Remember Michael Hastings?

Remember Michael Hastings?

Attached: michael hastings crash.jpg (1600x900, 398K)

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Need a QRD

journalist suicided because of killary

It was just an accident, goy. Cars routinely emit sparks and flames before the crash, after which it is perfectly normal for the engine to eject itself dozens of feet from the scene.

Some dude who said something like "I have information that will compromise high level people and I feel like my life is in danger". Like 24 hours layer he gets into this insane, sketchy car accident that like says looked like a fucking bomb went off in his engine or something

No tracks on the grass. No damage to trees. Love this sloppy fake bullshit.

Every time I get in my car with an electronic throttle, ABS, and stability control, I remember that this one merely has hydraulic power steering rather than electronic, and I still have a clutch.

>he owns an internet connected OBD-2+ car

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lawn and trees are fireproof in Masonic CIA Mossad world

Just thought it would be nice to remember him today, what with the Epstein shit going on. So, how long until they no longer give a fuck and just kill people in full daylight and admit to it and go "Go ahead, stop us."?


psyop. never really happened.

CIA hacked his car and 'accidented' it into a tree.

You guys and your fucking conspiracies... watch out, they are considered terrorist acts now

The MSM would have you believe that he just decided to get drunk one night and wrapped his car around a tree, don't mind the motor of his car being found yards away from the fucking crash.

sloppy job mossad.

Remember all these people?

Attached: clinto.jpg (2359x3686, 2.42M)

Remember Seth?

Attached: seth.jpg (700x410, 70K)

Thanks leaf now fuck off

Yes I do.

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>it is perfectly normal for the engine to eject itself dozens of feet from the scene.
yes, it is actually.......
they are actually designed that way by the engineers. Most cars in the event of a head-on collision the engine is designed to be pushed underneath the car instead of into the driver/front passenger feet wells. Depending on the severity of the accident it can break completely free of its restraints.

idc whether it was a conspiracy or not, just don't bring up stupid points like that, it makes you look like an idiot that doesn't know what they are talking about (because you are) and discredits your entire viewpoint

Attached: fc4611a5-subaru-wrx-crash-5.jpg (720x960, 129K)

my bad

Thanks for posting that. I love how you can Google each and everyone of those names and they didn't even bother hiding any of it.

I still this this has a connection also.

Attached: KP_Lawsuit_Murder.png (587x504, 214K)

Remember Jörg Haider?

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And then several weeks later the Vault 7 leaks revealed the CIA has the ability to remotely hack and take control of smart cars, like the one he owned. His neighbor reported that the night before he asked to use their car because he was afraid his had been tampered with, the neighbor refused and this is what happened when he drove his car to work the next day.

No, redpill me

Hastings was a rolling stone reporter that told his colleague he was about publish something big, but that he might get killed for it. That very not his car got car bombed. Police ruled a car accident and a suicide.

Terry A. Davis was shoved in front of a train after he became a memetic rallying point against the CIA. He tried to warn us.

Attached: Terry_A._Davis_in_1985.jpg (420x560, 87K)

I'm surprised it hung on to the exhaust but left the transmission in place. But yeah Subaru likes to claim particular bragging rights to how easy it is with the low-slung boxers to slide the engine under despite the prop shaft or otherwise fling it off those loosey goosey engine mounts.

I guess that explains the car spontaneously exploding.

You'd also need to explain a crash path that would send the engine in one direction ahead of the rest of the car coming to rest in a different direction. You don't see the engine torn out and sitting that far away from the side of the body in your typical roadside loss of control incident.

remember serena shim?

Attached: Shim courtesy.jpg (1400x788, 120K)

The car was hacked, the speed and steering were driven at high speeds and then the car was wrecked. There may have been explosives strapped as well, that is unclear. It is fairly likely he was terrified as nothing on the car worked, and he was passenger to someone else's game of chicken with a tree.

I do

What happened to Tom Hanks being a murderer?

It wouldn't even have necessarily been a game of chicken with a tree as if you're trying to get multiple jetliners to neatly hit some sky scrapers. Throw the car out of control in roughly the right direction and you might wind up with a lucky shot. And if he survives then now he has the fear put into him and you can certainly follow up with more as needed.

Remember when Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious?

Attached: EricHolderKilledMe.jpg (960x540, 40K)

Remember when Strozk was let back in to the FBI? Am I really expected to trust this plan?

so i was kind of high up in los angeles real estate, hastings was killed right by mario batali's Mozza block, where alot of other shady shit goes down