Mars by 2030 confirmed
This is so gay.
Based Musk
>Snake oil salesman endorsed by another snake oil salesman
Right here:
Yang will not win. You will not get your NEET bux.
Screencap this
Everyone is. Who isn't a snake oil salesman?
What's up with the pink vaporwave hats? They aren't Yang's official campaign merch
>Screencap this
>I respect Yang
>Socialists-lite from the bhutanese glacial fishing forum cheer
>I meant Yin and Yang
same silicon valley satanic cirlce, not surprised they get their money from the same place
OP is a faggot
SSDI already gives NEET bux for agoraphobia.
He probably won't but he is at the very least shifting the overton window to talk about automation. Robot apocalypse is coming, and we gotta do something about it. Literally no one else is talking about it
>Elon Musk
>British Deep State Shill
Now it's time to destroy Elon Musk. Rally up Conservatives, we already have the dirt on the Musk. He's an anti-American British Globalist. He also hates the Christian Russia. His scam is fully backed by the Democratic Party. That is why he's based in California. Elon Musk is a Chinese / British money launder that sucks "tax payer" funds out of Governments for huge "tech projects" that the Democratic Mafia and it's thugs get filthy rich off of. Musk is anti-Putin and anti-Russian. Musk is a Bolshevik Communist by way of the "London" branch. Guess what guys? if you get billions and billions of dollars... you can "hire" all the geniuses in the world you need to make whatever the fuck you want. This is how the scam works. The Democrats understand this. They use this method to prop up figures like "Elon Musk" in order to socially engineer societies to their will. What the fuck does this guy know about American Politics? He was born in South Africa and abused by his own father. Musk has mocked Queen Catherine of Russia who helped America in 1776 win independence. None of these snakes like Musk, and his California Democrat Mafia give a shit about America, or, it's history.
It's time to go to war against the last few Democrats hold up their cult. They are fully exposed now. Full attack.
BASED. I'm gonna buy a hot meal when I get that first $1000 check.
WTF i'm literally on the Yang Gang train. But are there enough cute anime girls with Yang hats? I need to dump all of my old MIGA ones that I collected during 2016.
basically this. when will retards learn that capitalism is for goys and is archaic with no future in technology.
Why would you endorse an irrelevant candidate?
Have a template of the hats?
The oil sale snakesman
Who here Yang/Williamson 2020?
Post some hat transparencies then?
Best I've got, sorry. I'll keep posting Yang pics though
woops forgot to post pic
good maybe he can foot the bill for 1k a month for all of us then
Is fucking no one going to check those H i t l e r d u b s? This place hasn't gone downhill so much as it has gone off a fucking cliff.
yang, a democrat candidate endorsed by Jow Forums? that's weird
Hopefully there will be a Yang generally instead of the Trump one to get the election 2.0 high again. With hats and templates ofcourse.
Yang is not endorsed by Jow Forums nor do his supporters want him to be
daily reminder that racists & former migatards (all of you) will not get a single cent
2016 was a mistake.
No American Flag.
Eh, I'd say Jow Forums for the most part hates him because there was an extended raid from a Yang discord spamming his stuff. However outside Jow Forums Yang attracts lots of libertarian/conservatives to his platform. Oddly enough lots of WNs also like him. He isn't a WN by any means but he has been openly against identity politics and has addressed problems that affect white america, like the opiod crisis, so I think a lot of WNs are more open to him than other dems
Excuse me? My flag is American as fuck.
Not really, Jow Forums is still pretty much Trump still.
His JRE visit however, completely convinced me. He has been talking with these guys on the web including Harris, Shapiro, h3h3, Rubin, and other's I'm probably missing.
Im an Amerifat living in germany
like I said in a previous post, theres a Jow Forums backlash due to a discord raid several months ago, but theres still a decent amount of legit Yang supporters here and ocassionally I do see Yang generals
>Yang will never go on Joe Rogan
>Yang will never qualify for the first debate
>Yang will never qualify for the second debate
>Yang will never qualify for the third debate
>Yang will never be endorsed by Elon Musk
You are here
>Yang won't win the democratic nomination
>Yang won't win the general election
>Yang won't secure the bag
>Yang won't nuke Israel
Puerto Ricans are still US citizens you dumbfuck.
You are a liar. I don't give a fuck what you say.
You didn't complain when I memed for Trumpstein faggot
Andrew Yang is a Jew.
Musk gave missile and rocket technology to Israel.
He's not based. He's zogged.
Yeah, something that really impresses me about Yang is that he is very willing to talk to both sides of the aisle. Lefties and Righties like him because he isn't an idealogue, he just wants to focus on solving the problem. It really showed a lot about who he was when he was the ONLY candidate not to attack another on the debate stage.
