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>Epstein name drops you
>You have him taken out
>Begin tweeting about his "suicide" to energize what's left of your base

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it's just 5D chess to flush out the conspiracy tards in his base.

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>they all turn out true like a year later.

absolute kvetching

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Today the media puppets along with their pedophile owners are exposed.

>Marco Rubio
Isn't little robot Marco a "literally who" by now?

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when do his birther investigators get back from hawaii?

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A conspiracy is an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. A conspiricy theory is just a person who theorizes that a conspiricy did exist. Epstein was part of a pedo network and because those are wrongful and illegal acts it is by definition a conspiracy.

Epstein's death in prison awaiting trial was an illegal act. To make it a conspiracy you only need someone else involved.

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>Epstein name drops you
>Trump is the only one exonerated in the 2000 pages

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Put me in the salt thread cause this shit is stupid on Trump's part. Completely unserious. Not 4D chess. He hasn't accomplished what he campaigned on.

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ya so they can report non-stop that trump is a white supremacist racist responsible for peoples deaths in mass shootings, and thats not dangerous, but trump retweeting someone is completely off limits?
fuck these people

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this shit again.
believe all whores!!

toppest lel

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Left-Wing Dems: *spend all day spreading conspiracies about Trump and Epstein*

Trump: "RTs conspiracies about Clinton and Epstein*

Left Wing Dems: "First of all, how DARE you, Drumpf"

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Also Russia hacked the election and Trump buys prostitutes to pee on them. But those right wing conspiracy theories are dangerous!

>no, not that I can remember
I mean, it's just laughable at this point but I understand this is what you do. Pilpul works, and most of nu/pol/ won't understand what you rats do but in time they will begin to realize both sides of the fence are compromised.

Based Donald

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lmbo they are terrified of people even considering the "conspiracy theory"

They found pictures and voice clips of her in the island, not the same shit.

>oliver darcy
Hey there, oliver.
Remember that time you posted cp on cripplechan to write a story about how there's cp on cripplechan?

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even dumbasses on twitter are waking up.

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Why does no one ever post the original tweet
Like I'm supposed to trust the media about what's in a tweet

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>He hasn't accomplished what he campaigned on.

>1987 – 2019
"The whole idea of the Clintons having people killed in order to cover up the mafia-like crimes they and their associates committed is laughably ludicrous."
>early 2019
"Despite Epstein's arrest, the whole idea that there's this cabal of wealthy pedophiles who maintain positions of authority and influence in government, banking, finance, NGOs, media and academia, who arrange to have people killed, is laughably ludicrous."
>late 2019
"The whole idea that this Epstein guy, whose list of close associates includes government, banking, finance, NGOs, media and academic figures, would get assassinated for some reason is laughably ludicrous."

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>Listen to the TV and they'll explain to you just how dangerous this truly is

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This isn't a thriller movie, this is real life.

It would be extremely unlikely for a murder to be successfully framed as a suicide without anyone figuring it out.

Then again, this is the same board that peddled the debunked, ridiculous "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory.

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> the media should not report what the leader of the free world says but instead what we want you to think about what he said

What the fuck is wrong with the media and what is their endgame

>Then again, this is the same board that peddled the debunked, ridiculous "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory.
>generic anime girl.jpg
sloppy job mossad

Hello shareblue

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>debunked, ridiculous "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory.
Hi, Shareblue.


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I agree fellow leaf, this is the death of stateliness.

I was hoping for a thread like this.

As if Trump had no authority to make sure Epstein was protected under suicide watch.

kek underrated

> mid 2020
The whole idea that there are any other elite pedophiles other than the 28 who have already been arrested is absolutely ludicrous, as is the idea that any further murders of investigators will take place

Oh fuck yea, that is fucking gold.

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Anything these assholes don't endorse is a "conspiracy theory"

IF they have all the information they need (ie blackmail tapes, others in circle flipped) then using him as bait knowing someone will assasinate him was possibly a good move.

The mass redpilling is on a scale not seen since 2016

they are running out of terms to describe their shock


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It wasn't Israel goys, it was the Clintons
don't look behind the curtain goy

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Trump is playing 4D underwater solitaire with the media again, and those faggots keep taking the bait, it's been 4 years now, how do they keep falling for the same tactics all the time ?

>It would be extremely unlikely for a murder to be successfully framed as a suicide
Not if you own the coroner, you retard

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Red meat for the base. Means nothing. Haven't you learned yet?

I don't think that the word means what they think it means

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joke: the Dreyfus affair
woke: the Epstein affair

Why is everyone blaming the Clintons when there was a much larger fish to fry?

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>Trump: clinton is pedo
>The left: no u

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I'm here for the keks.

Who said anything about "Bill"?

By reporting Trump giving 'oxygen' to (((conspiracy theories))), they do realise they're giving oxygen to the same (((conspiracy theories))) themselves, right? This is a glorious self-own.

Most of the left leaning meme pages are posting clinton killed epstien memes

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Kvetching always seems to be on the rise these days

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those "crazy conspiracy theorists" at it again, huh?

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The entire Russia fiasco was a baseless conspiracy theory. Didn’t stop these fucking faggots in the media from going on about it all day. Holy shit, it’s like pic attached was tweeted in full anticipation of the MSM kvetching over the Terrence Williams RTs

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since when was a conspiracy inherently incapable of being true? are these people literally retarded? oh, wait, he's in on this conspiracy.

What a faggot

King Nigger was born in Kenya. I'm a leaf and even I know that you fucking retard.

They pushed Richard Spenser on CNN after talks of white supremacy came back. This is the only oxygen source they have is pushing Trump does something


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I'm impressed with how the left sticks together sometimes. Many are talking about Russia. The delusion is real.

>On the one hand, [as a (((journalist))) you] don't want to give oxygen to these conspiracy theories
Yes, we know. That's why a large number of us would be happy for (((journlists))) to be denied oxygen


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yes, that's true fellow Jow Forums oldfag, we all hate Trump and his buddy Putin!

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>people in 2013 thought House of Cards was great and thought corrupt shit probably happens in DC and powerful people get away with it
>people in 2014 thought True Detective was great and thought there were probably pedo rings in the real world and politicians were involved
>2019 and these same people think a person, who is connected with high profile politicians, is in jail for sex trafficking thinks no one would want him dead for any obvious reasons
the absolute state of liberals trying to convince themselves it was a suicide.

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