NBC "News": Jeffrey Epstein was not currently on suicide watch when he was found in his cell this morning.
He was, however, housed in his own cell without other inmates.
NBC "News": Jeffrey Epstein was not currently on suicide watch when he was found in his cell this morning.
He was, however, housed in his own cell without other inmates.
Steinbergcohenowitz also reporting
Oh wow off suicide watch that completely assuages my suspicions.
Why are you faggots flailing about suicide watch when he wasn't on suicide watch?
That raises even more alarms, especially after an attempt already made.
Why does any of this matter? Why does it even matter whether he was murdered or he killed himself? We all know the reason for both of those things would have been the same.
they removed the suicide watch on epstein to allow for the murder...normally you dont go back to general population that quickly after you made an attempt on your life
doctor would have to clear him normal and safe...any medical reports from the prison doctor clearing epstein return to general population
not wasted and based
It reminds me of the shawshank redemption scene where they frame an inmate escape in order to kill him.
Why do "news" outlets keep dignifying him as a "disgraced financier" instead of describing him as a pedophile with elite connections?
koch brother and soro had always control the news headlines
(((they))) couldnt possibly be lying right
Fucking bullshit. How obviously and often can they murder people before someone does something? Is literally every FBI, CIA, DHS and other agent of rank a traitor? The entire US army, all the agencies all over the world, all complacent traitors. Fuck this.
He could've "committed suicide" to live on a beach somewhere for ratting people out, but it's a lot more likely that he just got whacked like literally everyone else who was set to testify against elites like the Clintons and similar.
its probably more polite than saying mossad nigger
Our government could be lying to us sure
pic related
Wow, crazy conspiracy theorists BTFO.
>hurr durr they would have stopped him.
Well not if he wasn't on suicide watch duh. So everyone now knows how it happened okay?
He's dead! Aren't you glad he is dead and we can move on with our lives???!
Suicide watch on suicide watch
Supposedly hanged himself
I only noticed it's making Jow Forums look more retarded than usual when they're flailing about suicide watch when we wasn't on suicide watch.
No you fucking tool. It is not about his death, nobody gives a fuck about him. It is about the information he had, that is now long gone.
He wouldn't have killed himself if he had anyone to rat on, would he, sweetheart?
>prisoner tries to commit suicide
>not put on suicide watch
OK. Sure.
This entire motherfucking website on suicide watch whether if that "obv killed by some government agency" motherfucker was in a suicide watch or nah.
Well, he was a good guy. But the pedophile stuff of course.
I can picture u just by that sentence. Fuck off to twitter
I want these people and their families dead