Can you schizos stop saying that Epstein was on suicide watch? Thanks ^_^
Can you schizos stop saying that Epstein was on suicide watch? Thanks ^_^
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how was he not on suicide watch?
He should have been
>Attempts suicide
>Not on suicide watch
They put fucking 19 year old Pvt’s under stricter supervision when they break down in basic training.
>not on suicide watch
Who the fuck is running these fucking jails?
>allegedly he almost committed suicide recently
>not on suicide watch
Makes sense, if that was attempt to murder him. Now (((they))) succeeded.
can you stop fucking calling everyone schizos when they call you out on your bullshit?
alternatively kys
That's an extreme breach of protocol and extremely unlikely after a failed suicide attempt.
No one is buying this crap.
it's a simple math equation
How much would you pay to kill someone who would ruin your life if you had billions of dollars, vs how much would he be able to pay to get away with it.
Contradictory reporting. Glowing media must know something.
>multiple people
No names I assume?
I legitimately want to choke you in the same way they choked Epstein.
The first bullets will be fired at you traitors, for you are worse than those who are corrupt in the open, for you shield them, you toss your morals and ethics aside in servitude to them.
I hope your children suffer the same fate as what that fucker did to countless other children.
fuck you, and fuck any shill here. I'm done.
>cameras broke
checks out with me
oh the shills will be dealt with in time
they stated that he tried to kill himself last week
He would automatically be on suicide watch.
Fuck the day of the rake, the pajeets in Canada should use you all as toilet paper.
The leaf, the original TP
I'm literally a white woman, you horny monkey.
send bobs open vagene
Find your own porn, incel.
Have a bump.
So am I, you're not that special you stupid bitch.
bitch lasagna send feet i love you
sure you are
Tits or GTFO
Here we go again with this fucking bait
Tits or GTFO
lets see how many newfags take the bait this time, leaf
The CIA run media will say whatever they want to cattle like us, and this will be forgotten in a month. If you had illusions that you were anything but a free range slave this should dispel it.
Epstein was never in jail. He was in HIS "jail"
The state, particularly the kind who stand to make money off of running them and controlling the people who come through without having their names associated with the dirty business.
When watching TV on the super complex and well funded American prison system, this type of shit happening seems to make it look as if its overvalued and overpaid.
We need war on our soil to disrupt the cycle. I've mostly written off the country as being something I'm going to leave for greener, less astroturfed for profit turf or something the aggressively 'progressive' will force to war with their 'progressions' being a PR-friendly word for 'aggressive cultural attrition war' begins to become grating to a broader and broader audience that is being asked to abstract their ideals further and further.
can you leafs stop blowing across my lawn with your useless "points" and " observations"... Thanks! [: 0]
Been trying to tell retards this all day. They must have watched Tim pool and assume he knows what he’s talking about.
>automatically be on suicide watch
Yes, until a subsequent interview with a mental health professional where he managed to convince that person he was no longer a suicide risk. In the lexicon, a suicide watch is a "one-to-one", meaning a facility employee has to sit and watch the dude non-stop. It's a huge disruption to operations and means that other work is being neglected. A new evaluation of risk will be done at least daily to try and mainstream that patient again.
t. mental hygiene specialist who has done thousands of one-to-ones in prisons, jails and other mental health treatment facilities and seen dozens of them make second, third, fourth, fifth or even fifteenth suicide attempts after manipulating staff
I'm wasting my time as most of you are full-on schizophrenics who should be on about a liter of Thorazine a day, but something like this is not that unusual. A rich guy who's spent most of his life on the Upper East Side knows he's not gonna survive a life sentence without becoming sexually enslaved. He also knows he's going to be stripped of his wealth in the coming civil suits. He has no good options and suicide is probably the best among them.
The most fucked-up one I ever saw was a judge who had this great rep for adopting all these troubled kids who came through his courtroom. Turns out he raped more than a few of them. He was placed in the segregated wing and behaved normally, even insisting on his innocence, meeting regularly with his lawyer in anticipation of his trial. The lawyer was apparently bringing him Trazodone as we didn't prescribe him any and once he had about 15,000mg he OD'd on it, turning himself into a vegetable. Now that lawyer and the judge's victims are battling in court whether he should be kept on life support.