This is Elons way of getting back at Donald Turd for acting like a cunt towards him, based Elon
Excuse me we are the 51st state
I love Yang because I love humanity
No matter how much you shill the dumpling face he wont even be nominated
They are not
You may have a statement by the government and some modicum of privilege but you epics are not citizens. Your not even fully human! No true red blooded American of European descent views you as anything other than an illegal Mexican.
lol ok.
Truly the greatest crossover
Cringe beyond all measures, this is some fucking faggot middle school level of memes.
Yang is basically following the playbook the British did against the Chinese empires.
>legalize drugs that make you degenerate
>gibs that destroy industry
>disarm the population
>promise modernization (sure, in Britain v China that was somewhat true)
Not really hard to recognize, if you ask me.
One thing about Yang I don't like. Didn't he talk mad shit about white people specifically over the past 3 months? Especially during the NZ event I think. Or did I remember it wrong? I think he said something about white profiling etc.
Exactly. I don't think any of the dems also went on Shapiro's show, that must have taken guts.
I wonder when he will start interjecting the candidates on the debates. People know him because of UBI, but he still has some real good policies in his hand that he still hasn't shown.
Birds of a feather. Who cares? Nobody wants a technocrat nowadays.
Is ubi even possible
Wouldnt something like UBI have to pass through congress
poor yang, he's going to get cucked out of nomination, even if he does become popular. every poll has biden in the front or some bullshit like that. i doubt yang will be able to change that.
Of course, but still very much citizens. We can't vote on your election for starters.
where is my free Tesla?
I'm pretty sure even Yang realizes that he won't win, just like Tulsi and 16 other candidates. They aren't running to win, they're running to further their political carers and getting their ideas/views out into the mainstream.
In 2012 no one took universal healthcare seriously in the US.
In 2016 Bernie brought it to the forefront and probably could've even won with it.
Now every democratic candidate is in favour, not just Bernie, and even some republican voters are turning around to the idea according to polling.
It's the same with Yangs universal income idea. It's not about getting it passed tomorrow, it's about shifting the public perception on the concept.
"both sides" talking to democrat lite Jew isnt mind blowing he just knows how to manipulate little college fembois like you.
Now grow the fuck up lift some weights and support a real leader not a chink trying to sedate you.
holy shit can today get any better?
I’m with Yang 2024, 2028, 2032 and 2036
he said white people will shoot up asian churches, something along that lines and then hours later the new zealand shooter happened.
Musk has truly earned his memelord status. Nobody in his line of work, running the type of company he is running, is going to endorse a Marxist chink and PRC spy unless he's going for an epic troll attempt.
Fucking NEETs
Shapiro is Yang Gang
Nah, the only thing he has said remotely close to that was at the CNN town hall that he was especially concerned about the young white male demographic because they are being driven to be more isolated and radicalized. Which he is 100% right about, as evidence every day on this board. The good thing is, he doesn't shame them like every other shitty Dem but actually looks into why so many young white men feel isolated and left behind and wants to change the system to prevent it
UBI is never going to happen this little stupid idea you got is going to be destroyed when debated and you realize its financially impossible and will weaken our people.
suffering creates strength you discord shill
You're not an American and you don't give a fuck about American history. If you think you won't be challenged and destroyed mother fucker, you are only fooling yourself.
Dirt on Yang is overflowing.... and dirt on Elon Musk was already collected years ago. This is your little "push" after hiding in the shadows trying to "create a hype" inside our circles. You think you are way smarter than you are. You didn't build shit, faggot. Anyone will billions can hire "the smarts". All you do is build a fagy "cult followers" of retards to suck your dick. It's all marketing. 100% fake as fuck.
When the target is acquired, you will go down. You are NOW the target. Before, you were only "watched". Now you're are the TARGET. See the difference? You can be a faggy little douche all you want. A "target" gets smashed with YEARS of bad press and attacks. It's game times faggot. When WE go after a target, we always win. You always laugh in your delusion.... but we always win in the end. Every single time. Look at Nike, Look at Netflix, Look at Amazon, Look at Gillette, Look at the Democrat Establishment.
You're fucking done, faggot. This is total war for life.
you're embarrassing yourself
Of course the jew is with (((Yang Gang))) its another way to sedate and fuck over the American people
Yang is a crypto-kike he is dropping every policy he can to take our guns, make us lazy, and export American labor
We can vote on primaries though, and that's what really matters. Don't forget to vote for Yang.
biden will have a stroke
I don't really support UBI, maybe if someone figures out a better form for it, but until then no.
I'm just explaining that most people, even supports, fully realize Yang isn't going to win the presidency.
Yang dropped this
shut the fuck up kushner shill
What... in the fuck are you rambling on about..? Take your meds bro.
Can you flebbit shills please go back already these cringe level posts are frustrating.
They still vote, like illegals and dead people
God bless democracy
So he's anti white. Good to know. Fuck you, musk, Fuck you real good, nigger loving mother fucking piece of retarded shit
Was this post copied from reddit or something holy shit the structure reeks of it.