslandfags are the worst though.

How are the abos dealing with the cold?

*laughs in Canadian*

that sounds cosy as fuck
moving to aus or kiwistan

I imagine the same way they deal with all problems, huff more gasoline

>summer average 35-45°C
>Autumn / Spring Average 25-35°C
>Winter Average 10-16°C
Span of 30°C difference between seasons you dumb Chilly eating nigger.

They live in mid-north Aus, usually it's still ~20-30°C up there anyways.

I don't speak to flora and fauna

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No, it's just because you're too gay.

Hiroshimoot took my texas flag away.

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Looks comfy

That's our summer temperatures over here

What is normal?
Why can't we accept that things always change?
Why do we so badly need to blame someone for this change?

My window is opened

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