Tisha B'Av is today. KEK...Coincidence???

Tisha B'Av (תשעה באב) is a major fast day and day of mourning. A Midrashic tradition states that the spies' negative report concerning the Land of Israel was delivered on Tisha B'Av. Consequently, the day became auspicious for negative events in Jewish history. Most notably, both the First Temple, originally built by King Solomon, and the Second Temple of Roman times were destroyed on Tisha B'Av.[60] Other calamities throughout Jewish history are said to have taken place on Tisha B'Av, including King Edward I's edict compelling the Jews to leave England (1290) and the Jewish expulsion from Spain in 1492.

Tisha B'Av is a major fast. It is a 25-hour fast, running from sundown to nightfall. As on Yom Kippur, not only are eating and drinking prohibited, but also bathing, anointing, marital relations and the wearing of leather shoes. Work is not prohibited, as on biblical holidays, but is discouraged. In the evening, the Book of Lamentations is read in the synagogue, while in the morning lengthy kinot, poems of elegy, are recited. From evening until noon mourning rituals resembling those of shiva are observed, including sitting on low stools or the floor; after noon those restrictions are somewhat lightened, in keeping with the tradition that Messiah will be born on Tisha B'Av.[64]

Biblical timing, since today with Epstein daying under such suspicious circumstances, there's normie eye's everywhere right now, red pilling themselves on our memes...Does Jow Forums have any special advice for this day???


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rolling for destruction of pissrael


Fuck rolling. This shit is going down anyways, Red pills are being dropped fucking everywhere today. lol...Its pretty bad ass, the revolution is here anons!

Dont mean to sound like a retard, but how many event days are there in the Jewish calendar?

e.g. 40
365 / 40 = 9 and a bit

So every ten days there is a thing. What I'm getting at is it might just be a coincidence?

Epstein was their sacrifice to Moloch for blowing their cover.

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Jow Forums, this is our day. This is the day we redpill shitloads of normies with our memes. The battle of the end times have begun. We need to redpill the masses before the third temple is built. We should all help in upvoting in normie spaces like r/conspiracy. I know we hate reddit, but it's all in our favour. Make some good posts based on our shit, spread them for upvotes, see normies & boomers become angry.

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Just an aside.
Epstein was shown going into the hospital bagged with a respirator and not dead.
The hospital wouldnt have the authority to remove him from breathing if it was keeping him alive.

He wasnt dead going into the hospital

Let em rebuild their temple and sacrifice their red bull.
God hates semites

Kikes have their worst day on their Jewish calander and millions upon millions are redpilled about the pedo cabal elite.

There is a god, and he hates kikes.

>Epstein was their sacrifice to Moloch for blowing their cover.
Good catch.
Also, the Pagan feast of Lughnasadh is on August 1st, and coincides this year by the new moon, which also signifies the first of the month in a Hebrew Calendar. Lughnasadh is traditionally the mid point of summer, and it is a harvest festival. In Celtic paganism, it is the beginning of autumn.


Israel will be destroyed by Iran and all the Levantine countries including Iraq in co-ordinance with the US military when they declare a nofly zone over occupied Palestine.
This. I can't wait to give Palestine my tourism bucks.

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From your lips to God’s ears user

Nope. Now everyone will forget about Epstein. He's out of the picture and there will not be a high profile trial. It will be forever forgotten-- maybe even made illegal to talk about in the future.

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that shit will never happen.
Israel is too important for US interests.

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>there is a Jewish holiday that Jow Forums celebrates with a feast of pork and merriments

Israel will never be destroyed.

Rolling get fucked (((israeli))) faggots get overrun and trampled on you fucking yid fucks

Not really. There is nothing that can be achieved with Jewish alliances that can't be achieved with Levantine Arabs who aren't under siege, occupation or sanctions. Well maybe debauchery, infiltration, usurping are things the Jewish alliance excels in.

Just imagine if the US were the biggest and most vocal ally of Palestine in the west after the destruction of ZOG, it would lead to an incredible increase in relations and trust over time. Israel doesn't have much to offer that is solely specific for our benefit especially when the negatives outweigh the positives.

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How's the fast going, moshe?

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Jews still haven’t gotten the memo that their religion is obsolete now and they should just accept Jesus as the messiah.

>Israel is too important for US interests.
Yes fellow Americans, we must protect America from the threat of Hezbollah tanks and missiles.

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Amen. Jesus Christ is lord.

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Yep...This is what ive been doing all day. Red pill the reddit fags!!!

>There is a god, and he hates kikes.

Tish A Bav is per numerology related to 9/11, being the 9th day in the 11th month. (pic related)
Associated with the destruction of the 2 temples and other great misfortunes happening on that day

Also it was the 33rd day after he was charged that he suicided. 33 being a number masons like to use.
It were for example 33 years from start of the building to the destruction of the 2 towers at 9/11, also the same year they started 911 as emergency hotline

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Happy Tisha B'Av everyone!

Press P to piss on temple ruins

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It's true though

Worth noting these dates anons

Nothing ever usually happens on Jewish holidays though

Odin, thor, and freya are better

Nope, not today

>Israel doesn't have much to offer that is solely specific for our benefit especially when the negatives outweigh the positives.
It provides a regional support base for US actions in the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. It is strategically important for America in a way Levantine Arabs and turks will never be.

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HaShem loves everybody.

And He's just getting started.