Who taught you to be ashamed of your body?

Who taught you to be ashamed of your body?

Who benefits from placing you in a constant state of shame?

What are they trying to sell you?

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Flasher AMA

surpress sexuality to make you controlable with said sexuality

I'm fat. It doesn't bother me that much, it's honestly better than being a twink. But I would much rather be ripped and jacked.

I appreciate the shame. It motivates me whenever I feel like I'm getting a little of that skinny-fat flab to start going running again. It's you're mind telling you you're slipping, fix it.

Non political slide thread

Get necklaced.

since the time of Adam and Eve man has cover their nakedness

Fuck off milkbag

nudism is a 19th century invention
being naked feels weird
people have always worn clothes even hunter gatherers

good argument, nigger


Being fat but since I got Jow Forums I walk around my house and the locker room/sauna naked

>being ashamed of your body =/= advertising your body like a whore

Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such a good size and all.

Attached: CIH4l-yUEAA1A6o.jpg (915x628, 51K)

>Get necklaced.

Grew up in a house with floor-to-ceiling mirrored closet doors in every room and hallway. Got used to seeing myself a lot. Never really had a problem undressing around other people in changerooms or showers.
Now I sleep naked and usually walk around my apartment naked if I'm not planning on going out.

Not a practising nudist or anything, just comfortable both clothed and unclothed.

If your vagina smells like a combination of old gym sock and a can of sardines then there's reason for shame. Scrub it, bitches.

If my body looked like that, id be less ashamed.

daddy gave you good advice


Nice and perky. Would tongue punch her shitpipe

Link to the Epstein case documents