"Your next target is Jeffrey Epstein, a famous American financier and convicted sex offender...

"Your next target is Jeffrey Epstein, a famous American financier and convicted sex offender, best known for his alleged sex trafficking of minors. He's currently being held in a secure Manhattan cell under a constant supervision. Good luck, 47."

Attached: agent 47.jpg (642x477, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Achievement unlocked “Arkancide”

Fucking sloppy job 47. Everyone knows it was a hit.

These hitman threads are funny af

our (((similarities))) are irrelevant

Achievement unlocked "Piano man"

Did he mix poison into one of his scoops?

Attached: Rich.jpg (728x547, 55K)

Russian rocket blast spews nuclear radioactive material into the atmosphere but you don't get to talk about it because the Putinbots on Jow Forums are forcing all these fucking Epstein threads


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gotta confuse the goyim right babe

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I'm not a Putinbot though, I despise that bald manlet. Yeah, something's up with that radioactive level in Severodvinsk, gotta buy some iodine

Attached: qt.jpg (1200x675, 66K)

Based and ICApilled

>Mother base
Sloppy meme

best meme by far


Man I love those old Hitman soundtracks. They are Jesper Kyd's best work imho.


Snake wouldn't murder someone like Epstein if you want to go full autistic semantics about it retard. It's called a joke.

Can't prove it yet

Attached: 45.jpg (768x1016, 50K)

Objectives updated

Attached: deus_ex_eu.jpg (960x540, 60K)

Lol that's pretty good

I don't know, maybe he would?


Target down. Good work, 47.
Now had toward the exit- we're done here.

Attached: jeffreyepstein21.jpg (1200x800, 240K)

Bald master race checking in, fuck all Baldlets

Attached: 1517747061217.png (800x728, 687K)

Snake would probably get redpilled along thee way to how fucked up the government is like what happened in MGS 1 and 3. Epstein would probably end up being some cyborg ninja that 1 v 1s him in hand to hand combat on top of the Whitehouse.

Attached: 1565460158773.jpg (1079x1044, 487K)

hes not

Daily Reminder: Big Boss would btfo of Agent 47.

Attached: bb.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

Yeah, they're great, Kyd is great in every game he composes for. St. Petersburg ones are some of my favorite.

The boss would

Could just be the lighting.

At best he would be sold by the Colonel some bullshit Trump/Clinton fed him and on his way to Epstein he would fight a series of progressively wackier bad guys that slowly open his eyes to how what he is doing is bad. Eventually at the end Ocelot would end up killing Epstein.


Attached: QONVIyz.gif (331x197, 1.91M)

Oh yeah could you explain what a semantical argument is?

Big Boss wouldn't even know where the fuck 47 is. Dude was genetically created to be nearly untraceable. he has no fingerprints, no hair, and his DNA is actually the DNA of several powerful crime lords.

Big Boss is a soldier, not a CIA glownigger spy. His skillset is battlefield infiltration, not social espionage

The boss was a patriot that just cared about the country so yea probably.

the light never made my nose and removed rinkels

That's bloating from being choked

Look at his fucked up goblin jew ear, chap, it's him.

Attached: 1565457704417.jpg (1242x798, 144K)

Imagine being this stupid.
Fucking zoomer faggots need to gtfo Jow Forums for good. Go play on reddit and facebook queer, you dont know shit about the legendary Big Boss, Agent 47 is like baby play for him.

Big Boss literally fought invisible things he would be fine. Him or Snake could take either on. Snake literally beat Sam Fischer and he is tougher then Agent 47.

Skip to 12:40


That's clearly the same dude. Why are german so fucking retarded all the time? Get this "dey smuggled him out' faggotry out of here.

The kikes and Clintons had him killed so he couldn't spill the beans.

I love me Snake and Big Boss both, but 47 would take them both in a stealth fight.

It looks like the light is outlining a curvature in the nose. Could also have an affect on his ear making the bump look like it's detached when it isn't.

>Ocelot would end up killing Epstein.
Babou did nothing wrong!

Attached: babou.jpg (324x205, 16K)

>MGS tard using fucking Death Battle of all thing to claim Big Boss could kill the Chad 47

lmao, imagine being this gay.

Be guard


Both Snake and 47 are genetically-engineered perfect professionals. It's a tough bet.

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Based slav with the fair assessment.

>Using Death Battle of all fucking things
Lmao. 47 has this in the bag. Then man is a master of stealth and disguise, can turn virtually anything into a lethal weapon, and can hurl suitcases with pin point accuracy across as 50 meter room.

The image is reversed, the other side with different lighting looks like him.