Oh, and the local schizos went and salted the comments section of the local paper and its Facebook page with the same absurdities you people are.
Also no.
Again, wrong; please consult my comments for further info.
the fact that they didnt have this important suspect on suicide watch after his earlier attempted suicide only proves that something extremely fishy was going on... like lee harvey oswald being killed by jack ruby levels of fishy.
that why there is bipartisan support for looking into this obvious conspiracy.
I am sure Epstein is still alive, if they find him, and can prove that the announcement of his death was ULTRA FAKE NEWS
then we can dismantle the democrat stronghold NYC under the Trump republican coalition
they probably took him to a military base or to teeterboro airport, check all bridges and tunnels for broken cameras and you have your travel path, check all flights against flghtlogs and you will find unregistered flights, find destinations of those flights and turn the hoover on, they'll have this guy breathing and back in custody tonight
>he was last seen pronounced dead and transported away in an ambulance
You're an idiot.
TheyPull a FRANK PENTANGLERY....easy
That just makes it all the more fishy.
Fucking die jew faggot
As if the jew york prison couldnt call in one extra guard to sit and play tiddlywinks with a high profile billionaire sex trafficking jew
Fuck you deserve the rope
Nobody cares u feel so special abput your gay jew job that you use its existence and experience to rationalixe such a massive coverup clusterfuck kike operated attack on a court case that qould have revealed so much
He went to the grave knowing so much we could have gotten out of him in exchange for better prison conditions
All this thing did was radicalize us non jews more
Your day is coming
nobody cares. this fuck up is way to huge for anything - even truth or logic - to manage to put the genie back in the bottle. but you already know this because you're an "expert" in human behavior.
This. Worked in a jail for 8 years.
Here's a fun game — search the site for the phrase "take your meds, schizo" and see what YOU find out!
He was murdered you faggot. You will not slide this mossad
Hes a jew indoctrinated faggot, these fucks always think their own gay ass job gives them he tight to be contrarian to common sense just to signal to use they are in the "industry"
All his post did was make it easier for you to rationalize pulling the trigger when you come up to him in the early days of dotr and he begs for mercy
This was a FRANK PENTANGELI family and the islands would be taken care no harm
nice pilpul rabbi
Is it true that some white collar jails are just a step below summer camp?
While a part of what you said is true and lends you credibility, you leverage what you gain in order to gaslight who he hung around, who he was fucking, who he took advantage of, who his friends are, who paid him mass amounts of money and who has a long line of sketchy suicides targetted at key witnesses that stand to make people lose money and power should they be allowed to have their court date.
He was a major liability and dead men don't talk.
nigga what?
i've never heard an actual mental health worker call people 'schizo' before, but i guess its not out of turn for a rat kike such as yourself.
sloppy job now changing the story to cover their sloppiness.
This proves your ridiculous conspiracy theories wrong. It's pretty obvious all he wanted was to avoid a shameful trial.
The knowledge that none of you will ever reproduce fills me with joy.
they are, if you have the shekels.
>Instead, Wurtzel,who also had been convicted of sexual battery in a previous case, found a better option: For $100 a night, he was permitted by the court to avoid county jail entirely. He did his time in Seal Beach’s small city jail, with amenities that included flat-screen TVs, a computer room and new beds. He served six months, at a cost of $18,250, according to jail records.
wall of text, do they pay you by the words?
if he was NOT then it's even more scandalous and suspicious
Enjoy being eaten by your cats weirdo.
He was returned from suicide watch just for a minute.
Nice pilpul kike. The world knows now. You've redpilled millions.
Happy Tisha B'Av.
>He should have been
Only true if they really wanted to prevent his suicide.
Lol imagine being this poor
nigger you cut off half the ear in the pic that is suppose to compare them
are you actually a retard?
Jow Forums on suicide watch BTFO
>prove me wrong
Pro tip: you can't
>glowing this hard
>ears are actually bones
>they cannot be deformed by neck braces
Okay, retard.