>You have 500 stalwarts to cover you online after you complete your mission

Snake is a genetically engineered clone, to be like Big Boss, a highly skilled man. 47 was created to be better then a peak human.

Son of Sam #2?

>Snake is a genetically engineered clone, to be like Big Boss, a highly skilled man
Snake had some improvements over BB who believed in Santa though, such as 180 IQ and stuff.


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you dont believe in Santa?

>the weak should fear the strong

Attached: snake47.jpg (815x447, 66K)

>Snake had some improvements over BB who believed in Santa though
Are you trying to tell me Santa doesn't exist?

There is only one man I know who could have pulled off a job like this..

Attached: golgo13.jpg (254x356, 34K)

Faggot Snake is better

Where the fuck did I say anything about those 2 faggots?
Showing your low-IQ again, that Death Battle was Solid Snake, Big Bosses clone/son.
If you werent a zoomer faggot who listens to nigger music you might know the deep and powerful lore of the MG universe and why the two are different.
47 would lose to Solid Snake, let alone his father Big Boss.
Agent 47 is good at using disguise to infiltrate, Snake/Boss are good at using skill and high level military/CIA training to infiltrate, not to mention hand to hand combat is 11/10 going to be won by Snake/Boss.

Attached: bigboss4.jpg (736x713, 116K)

Mission Completed

Boss beat the deadliest sniper in all of sniper history who could turn invisible at will I'm sure this bald autist would be no issue

Based BossBro.

Speaking of which, he got the Silent Assassin rank and unlocked the "Pizzagoy" achievement


You don't understand MGS lore? You poor thing. MGSV is behind MGS1

>Martial Artist: Trained extensively and thoroughly in armed and unarmed combat and in the use of improvised weapons, such as explosives, sniper rifles, automatic weapons and bladed weapons, Agent 47 is fully adept at surveying his environment and using it to his advantage. Highlighted in Hitman: Enemy Within and Hitman: Absolution, 47 is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. From a young age, Agent 47 was trained with his fellow clones to master kickboxing. Agent 47 was an above average fighter, losing only to clone number 6. In Hitman: Blood Money, he can disarm trained and armed soldiers with ease, as well as render people unconscious with minimal effort. In Hitman: Absolution, he is skilled enough to engage several armed enemies unarmed and survives. He also shows his skill in martial arts and his inhuman physical strength when he is able to beat a genetically altered giant Sanchez in a one on one fight.

Yeah, I think he'll beat Snake/Boss in hand to hand.

Uh, the Mother base was never Colonel's or SS's hideout, it was actually infiltrated by the latter to kill Big Boss before MGS1.

>implying Agent 47 and Boss would fight
>implying boss wouldn't talk him over to his side
>implying both wouldn't work together to over throw the Jews

Sam Fisher is the sack-less g-man you have to worry about. Snake could explain to him in detail how the KIKES control him and he would tell him to shut up and he doesn't care that his only objective is to defend Israel at all costs.

47 is motivated by financial gain. If you pay him his dues then you can have anyone of your choice wiped out from the planet.

>muh deus ex bald autist martial arts page from a game guide from 2001
Nobody cares faggot, both Snake and Big Boss have literal superhuman+++ tier feats.
Hmu when Agent Faggy7 can defeat a 150ft nuclear armed mech in hand to hand combat.

It's not a nuclear armed mech, but he does storm through the Asylum filled with identical clones of himself, slaughter them all and leave without leaving a trace of himself.

Real talk Gabe Logan from Syphon Filter would murder both Snake and 41 simulation and it wouldn't be a fair fight.

Attached: GabrielLoganSF1.png (180x240, 78K)

Well shit, anyone can beat 41.

you mean that 100 year old guy lying in his own shit for days or weeks without moving?

He does move during the fight if you find his location though

Can't you beat that guy by turning the game off and advancing the console clock forward?

Yea it pokes fun at his age. In theory anyone can beat anyone if you wait out their age and you are younger than them

couldn't possibly be hard to find his location reeking of piss and shit.

here's a (you) even though I agree with you.

That's just a rendering
Here is a photo of the suspect

Attached: the suspect.jpg (363x882, 83K)

*puts on gloves*


God I've always wanted to fuck the absolute shit out of Diana

It's a pleasure shitposting with you, Jow Forums.

Attached: 1562528130177.jpg (600x338, 106K)

Me too senpai, shame the old VA left, I've lost that comfy feeling of connection she maintained throughout all the games

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>his DNA is actually the DNA of several powerful crime lords

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When I had a Myspace that was my page theme. And every element was Hitman™ related

that's shitler right there. Or wait, I meant shitman.

funny because he's still salive

man I would fuck the shit out of sniper wolf

Kek haven't seen this one

Is Hitman even known in Asia?